ĤăMMăĎ Ňăźĩʀ ✔

ĤăMMăĎ Ňăźĩʀ ✔

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Hi! I’m HAMMAD NAZIR, creator of Professionals Videos.

I started Making Professionals Videos in 2015 as a place to share my knowledge as a video creator. It started out with a few courses, and then grew into a full-scale blog with free videos, webinars, ebooks, more courses, and a ton of other great resources for creatives like me. This channel has turned into more than just a resource for video creators – Professional Video has grown into a foundation for online entrepreneurs looking to make money with their creative ideas.

The Professional Video library of full courses has grown to 60+ over the past few years. The topics range from Motion Graphics in After Effects, Video Editing, Photography, Photo Editing, Kinetic Typography, eBook Cover Design, Starting a Wedding Videography Business, and lots more. Enjoy the free tutorials here on YouTube/Dailymotion and check out my Portfolio to enroll in a full course.