• il y a 16 ans
Vox Sambou launches new video on World Aids Day

Haitian-born rapper Vox Sambou tackles the issue of the AIDS epidemic in his new video DiscriminaSida. The song is featured on his upcoming second LP, scheduled for release in 2010. Vox Sambou, a founding member of multilingual Hip Hop super group Nomadic Massive raps in Creole, Spanish, English and French. Accordingly, as well as to highlight the universal plight that is discrimination against people living with AIDS, the video is translated in three languages.

The theme of World AIDS Day 2009 hinges around leadership: Stop AIDS, keep the promise. World leaders are asked to be accountable for the discriminatory discrepancy between the commitments that have been made to halt the spread of AIDS, and actions taken to follow them through.

According to Sambou-“the discrimination is many-fold. There is a lack of knowledge about prevention; lack of basic resources especially in the northern part of Haiti, where I’m from; lack of inclusion of the sick in the society”. The perverse effect of this discrimination is that around 220 000 Haïtian children are orphaned because their caretakers are sick, cannot get treated and are ashamed or ostracised from contributing to society.

The video was directed by Dominican filmmaker Ariel Mota and was shot on the island of Kyskeya, today Santo Domingo. The Video is Available at www.voxsambou.com

