Андрей Горбатов

Андрей Горбатов

68 following
The Andrew Gorbatov Agency
(“Live Collection”)
Telephone: 007 / 495 / 434-64-93 – MOSCOW. Mobil: +7(985)761-00-61 Address : 119571, RUSSIA, Moscow, 26-Bakinskich komm.,7-2-2
E-mail : gorbatov2002@mail.ru
Web Site : http://www.koncertagency.ru
Hello Everyone!!
The “LIVE COLLECTION” AGENCY was formed in 1991 to stage professional concerts in Moscow and throughout Russia.
The agency specialises in ethnic/traditional music from around the world.
We currently wish to promote the work of musicians who are resident in Russia but come originally from various parts of the world.
1) . ” PUCK AND PIPER” - Celtic Music ( Native Russian)
2) .” APPLE JACK “ - American Country Music ( Native Russian)
3) .” SUN MUSIC” - Afro - Reggae - Salsa ( Native African)
4) .” LOS DE MOSCU” - Spanish Flamenco music & dance ( Native Russian)
5) .“ SEVEN FORTY” - Jewish Klezmer Music ( Native Jewish)
6) .“ AMAZONAS” - South American Latino Music ( Native Indian)
7) .“ 1001 NIGHTS” - Arabian Dance Show ( Native Russian)
8) .” RUSSIAN STRING QUARTET” - Classical European & Russian
80 bands!!!
All the above are musicians of the highest quality and are available now to perform throughout Europe. Price – from 300 euro per each musician per 1 show, plus hotel, transfer, food, drink, inshurance from your side.