Sehri Ka Dastarkhwan & Azaan e Fajar | Shan-e- Sehr | Waseem Badami | 29 March 2025 | ARY Digital
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again.
00:05How do I face you?
00:10I am falling a little.
00:13We welcome you once again in the glory of Ramadan.
00:17This is the final session of today's gathering.
00:19We will be back tomorrow with the 29th fast.
00:22Good bye.
00:23Ashra, Rehmat, Maghfirat, Naar, Jahannum, Nijat.
00:25Now we are concluding all of this.
00:26This was a final discussion.
00:28It is possible that the last fast of many countries in the world will be accepted today.
00:32Just say Bismillah.
00:33In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
00:34It is obvious that Allah gave us the blessing of fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan.
00:38We got the opportunity to recite the Holy Quran.
00:40Once again, a person goes through a process of reckoning.
00:44And as a result, a refreshing feeling should be created in him.
00:48What has been achieved, a very important thing in it is forgiveness of Allah.
00:52And we see that Allah has discussed His mercy and forgiveness in the Holy Quran.
00:58Even if He is saying for us that,
01:00Qutub alaikum as-siyam, fasting has been written on you.
01:02Then He says for Himself that,
01:03Qataba rabbukum ala nafsihir rahma.
01:06Your Lord has written mercy on Himself.
01:09Our Lord has made mercy incumbent on Himself.
01:11Now, it is obvious that what other name can be given to it other than the grace of the Lord.
01:15In the same way, there is a very beautiful prayer
01:18which has reached us from the family of Muhammad and the family of the house of peace.
01:21In it, there are sentences that,
01:22Allahumma inna maghfirataka arja minamali.
01:25O my Lord, I do not expect so much from my deeds as I expect from Your mercy and forgiveness.
01:31wa inna rahmataka awsaw min zambi.
01:33I know that your mercy is greater than my sins.
01:37Allahumma inkana zambi indaka azeeman.
01:40O Allah, if my sins are great in Your sight,
01:43fa afwuka aazamu min zambi,
01:45then Your forgiveness is greater.
01:47Allahumma illamakun ahlan an ablugha rahmatak,
01:50wa rahmatuka ahlun an tablughani.
01:52If I am not able to reach Your mercy,
01:55then Your mercy is certainly able to reach me.
01:59and take me in Your protection,
02:01la anna wasi'at kulla shay'in.
02:02Because He has taken everything in His protection,
02:04then how can I be deprived?
02:06What do you have to say? JazakAllah. Qiblah.
02:08Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
02:09Sallallahu alaihi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa barik wa sallim.
02:12Today, Mufti Muhammad Amir Sahib's aunt
02:16Allah Akbar
02:17passed away in a state of itikaf.
02:20She was in a state of itikaf.
02:22May Allah forgive her.
02:26May Allah forgive Mufti Muhammad Amir Sahib and all his family
02:29and grant them patience on this occasion.
02:32Look at the sequence of the month of Ramadan.
02:38then Ashra-e-Maghfirat,
02:40then Ashra-e-Itqim Minan-Nar.
02:42If there is mercy,
02:46there will be forgiveness.
02:48If there is forgiveness,
02:50there will be freedom from hell.
02:52After that,
02:54He also granted the night of Qadr.
02:56Despite this,
02:58if a person is deprived,
03:00then how can he be deprived?
03:02This is why it is mentioned in Hadith-e-Paq
03:06when the Master said Ameen
03:08on the prayers of Jibreel,
03:10then one of his prayers was
03:12that his nose should be covered with dust.
03:15Even after attaining the month of Ramadan,
03:17he was deprived.
03:19And he said that the night of Qadr,
03:21when he was deprived of attaining it,
03:23he said that he was really deprived.
03:25I think that in many places
03:27a possible night of Qadr has passed.
03:29Tomorrow is in Pakistan.
03:31So, it is obvious that we should
03:33also try to attain it.
03:35And we should do our accountability
03:37that we have received mercy,
03:39we have received forgiveness,
03:41we have received freedom from hell.
03:44What does the Qibla say?
03:46In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
03:48Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Beloved, Muhammad and his companions.
