• há 17 anos
Pure artiste du Guyana, amérique du sud!
Piste 11 de l'album "O'pen" (2008) d'Arkaingelle!



Arkaingelle is a fresh new reggae artist whose blazing vocals and meditative lyrics are resounding thunderously within the ‘cultural’ reggae scene. Hailing from Buxton, a country village outside of Georgetown, Guyana(on the caribbean coast of South America), he unites an Afro-Caribbean perspective with the ever strengthening, pro—African voice of RasTafari. On his Debut solo release, Arkaingelle compels the listener to O’PEN up, let the sonic vibrations in, and meditate on the message of RasTafari.
From the first track to the last, the music penetrates the heart of the listener, taking them into a deeper realm of consciousness. ‘Run come,’ the opening track, extols to the listener to live in love, and reminds them that faith and werks DO prevail. His militant RasTafari stance is declared in ‘Attackin,’ the second track on the album. Production credits go to Blaak Lung, of Oakland, California, once again delivering a deep vibration and uplifting sound for GREENSPHERE RECORDS. All throughout the tracks, sweet riffs from the legendary Tuff Lion soothes the soul while the heavyweight bass of St. Croix’s very own Kenyatta Itola powerfully aligns with Batch’s hard stepping drum kicks and licks. O’Pen is an album that is sure to become a must-have for the serious rootz reggae listener.


