00:00Welcome to episode 9 of our Strictly 4 Cause podcast and today we're joined by Georgia
00:11and Neil.
00:13Thank you for having us.
00:14So tell me both, why have you decided to take part in Strictly Inverness?
00:19Suppose well for me I work for the hospice so it kind of just comes with the territory
00:24I suppose.
00:26First year I was there was a definite no and they do practically ask you at the interview
00:31whether you'd sign up or not but no that was a definite no but because I work on the social
00:37media and the filming side of things I obviously go to the events and then you know the last
00:40couple years I was like maybe I will give it a try and then this year I was just like
00:45you know what I'll just go for it and yeah here I am.
00:49It's landed with me.
00:51Or more likely the other way around.
00:54And how about yourself Georgia?
00:56I'd just seen it on Facebook advertised and one of my friends Beth done it last year so
01:01I was like oh I'll just fit an application in I'm a good dancer I like dancing so and
01:06then I got invited for the interview and I was like oh okay and they were like yeah we'd
01:10love you to do it and I was like let's go for it then so yeah there was no rhyme or
01:14reason to it I just thought you know what I'll just apply.
01:17And here we are.
01:18We're quite a few weeks in now in the training.
01:21Yeah it's going by really fast.
01:26It is going very fast and I mean what dances have you both got and how is the training
01:31Well we've got a quick step and street and they're both coming along quite well actually.
01:38Quick step we're probably more ahead of but street, street's coming together.
01:40It is actually yeah we're nearing the end of that so it's yeah it's all coming together
01:45Two pretty fast ones which I think do suit us as well.
01:47Yeah definitely because that's the first thing we more or less said to each other that we're
01:51both fast dancers so we hate doing all the slow dancing so it suits us as well.
01:56It's worked out pretty well.
01:57And is quick step more serious or is that still quite fun and playful?
02:02It's fun and playful but it's also it's just like your positioning and everything's a bit
02:08more strict whereas street you know you can just relax.
02:12Yeah I think a street one is quite like we're supposed to be serious like business type
02:17people but it's fun at the same time so yes it's a bit of a mix.
02:20Yeah and we've also got the group one so we're of the team Thursday.
02:24I love it.
02:25It's a good fun isn't it?
02:26It is.
02:27We're enjoying it.
02:28Good music it's a good laugh all the time like every weekend it's good fun.
02:32Yeah and I think it's that little bit I don't know about you first time I did the group
02:35practice I actually felt more nervous because before you'd been in like just four of you
02:40rehearsing and then suddenly being like in a room full of people.
02:45Did you find that?
02:46Yeah I think I remember specifically saying to Carrie the next day there was a point in
02:50that very first group lesson where I was saying like I literally don't know why I'm here.
02:54I'd be at home watching Netflix or doing anything else but now I'm dancing to Spice Girls or
03:00whoever it was S Club 7.
03:03Changed it.
03:05Yeah I know.
03:06I feel like we all get on really well though it's like quite relaxed after the first couple
03:09weeks we all sort of settled in and yeah we're a good bunch so.
03:13I don't think there's any like high drama or anything.
03:15No never.
03:16It's just very like it's a Sunday we're here at a dance, have some fun.
03:21It's good fun.
03:23You're both from Inverness is that right?
03:25Well I'm from Kyleville Calsh.
03:27But I live in Inverness.
03:28I've stayed here for a few years now.
03:30So you've got quite a few supporters from back home.
03:31Yeah everyone back home my family, friends and everything they're all supporting me quite
03:35well so yeah I'm lucky to have them.
03:37The girl from Rosshire on it.
03:42So that's the fundraising but an even bigger part of it probably is the fundraising.
03:47How is that going and what events have you got planned?
03:51Have you had any yet?
03:52What's it been like?
03:54We had a curling night and it was a really good turn out.
03:59It was a great night.
04:01You know.
04:02It was really good.
04:03Fundraising wise it's I'm not going to lie it is quite difficult in a small place like
04:07Inverness and there's loads of us doing events and everything so it's difficult to do it
04:12but I'm actually proud of myself for where I am just now so it's not too bad.
