I'm currently looking for a job in motion design, or in illustration/graphic design. I'm working also as freelance, so feel free to contact me. More informations below.
Designed and animated by Martin Woutisseth:
site: martinwoutisseth.com
blog : finestblackdesign.blogspot.com
twitter: @mwoutisseth
mail : contact(at)martinwoutisseth(dot)com
version 1.1
Music bought on Vimeo music store:
"Mexico" by the band "Gringo"
After finished "Tim Burton - a filmography", I was like a marathon man in the need to run again after the finish. I didn't win the contest but I had a lot of great feedbacks from world wide and I'm glad that the fans enjoyed it. Like all my work, I treated the subject with lot of respect.
Nowadays, that's very common, but I'm also a big fan of the TV serie Breaking Bad. Since a friend adviced me to took a look three or four years ago, I started to become very addicted to the Vince Gilligan's cook. To me, everything is great ! The scenario of course, the cast, the acting, the visual ideas, the atmosphere... Everything is just so awesome...
So I decide to just make a tribute to Walter White by making an illustration, and then it was missing Jesse Pinkman, so I made it after. Why not a bad guy ? So I made Gustavo,and etc etc. Until I had thirteen characters. From that step, I was thinking, why not to make an animation ? But I thought, only characters would be weak... And after, two filmography (Kubrick and Burton) both in the same style, I needed to create something more dynamic and rock and roll, by still keeping my style and improving my motion design skills.
Backgrounds was interesting too to create. If you take a look on the show, there are very important between each scenes. I wanted to make feel the atmosphere of the New Mexico to the viewers, with the Usa and the Mexican influence.
About the music, after listening many songs in online music store, I found that great one ! It was perfect with the atmosphere that I wanted to build. Basically, Romain Trouillet was ready to score this one because he is a big fan of the show too but he was busy on that time. If he is ok, we will work together again on the next one. Probably the last filmography, Takeshi Kitano which is almost finished on illustrations.
If you listen the lyrics, that's very interesting. I matched it with the different characters of the cast and their meaning. For example: "I lost my convictions", I added Saul, the attorney who is not every time honest. Secundo, "I lost my religion", The Salamanca cousins but a Santa Muerte, the divinity of gangster. And in the end, "I had money", Gus and Walter was interesting to put in that time, Gus with the money in the background and Walter because that's one of this motivation.
Also for the beat of the music, I tryed to find ideas too: electric poles, road line, curving line sfrom a map a little bit like the move in Guitar Hero when you do that sound but mixing with the map idea. From Albuquerque until Mexico city, I checked on a map to respect the cities and the motorway numbers ! I wish I can go one day and see the landscapes and the backgrounds in real ! You probably has the same feeling too by seeing that show.
Finally, I saw a lot of other opening titles and movie clip. I tried to mix the things I like the most: Queens of the stone age - go with the flow, Dizzee Rascal - Fix up look sharp, Machete, Grindhouse, Repo Man, Walking Dead by Daniel Kanemoto, Danny Yount's opening, the website Art of Title, etc, etc...
Designed and animated by Martin Woutisseth:
site: martinwoutisseth.com
blog : finestblackdesign.blogspot.com
twitter: @mwoutisseth
mail : contact(at)martinwoutisseth(dot)com
version 1.1
Music bought on Vimeo music store:
"Mexico" by the band "Gringo"
After finished "Tim Burton - a filmography", I was like a marathon man in the need to run again after the finish. I didn't win the contest but I had a lot of great feedbacks from world wide and I'm glad that the fans enjoyed it. Like all my work, I treated the subject with lot of respect.
Nowadays, that's very common, but I'm also a big fan of the TV serie Breaking Bad. Since a friend adviced me to took a look three or four years ago, I started to become very addicted to the Vince Gilligan's cook. To me, everything is great ! The scenario of course, the cast, the acting, the visual ideas, the atmosphere... Everything is just so awesome...
So I decide to just make a tribute to Walter White by making an illustration, and then it was missing Jesse Pinkman, so I made it after. Why not a bad guy ? So I made Gustavo,and etc etc. Until I had thirteen characters. From that step, I was thinking, why not to make an animation ? But I thought, only characters would be weak... And after, two filmography (Kubrick and Burton) both in the same style, I needed to create something more dynamic and rock and roll, by still keeping my style and improving my motion design skills.
Backgrounds was interesting too to create. If you take a look on the show, there are very important between each scenes. I wanted to make feel the atmosphere of the New Mexico to the viewers, with the Usa and the Mexican influence.
About the music, after listening many songs in online music store, I found that great one ! It was perfect with the atmosphere that I wanted to build. Basically, Romain Trouillet was ready to score this one because he is a big fan of the show too but he was busy on that time. If he is ok, we will work together again on the next one. Probably the last filmography, Takeshi Kitano which is almost finished on illustrations.
If you listen the lyrics, that's very interesting. I matched it with the different characters of the cast and their meaning. For example: "I lost my convictions", I added Saul, the attorney who is not every time honest. Secundo, "I lost my religion", The Salamanca cousins but a Santa Muerte, the divinity of gangster. And in the end, "I had money", Gus and Walter was interesting to put in that time, Gus with the money in the background and Walter because that's one of this motivation.
Also for the beat of the music, I tryed to find ideas too: electric poles, road line, curving line sfrom a map a little bit like the move in Guitar Hero when you do that sound but mixing with the map idea. From Albuquerque until Mexico city, I checked on a map to respect the cities and the motorway numbers ! I wish I can go one day and see the landscapes and the backgrounds in real ! You probably has the same feeling too by seeing that show.
Finally, I saw a lot of other opening titles and movie clip. I tried to mix the things I like the most: Queens of the stone age - go with the flow, Dizzee Rascal - Fix up look sharp, Machete, Grindhouse, Repo Man, Walking Dead by Daniel Kanemoto, Danny Yount's opening, the website Art of Title, etc, etc...
Art et design