Donc , je précise que il ne faut pas que le nom du jeu , il faut aussi le nom de la musique ou un truc comme ça.
1-Sonic Adventure 1 - Red Mountain
2-Shadow the hedgehog - Westopolis
3-Sonic Advance 2 - Hot Crater Act 2
4-Sonic Rivals 2 - Race to win
5-Sonic Colours - Final Boss Phase 2
6-Sonic Adventure 2 - Pyramid Cave
7-Sonic Heroes - Final Fortress
10-Sonic Adventure 1 - Lost World 1
11-Sonic Unleashed - Shamar Level Night
12-Sonic 3 - Endless Mine
13-Sonic Adventure 2 - Cosmic Wall
14-Sonic Adventure 2 - Sonic vs Shadow "For True Justice"
1-Sonic Adventure 1 - Red Mountain
2-Shadow the hedgehog - Westopolis
3-Sonic Advance 2 - Hot Crater Act 2
4-Sonic Rivals 2 - Race to win
5-Sonic Colours - Final Boss Phase 2
6-Sonic Adventure 2 - Pyramid Cave
7-Sonic Heroes - Final Fortress
10-Sonic Adventure 1 - Lost World 1
11-Sonic Unleashed - Shamar Level Night
12-Sonic 3 - Endless Mine
13-Sonic Adventure 2 - Cosmic Wall
14-Sonic Adventure 2 - Sonic vs Shadow "For True Justice"
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