Explore the intriguing story of Jonathan Meyer, a retired sperm donor who fathered up to a thousand children. This Netflix documentary reveals the backlash and ethical dilemmas surrounding his decisions and the global implications of his actions. Can he still be seen as a free spirit? #SpermDonor #JonathanMeyer #NetflixDocumentary #FamilyEthics #GenePool #Controversy #FreeSpirit #ParenthoodDebate #DocumentaryReview #Bioethics #SickSadSociety
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00:00Welcome back to another episode of success society stuff. You won't remember
00:05Next week as always. We're here to bring you the most outrageous bizarre and downright what the Kentucky fried funk
00:13stories from around the globe so coming up on today's episode
00:17We're off to Rome where the locals are losing their minds over
00:21zombie tourists
00:22We'll delve into the chilling account of a woman who woke up to her boyfriend
00:27snacking on her thigh
00:29Yeah, stick around as we also discuss a prolific sperm donor
00:35who's fathered over a thousand kids a
00:38Dating expert who thinks the hooking up abroad is the key to better sex a creepy Barbie doll shrine found in the woods
00:46And as if that wasn't enough the bizarre phenomenon of hot rodent
00:53Boyfriends, let's go
01:00I'm so bored
01:02All right, we start today's episode with the strange phenomenon of hot rodent boyfriends. No, we're not talking about actual rodents
01:11but rather the rising trend of women describing their attractive yet slightly offbeat partners as
01:17rodent like on social media
01:20Now the term seems to have emerged from a mix of affection and playful teasing often used to describe
01:27Boyfriends who are cute
01:29But a bit quirky one viral post showed a collage of boyfriends with captions like my cute little rat
01:36And he's my adorable squirrel
01:40Anyway, the trend has sparked a mix of reactions like that one with some fights with some finding it endearing and others
01:48Cringing at the rodent comparison one tick-tock user explained quote
01:53it's about celebrating the unique charm of our partners, even if they're a bit unusual and quote the
02:00Phenomenon has even led to some men embracing their rodent status with one guy
02:07Proudly posting a picture of himself with the caption
02:10Guess I'm her
02:14It's all good
02:17It's all good fun
02:19But it does raise an interesting question about the ways we use humor and pet names in our relationships
02:26So this is in vogue in vogue now. It's a fashion
02:29It was dad bods a little while ago, right dad bods
02:33These things come and go anyway, so what's your take cute and quirky or just plain weird?
02:37Would you call your partner a hot rodent or not?
02:42Let us know your thoughts. I guess they kind of have to have a look though
02:45Anyway next story
02:47Just when you thought your dating life was complicated, right? At least your ex didn't chew through your furniture
02:54Speaking of creepy companions now, let's move on to something truly bizarre as if that wasn't bizarre
03:00But a man recently stumbled upon a creepy Barbie doll shrine in the woods. That's why I'm wearing a pink today
03:07and the internet of
03:10Course is freaking out the shrine shaped like a heart and adorned with dozens of Barbies in various states of
03:19Was discovered by a hiker who posted photos of the eerie scene on social media
03:25Now the post quickly went viral, of course with some speculating about who might have created the shrine and why?
03:33Some thought it was the work of an eccentric artist while others suggested it might be part of a witchcraft ritual
03:40Why does everything have to be witchcraft?
03:43Anytime we don't understand anything. We're like
03:46She's a witch burner. Come on the most popular theory a dedicated Barbie fan who took their collection to the next
03:54very creepy level
03:55Comments ranged from amused to horrified one user joked
04:00Barbie's dream house meets Blair witch project another one quipped just another day in the life of a haunted
04:08forest Barbie
04:09However, not everyone found it funny. Some were genuinely creeped out wondering if there was a more
04:16Sinister backstory to the shrine. What would you do if you stumbled upon something like this?
04:21Would you take a picture and move on or call the authorities just to be safe?
04:25Let us know who knew Barbie could give us nightmares, right? So from creepy toys to exotic flings
04:31This is what I'm talking about. Let's switch gears to something a bit more
04:36International. All right ready for a change of pace
04:39Let's talk about dating Olga the CEO of pure app has an intriguing suggestion
04:46hooking up abroad
04:47for better sex
04:49According to Olga, sometimes the one for you might be closer to a sandy beach than your local bar
04:56I think probably almost every time isn't that how Stella got her groove back?
