timothy brown

timothy brown

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Grader Playaz Entertainment was founded by Timothy Brown a.k.a Ken Clay & co-founded by Entre Ervin a.k.a TRE'POUND in November 2006. G.P.E (Grader Playaz Entertainment) consists of two artists: TRIPPLE STAXXX, & KEN CLAY. G.P.E also has done collaborations & video production with friends such as: DUMP-A-CLIP RECORDS, TONY 2 of FIRST CLASS ENTERPRIZE, Jay Marvlis artist/producer, NO PLAY of NO PLAY INTERNATIONAL, NWORCS RADIO.COM, RAP BROWN "HOT 16 DVD", BLACK HAYZE DVD, BADNEWZ, & more. TEAM HENCHMEN was the original name of the group until fellow members 6IX'5IVE" & AWSUM have gotten incarcerated. With that problem happening KEN CLAY & TRIPPLE STAXXX decided to jump on the train to "IDOESFUKIT". The train that departed from NYC, SC, VA, to an outer limit of AMERICA. Which is their own world, swag,& galaxy they have been in tune