Chemtrails Europe

Chemtrails Europe

Since December 2015 the island Malta is under attack by chemtrail bombers. Scientists call this "Solar Radiation Management" or "Geoengineering".
This is just an example. The spraying is a daily ocurrance at many parts of the world.

The United Nations are behind the global spraying operations. Take a look at the Paris Climate Accord. Some 200 nations agreed to pay yearly approximately 100 billion US-Dollars to the United Nations. That*s how the found the spraying.

Who is providing these chemicals?

Aircraft used? Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker

Chemtrails and Geoengineering is just the same! Fighting global warming is a cover-up for a crime against humanity.

The elites want to reduce the global population and install a New World Order. The Covid 19 scam is part of a agenda to suppress and reduce global population.

Poisoning the air we breath with chemicals and wearing face masks. Wearing a face mask reduces Oxygen in your blood an brain cells die.

Less Oxygen in our blood caused by mandatory face masks are killing people around the globe by the millions.

Don't be a fool, refuse the face mask! Support alternative news!

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