05:00I don't think I've ever met anyone at my local bar where I was like, you're the one
05:07Anyway, I digress Olga admits
05:09She wasn't into dating apps before joining pure app
05:11But her fresh outlook has shaped the app into a space where women feel comfortable and empowered
05:19her main advice think outside the box and embrace sex positivity
05:25Recent reports suggest there's a bit of a dating app fatigue with many people craving real-life connections. Ah
05:35Olga's solutions don't limit yourself
05:38geographically travel
05:40Explore and you might find your perfect match in a foreign land. I'm in England. Talk about that
05:46What's your take on this ready to pack a bag for love a venture abroad or do you think it's just another gimmick
05:55the thrill of an international romance
05:59Just make sure you don't end up with more than you bargained for and speaking of family surprises
06:07To the just plain bizarre. Let's talk about a guy named Jonathan Meyer the retired. He's retired
06:15I love that. He's retired
06:17the retired sperm donor who's fathered as many as
06:221,000 children worldwide
06:24This 43 old Dutchman's story is the focus of a new Netflix documentary
06:30highlighting the controversy and criticism around his prolific
06:37Jonathan was banned from donating in the Netherlands after it was discovered. He fathered over a hundred children
06:44there alone
06:46Last year, the ban was extended globally due to the risk of incest among his among his offspring
06:53this is interesting to me because this is how I was reading something about Adam and Eve and how
06:59There wouldn't be enough diversity in the gene pool. So it couldn't have been two people that created everybody
07:05Anyway, that's another that's something for you guys to go look up critics accused Jonathan of having a godlike complex and
07:13Misleading families about the number of children. He's fathered despite the backlash Jonathan insists
07:19He's just a free spirit trying to do something meaningful with his life
07:27Okay, he's kept in touch with many of his children and their families claiming they are happy and even meet their half siblings
07:34however, the Netflix documentary reveals troubling instances of his kids being too close for comfort like
07:42Three half siblings found at one Dutch child care center
07:49Jonathan's journey began when he was 26
07:52quickly maxing out the donation limit at one clinic and moving on to others this guy really likes to
08:00Do the five knuckle shuffle by the sounds of it, or I don't even know how they get the sperm
08:04But let's just assume he also donated privately through a Dutch website often receiving up to ten requests a day
08:11One woman even alleged he offered to donate the traditional way a claim he doesn't deny in the documentary
08:20He probably gets the pictures he's like, oh, yeah this one I need to do a special delivery for this one
08:25He's now focusing on building his own family with no regrets about his past
08:29So, what do you think? Is he a well-meaning donor or just?
08:33Reckless imagine the Father's Day cards. Jeez
08:37From an overwhelming family tree to a boyfriend who's a bit too into you
08:43literally, all right buckle up for this next one because it's straight out of a horror movie an
08:4918-year-old woman shared a harrowing tale on the other people's lives
08:55About waking up to find her ex-boyfriend
08:58Chewing on her thigh. Yeah, this all started when she began feeling woozy after drinking a spiked Pepsi
09:06While they were watching TV together
09:08She passes out
09:10Only to wake up to a nightmare scenario
09:14The woman detailed how her boyfriend had surgically removed a chunk of her thigh while she was out cold
09:23quote it was bed garbage bag towel my leg and
09:27He had gotten these
09:30Razor blades and cut a 3x6 piece out of the top of my right thigh
09:36But he did it carefully like a kind of body modification
09:41Something tells me he has done this before
09:44Anyway, when she came to she saw him sitting on the edge of the bed trying to chew through her flesh
09:53Yeah, it's that messed up terrified. She didn't confront him immediately, but called the police after he left
09:59The boyfriend was arrested with the piece of her leg
10:05Still in his pocket
10:07Now he's serving a five-year prison sentence
10:11But is up for parole very soon. So the woman understandably traumatized is left wondering about his motives and
10:18Fearing for her future safety
10:21It's a story that makes you question how well you really know someone even after years of being together
10:29Creepy doesn't even begin to cover it
10:39Talk about a relationship that's hard to swallow
10:41Womp womp now, let's cleanse our palate with a historical twist on the undead
10:48We're jetting off to Rome where the Eternal City's residents are fed up with
10:54Zombie tourists in 2023 Rome welcomed a staggering 35 million tourists
11:00But for the locals, it's not all gelato and gladiators one frustrated Roman took to where else
11:07Reddit to share their woes describing how the city center is getting more crowded and
11:14Unsustainable each year Spain is having this problem, too
11:18Yeah, this is getting wild the main gripe the sheer volume of waste and massive tour groups that walk over you if you're not
11:25part of their blank entourage
11:30We're a family show folks
11:32We've been banned enough by YouTube. We have to be better
11:36The rant didn't stop there. Our Roman friend also slammed tourists for eating
11:41Disgusting food in tourist traps saying these vapid tourists have no interest in quality
11:47You see people queuing to eat in the most average restaurant ever because it was on TripAdvisor and who got the most heat?
11:56Americans and Brits called out for their littering and loud drunken antics
12:02To be fair now. I just got back from Bulgaria. This is some commentary. Should I go to this camera?
