Middle East Observer

Middle East Observer

English translations of media content from and on the Middle East - Politics, Religion, Culture.

Who are we?

We're a small group of journalists, academics and volunteers who have been producing video translations related to Middle East politics, culture, and religion for almost 10 years now on YouTube.

Our aim?

We try to provide perspectives that are not usually covered by Western mainstream media, or if they are covered, are highly misrepresented, sensationalised, and distorted to suit certain editorial agendas.

Want to support us? (we need it!)

We've generally been unable to provide quality translations to you on a consistent basis. But now we're trying to change that. Head over to our Patreon page and see how you can help turn Middle East Observer into a consistent producer of quality content about the Middle East on YouTube: https://www.patreon.com/MiddleEastObserver