MaSTAR Media

MaSTAR Media

20 người theo dõi
One of the leading Dragon Ball YouTube Channels in the world Creator of Anime War and top reviewer of Dragon Ball Super Additionally, I am creating a brand new animated series called Demon Rush. The official trailer is out for it, but the pilot episode won't be released until some time in 2017-2018. ***For those interested in using my videos*** For you to reupload my video on your own Youtube channel or external website, you MUST ask my permission first. I also DO NOT allow my content on your channel or website unless special permissions are given. If I find someone violating these simple terms I will send out copyright strikes against them. Thank you. I do allow face-cam reaction videos, reviews, and AMVs using short clips of animation (5-7 seconds). Just please do not download and re-upload my videos to any platform or you will get a copyright strike. For sponsorship and advertisements, please send me an email.