04:15I'll let Neil tell you about our upcoming events.
04:20So no I am quite saying you know quite happy with where it is at the minute like George
04:24was saying it is tough but I think we're doing okay and I've got a big sale at work this
04:29week which will hopefully do quite well and then I've got the Dockford Dash next week
04:35just like a five mile run that's been organised by the Inverness Highers and Highland Hill
04:41So I'm hoping to get a few along for that then got a Crazy Golf competition at the Inverness
04:47Crazy Golf on the 12th of April and then George and I are doing a quiz night at Fairways last
04:53week of April just to round it off so yeah so we've got a few things in the pipeline
04:57so you can never quite tell how they're going to do at this stage but it's all plans are
05:02in motion.
05:03It's all working.
05:05And they're quite different those running ones and Crazy Golf.
05:09What made you decide to do them?
05:10Well I'm a runner basically and so I sort of had to in to like I'm a member of the Highland
05:15Hill Runners used to be a Highers member so I know both the teams quite well and the Dockford
05:20Dash is a race to put on anyway so I've just I just inquired I was like do you mind if
05:25we do this for the hospice for my Strictly fundraising and you know they were well for
05:29it and I was like well there you go it's a ready-made event I don't need to plan like
05:33a course or something like that everyone knows it so it's a big help.
05:36And then in terms of Crazy Golf I've got a good relationship with the owner there's also
05:40my corporate sponsor so again I thought that was a shoe in there just to make use use of
05:45that contact as well and man it is it's a bit different to a wilder folk are doing like
05:49in terms of like race nights and stuff like that and obviously a pub quiz is quite standard
05:54but again it brings folk in so you know it's quite looking quite positive I think.
06:00And how can people sign up for your race?
06:02It's online via sign entries you can find it on the Highland Hillrunners Facebook page
06:09it will also be posted on the Highland Hospice Facebook page as well so folk can sign up
06:13there and we are also taking entries on the night but preferably sign us before just so
06:17we have a gauge of numbers and stuff like that.
06:19You've got a bit nicer weather for doing it as well.
06:22Yeah fingers crossed, fingers crossed, if it was last week it would have been brilliant.
06:25Yeah lovely weather.
06:27I know.
06:29And I mean have you both been paired with each other since the start from the pairing
06:34You've not had any switches?
06:35No I haven't switched at all.
06:36No just flown straight from the pairing night yeah.
06:37I'm surprised Neil hasn't switched.
06:38And how has that been you know you're suddenly flung together having to do something really
06:46new with somebody you don't know how has that been?
06:51I mean yeah I'm black and white I'm like Georgia from the start so I guess we just got on from
06:57the start and it's just sort of it's something like you said you got you're thrown into it
07:02together so you got to work together through it so you get to know each other quite well
07:06so it's no it's good.
07:08Yeah that seems to be working pretty well as well you know no drama fingers crossed.
07:13Not yet.
07:14Truly days.
07:15No kind of big arguments or anything like that at all?
07:19Not at that yeah who knows what will happen tonight but I'm not.
07:26And do you work for the hospice?
07:28So you must see first hand what is done with the funds and where it goes and how it helps
07:34Yeah yeah I mean I don't want to say statistically here because I will get them wrong but you
07:38know it obviously costs a lot of money to run it each each day and you know the funds
07:43raised from Strictly it is the biggest event of the year and it brings in brings in the
07:48most the most cash and so yeah so it's and it goes all goes to a great cause as well
07:54just keeps our services running we are so many services that people don't don't know
07:58about like our child bereavement service and we've got a befriending service so it's not
08:03just an inpatient unit which is really a message we are trying to get out there so the funds
08:08are split across across the board.
08:10Yeah alongside the ice centre as well of course yeah and have you learned more about what
08:15the hospice does and what the ice centre provides?
08:18Yeah it has opened my eyes a lot my auntie works for the hospice she's in the kitchen
08:24in the hospice so yeah I was kind of known about it I used to work in care as well so
08:29I get it from that point of view too but no it's a great charity and so yeah this event
08:35does does really well for it.