12:06I just got back from Bulgaria last month shooting a film
12:11Restaurants everywhere. You don't know where to go. You just don't know
12:15I mean their tourist traps for a reason is why they're called that you don't know
12:20I would love to go somewhere and they're like don't this is some authentic stuff
12:24I even asked one of the guys I was with and he was just like there's nowhere
12:27So anyway, let's get let's get back to it. While some thought the complaints were a bit harsh. There was a
12:33Agreement that Rome is indeed overrun by tourists another local chimed in quote a few years ago
12:40Areas around the Vatican were normal residential areas now due to their proximity to st. Peter's they've turned into
12:48souvenir shop central
12:50Despite the agreement on the problem solutions remain
12:54Elusive one commenter noted quote mass tourism is an issue which needs to be controlled, but I have no idea how to do it
13:01They're having this issue in Spain right now. They're actually going around to tourists and
13:07Squirting them with squirt guns. They're having protests and the problem is is because here in England people of America
13:16Spain is like right there, right? So it's like if you're in
13:20Michigan it's the equivalent of hopping over the Ambassador Bridge and going into Windsor to go to Canada almost if you're in the year my
13:27California people it's like shooting down to Mexico right quick. It's right there, right?
13:31It's a couple hour flight two and a half hour flight. You're in Spain depending on where you go
13:36So it's warm. It's convenient. It's nice. It's beaches. So people from England and all over really
13:42There's a lot of German people there as well, but they'll buy villas and apartments
13:46That's why I used to be in Spain all the time back in the day
13:50so you go there you spend two three months there out of the summer over the summer holidays and
13:55The rest of the time the place is either empty or you rent it out. So even if you don't go it's Airbnb
14:00So now the prices have gone up because it's all this tourism and all these the prices of things are being sold
14:06People that are locals can't afford to live there
14:09That's the problem Rome is having so is Rome doomed to be overrun by zombie tourists forever
14:15Or can something be done to save the city from being buried under piles of selfie sticks and gelato cups?
14:24Finally we've got Carly
14:27Chomelik a flight instructor who's been having a meltdown over a missing package
14:33This one's a little bit personal to me
14:35So I saved it for last because there will almost certainly be a rant at the end of this one
14:40I'm gonna try not to hopefully we run out of videotape now. We all videotape. How old am I?
14:47We all know the stress of waiting for a package, right?
14:50You order something important and it ends up at your neighbor's place. No big deal
14:55Usually you just go over there knock on the door get your package, but not for Carly
15:01no, no, she's decided to write a note a
15:05Note, she wrote five drafts of this thing trying to strike the perfect balance of politeness and firmness
15:13it's like she's drafting a UN resolution not asking for her Amazon package now after five days of stress and
15:21post office calls
15:22She finally cracks and leaves the note
15:25And of course the internet had to weigh in some people are all like go demand it back
15:31One person said they lost their phone at work once and the person who found it just stashed it away
15:38Until they were asked about it
15:43Another shared how a neighbor's kid thought their ceramic tiger was a gift
15:47I mean who thinks a package addressed to someone else is gift. I
15:52Don't know
15:54That's not how gifting works guys
15:56Then you've got the other side the maybe they didn't know it wasn't there's crowd. Sure. Okay, maybe they just
16:04Didn't get around to it heavy Amazon users might have a stack of unopened packages. Who knows they might not even realize it's not theirs
16:12It's a whole mess of misunderstandings and passive aggression
16:16So she ends up going over there. Finally. She goes to the house to get the package
16:20Gets her stuff and a lot of people are like, why wouldn't you just go get it now?
16:24I'll tell you why she wouldn't just go get it. I think doesn't say in the article that I read
16:30But I have a neighbor. I
16:33Have a neighbor. We all have neighbors, but I have a Karen, right?
16:37I had a package for my old mixer little cloud lifter to make the mics louder
16:42So I sound better when we do shows easily slide through the mail slot
16:47It got delivered to her house because of the proximity of our houses our addresses are similar whatever I knew she had it
16:53We don't get along. She doesn't speak to me anymore. Fine. Doesn't bother me in the slightest bit now. I digress I
17:00Didn't get my package. I contacted the delivery company. They're like, we're not gonna go get it
17:05The I haven't had a different delivery from the same company a week or so later
17:09I'm like, I think you delivered a package in the wrong house. Can you go get it? He's like I can't go get it
17:13So weeks go by I finally have to go get it granted. It's not her responsibility to bring it
17:19But why are you accepting packages?
17:22For me that aren't for you. It's very simple to just say oh, that's the house next door
17:30It clearly had my name on it. She refused to bring it over here now
17:35Who's in the wrong here? Leave a comment below
17:38Should she have brought it or should I have had to go over there and just guess where it was?
17:42I didn't know it was there for sure because I didn't want to go over there and be like, excuse me
17:46I believe you have my stapler and this has actually happened twice
17:51Anyway, what do you think guys? That's it for today's episode. I'm gonna get out here before I start sounding like a moany little little baby
17:59Success Society stuff you won't remember next week. Thanks for tuning in
18:02Be sure to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoyed the show until next time stay curious
18:08And keep it weird, please