7. THE TEMPLE OF BAAL IS THE PLACE WHERE THE STORY OF THE FORCEFULL CROSSBREEDING BEETWEEN HUMANS (ARYANS-SHIVAITS) & OSIRIANS-SAURIANS ENGRAVED IN STONE ARCHITECTURE ITSELF IN THE BACCHUS (OSIRIS) TEMPLE. - THE BRIEF HISTORY OF BAALBEK (ֲO־ֻ-ֱֺ): In order to understand what Baalbek is all about, we have to understand WHO WAS THE LORD BAAL. The story of BAAL starts in Constellation of TAURUS (BULL ֵֵֻׂײ) PLEIADES star cluster, which by Slavs Aryans was considered their original home from where they arrived on Earth. Word BAAL is transliteration of Slavic Aryan word (ֲ־־ֻ=ֲָֻ=ֲֵֻ & ֲֵֵֻׁ) SLAVIC ARYAN GOD that always had the title LORD, which literally means BULL, (CALF made its way into a Torah much later). In English Slavic Aryan word ֲ־[O]ֻ or ֲָֻ will sound as [VEEL] from here is the meaning of the word BAAL, where Slavic Aryan letter B sounds the same as English V.
7. THE TEMPLE OF BAAL IS THE PLACE WHERE THE STORY OF THE FORCEFULL CROSSBREEDING BEETWEEN HUMANS (ARYANS-SHIVAITS) & OSIRIANS-SAURIANS ENGRAVED IN STONE ARCHITECTURE ITSELF IN THE BACCHUS (OSIRIS) TEMPLE. - THE BRIEF HISTORY OF BAALBEK (ֲO־ֻ-ֱֺ): In order to understand what Baalbek is all about, we have to understand WHO WAS THE LORD BAAL. The story of BAAL starts in Constellation of TAURUS (BULL ֵֵֻׂײ) PLEIADES star cluster, which by Slavs Aryans was considered their original home from where they arrived on Earth. Word BAAL is transliteration of Slavic Aryan word (ֲ־־ֻ=ֲָֻ=ֲֵֻ & ֲֵֵֻׁ) SLAVIC ARYAN GOD that always had the title LORD, which literally means BULL, (CALF made its way into a Torah much later). In English Slavic Aryan word ֲ־[O]ֻ or ֲָֻ will sound as [VEEL] from here is the meaning of the word BAAL, where Slavic Aryan letter B sounds the same as English V.