• il y a 16 ans
Petite journée simpas, avec un bon petit délire... A vous de regardez :P
wallflip frontflip standing gainer wallspin backflip 360 backflip, fulltwisting backflip frontflip grass front frontflip 360 monkey gainer kong gainer side back flip 360 corner rudy, frontflip 540 outside pop palmflip out wallfrontflip clean over stairs round off double full palm spin to backflip roundoff backflip 360 gainer standing double gainer push backflip palm flip double backflip outside monkey to standing gainer double kong wallflip to backflip to backflip lazy spin side flip backflip doublefull standing gainer double frontflip 2 step wallflip palm flip invard frontflip 180 wallflip turn vault to sideflip double backflip triple full, backflip 1080 side gainer wallspin new move? push backflip 2 leg wallflip monkey vault wall flip invard frontflip 2 step wallflip sideflip pop palmflip 720 cat leap sideflip catleap palmspin weird