03:50What does Allah say about His Mercy?
03:52Allah says,
03:54My Mercy encompasses all things.
03:56My Mercy encompasses all things.
03:58And you see that
04:00when the Quran begins,
04:02whenever we recite,
04:04what do we read first?
04:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
04:08In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
04:10The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
04:12Both refer to mercy
04:14and both are exaggerated.
04:16And the word Rahman,
04:18you see that the word Rahman
04:20is not permissible for anyone
04:22except Allah.
04:24The word Rahim is used for others
04:26except Allah.
04:28It is used in the Quran for the Prophet.
04:30But the word Rahman
04:32can only be used
04:34for Allah.
04:36What is the reason?
04:38Qadi Bidawi said,
04:40He is the one
04:42who has reached
04:44the limit of mercy.
04:46And that is only Allah.
04:48Because except Allah,
04:50anyone who shows mercy to anyone
04:52wants a reward for that mercy.
04:54Sometimes he wants the world to be praised,
04:56sometimes he wants the reward of the hereafter.
04:58So Allah is the One
05:00who is free of all kinds of intentions.
05:02Whose actions are not intended.
05:04Who does not desire
05:06to be praised.
05:08Someone gives him a reward,
05:10someone gives him a reward.
05:16O people, you are all in need of Allah.
05:18And Allah is the One
05:20who is free of all kinds of intentions.
05:22He is the One who is worthy of praise.
05:24Everyone is in need of Allah.
05:26He is not in need of anyone's mercy.
05:30Thank you very much.
05:32Many people said prayers for Muqtadir Amir.
05:34Many prayers for him.
05:36He had a heart operation.
05:38And our brother Furqan Siddiqui
05:40passed away.
05:42There are many more people.
05:44Many prayers for everyone.
05:46It will be the last fast today.
05:48Remember us in your prayers.
05:50After the break, Adhan Fajr InshaAllah.
06:06I intend to fast in the month of Ramadan tomorrow.
06:36I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
06:40I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
06:52I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
07:08I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
07:22I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
07:36Come to Prayer.
07:58Come to success.
08:22Prayer is better than death.
08:44Allah is the greatest.
08:56There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
09:10Allah is the greatest.
09:20There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
09:30I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
09:45Thank you brother Wasim Wasi.
09:47In a beautiful way.
09:49In his own way.
09:50He was getting the chance to give Adhan Fajr.
09:52Thank you very much Wasim.
09:54May Allah elevate your ranks.
09:56As we have presented the words of Shad e Ramadan throughout the journey.
10:01And this prayer that may Allah, as Daud Ani was saying,
10:06that at least a person should have this hope that whatever his rank is,
10:10on the first and last day of the month of Ramadan,
10:12at least his rank should be elevated.
10:14These words are usually used in different contexts.
10:17But now with the words of Daud Ani,
10:19that the rank should be upgraded.
10:22So now that the last moments of the month of Ramadan are passing,
10:25with this prayer,
10:26that you and I,
10:27or at least I should make a prayer for myself,
10:29that a better person,
10:30in every respect,
10:32it is possible that in many countries of the world,
10:35after a while,
10:36when Adhan Fajr is done,
10:38and when fasting is done,
10:39then the last fast of the month of Ramadan should be done there.
10:44It will be the 29th.
10:45And in Pakistan,
10:46today, obviously,
10:47we have fasted for the 28th month of Ramadan.
10:51The journey of the month of Ramadan,
10:53Allah has made it complete in this way,
10:56The month of Ramadan is still going on,
11:00And with the prayer of Hazrat Shoaib,
11:02this is Surah Araaf.
11:04Let's conclude with his prayer.
11:06Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
11:08O our Lord!
11:09Decide with truth between us and our opponents.
11:12And you are the best of conquerors.
11:14You are going to make the best decision.
11:16May Allah enable all of us to make the best decisions in our lives.
11:21May Allah grant you good health and good health.
11:24Let's meet after a few hours.
11:26In the 28th month of Ramadan,
11:29Till then,
11:30Allah Hafiz.
11:37Allah Hafiz.