• 13 years ago
Niki’s FAT FIGHTER no rest Workout HOWTO Tutorial
This is the tutorial for Niki's FAT FIGHTER no rest Workout and contains all the tips and tricks so you can perform the workout in perfect form and hence get the best possible results. Let us know how long it took you.

Niki’s FAT FIGHTER no rest Workout

1a. Kneeling Drop Push Ups x 8 reps superset Boxer Skip 30sec
1b. Kneeling Drop Push Ups x 7 reps superset Boxer Skip 20sec
1c. Kneeling Drop Push Ups x 6 reps superset Boxer Skip 10sec

2. Kneeling Drop Clapping Push Ups x 8 reps
superset Boxer Skip 30sec
Repeat Exercise 3 for 3 rounds
3. Seated Static Overhead Squat x 8 reps
superset Lying 1234 D/B Alt Pullover @3kg x 4 reps

4. Forearm Plank x 60 seconds


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