• 12 years ago
9/11 Coincidences - Truth or Lie - by Professor David Ray Griffin | Explosives

Uploaded [on YouTube] on Jun 27, 2009 by angelofdarksin


Bombs in the Buildings

Bombs, explosions, secondary explosions, explosive devices....how many more times do we need to hear these words being said by 9/11 witnesses before we start asking questions about what really happened on that awful day? These witnesses include fire crew, police officers and media reporters - who all heard and saw explosions going off inside the towers, long before they actually fell.

Many witnesses reported powerful explosions in the basements of the buildings long before they collapsed. Plus, controlled demolition experts agree that the collapses of the three buildings bear all of the hallmarks of a controlled demolition. For example, we see demolition "squibs" shooting out of the windows of the buildings before they started to collapse. All three buildings collapsed at near freefall speed. Building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane and contained only small scattered fires, came down symmetrically in just 6-seconds. And 6-weeks after 9/11, liquified steel was found under the rubble of all three buildings and the temperature was still in excess of 1500F. Jet-fuel simply cannot burn hot enough to reach that sort of temperature. And many of the steel beams found in the rubble of the three buildings were cut diagonally - in exactly the same way as shaped-charges slice through steel diagonally to bring a building straight down. Sulfur residue was also found on the steel beams. Sulfur used with thermite is called thermate -- which produces even faster results than thermite, reaching temperatures of over 4,000F. We also see red-hot molten steel dripping from the windows of the towers prior to their collapse.

How much more evidence do we need before the government and mainstream media finally talks about this issue? By ignoring this issue, the government and media are just insulting our intelligence! We really need to wake up to the facts and ask questions. If we don't, what does that say about us? If you haven't yet heard about this subject, please go to Google and find out about the melting point of steel, and about the maximum temperature that jet-fuel can reach, and about the use of thermate shaped-charges in controlled demolitions. Once you know these facts, you'll realise that those three buildings simply could NOT have collapsed in the way they did UNLESS they were brought down in a controlled demolition.
