lula fortune

lula fortune

« My faith has gone away » sings Vincent in one of the band's first songs. We are absorbed into a universe where melancoly and nostalgia appear continuously. And if the name quotes a roadmovie by David Lynch, it is because the band's music also sounds like a motion soundtrack. The band takes us through a journey from a desert of childhood memories to young adults' anguish. The two leading characters of Lula Fortune, Vincent Jacob (Death By the Sin) and Davy Portela (Pleymo), found eachother around these eternal questions which come up during the breach of adolescence. This folk-pop full of regrets and mourning follows the paths of Elliott Smith and Neil Young. We discover a hidden side of Davy and Vincent, who in their own combos could never explore this bare melodic universe. Here introspection takes over rage. Lula Fortune announces itself as the testimony of a generation which after knowing the anger of the 90's, reaches the new century with candour and lucidity, always trying to keep in mind the authencity of childhood.