• 6 years ago
Presented by Caitlin

Layne L'heureux

Sex Drugs and Rock N' Roll....

If you're looking for Layne L'Heureux you'll find him in his current band DIEHATZU HIJETS. You can check them out here: ....http://www.myspace.com/diehatzuhijets

Prior to forming Diehatzu Hijets, Layne L'Heureux penned and released over 40 seminal acoustic songs on his Labrador City Records. A grass roots record label that was conceived with Tyler Butler, co-founder. Amongst the singles, Labrador released Layne's first three Records, his self titled effort, Rockheart, and From The Hill.

After touring western Canada, he took a hiatus from his solo project and formed Diehatzu Hijets, a prolific Alternative/Grunge trio based out of Edmonton Alberta.

He presently lives and faces life in Edmonton Alberta

"Layne L'Heureux 's music is very emotionally hitting and simultaneously sad and uplifting. The lyrics are often introspective and deal with feelings and problems that Layne has experienced in his life"

-Legit Music Reviews


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