• 11 years ago
Finally the HDCP is gone and we are able to record with our captures cards also you can pre load games to get then faster and the new share factory for editing your clip like Movie Maker or iMovie
PS4 Update Info: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/04/25/massive-ps4-update-170-gets-a-release-date
BF4 Lag fix News: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/as-battlefield-4-issues-persist-dice-deploys-new-high-performance-servers-to-fix-rubber-banding/1100-6419205/

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BF4 PS4 HDCP Update April 30th
BF4 PS4 HDCP Update April 30th
BF4 PS4 HDCP Update April 30th
