"Lightrhythm Visuals: Aple ep" is EXCLUSIVELY DISTRIBUTED by Microcinema DVD. To order this DVD and/or other Microcinema titles, go to: www.microcinemadvd.com. aple - arrange.process.loop.edit - a micro-synched audio- visual project made with ableton live controlling vj software triggering typographical animations and embedded sound. Amoeba’s EP delivers a matured, stylized motion graphic which he has developed over the past years in the visual arts scene. The music videos lean toward typographic abstraction, creating worlds where the elemental play of structure, colour and beat compete for the leading role. Please check out and join Microcinema on other social networking sites: Facebook: http://facebook.com/microcinema MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/microcinemainternational Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/microcinema Twitter: http://twitter.com/microcinema
Short film