08:37And how are you feeling about the night coming?
08:40The don't.
08:41The don't.
08:42Is there nerves yet or is it still kind of far away in a little box?
08:46No I like look back on how quick it's flown by and I'm like well the rest of it's gonna
08:50fly by just like that as well so I am really nervous and like I've got friends and family
08:55asking me like what it's gonna be like and everything and I just don't want to think
09:00about it yet.
09:01Yeah I'm a bit like that as well I'm trying not to think about it too much and just want
09:06to nail the dances first and then we'll think about actually going going on stage.
09:12Yeah to the performances I'm a bit the same I think I'm kind of like just trying to enjoying
09:17it right now.
09:20I probably know on the night just before I go on I'm gonna break a cheek yeah and I'm
09:24so scared that I'll forget what I'm supposed to do.
09:28Like having my own blank I think that's…
09:29Yeah I suppose you've just got to like just not care about who's watching you and just
09:34pretend like you're in the hall practicing.
09:36Yeah try not get lost in the moment as well if you're doing like a mistake just know where
09:41to pick up.
09:43And just carry on.
09:44Yeah exactly that yeah.
09:46And just keep going and I think it'll be really different with Selma we've got like her hair.
09:50So like you're in the fit of it.
09:51Yeah you're sort of embodied a character so you can just have a weird out of body experience
09:58And have you been told to do that for some of yours as well have you picked any personalities
10:06Yeah we got the characters for Street.
10:08Not so much Quickstep I wouldn't have thought.
10:10No no.
10:11I suppose you know it's like I'm like Elton John pretty much so you know you can imagine
10:15what you'll be sort of like.
10:17Is that been hard to kind of do that kind of drama side of things or is it very natural?
10:22For me it's natural anyway I'm dramatic enough.
10:27So it's just a lot of fun.
10:29It's good fun.
10:30Sometimes you do have to remind yourself that if you're like not getting something right
10:33or something instead of just getting sort of mad and angry about it you've got to be
10:37like it's literally for charity it's fun and you just got to enjoy it.
10:42And people who've done it in the past say to me like enjoy it because it is like a once
10:47in a lifetime experience.
10:48Oh exactly.
10:49And that's why I'm like so grateful that I'm doing it.
10:51I've got to remind myself that.
10:53It is going to be quite the night.
10:54How many people have you got coming to see you?
10:56We had everybody got 36 tickets.
10:59Did you manage to sell them all?
11:00Have you put some aside?
11:01Well yeah we're pretty much about the same.
11:04I've got 29.
11:05Yeah I've got at least 30 I think.
11:07So it's a small number because I was like I mean I don't know about 10.
11:12It's like that.
11:13I think everybody's feeling like that but a lot of people know it's a good night.
11:16So yeah.
11:18And I've got quite a few people coming from home which will be really really lovely.
11:21Be good fun.
11:22Where have you got them all staying?
11:23Because I've got people like I'm from Aberdeen originally and I've got a bunch of people
11:26come from Aberdeen.
11:27And I'm like oh I'm actually just going to have like a house full.
11:31I've got too much on my shoulders to worry about that.
11:34I know.
11:35Well I'm going to stay at my house and I'll get like a hotel room for the night.
11:39That would probably work better.
11:40Luxury for myself.
11:42But yeah.
11:43No I am really excited for everyone being able to see what I've been kind of talking
11:46That's exactly it.
11:48And putting all your work into how busy you've been and everything.
11:52It's a lot of investment.
11:53And obviously we're learning the dances, we're fundraising.
11:56But what is for yourself one thing you've learned about yourself that you didn't know
12:01during this process?
12:02Are there anything like qualities that have kind of developed over this time?
12:06Probably patience.
12:08You need a lot of that.
12:12It was quite bad.
12:14But just like realising how quickly I can actually pick things up.
12:21Patience definitely.
12:22You're learning.
12:24I don't have much of that either.
12:25That's not a gift that I'm giving.
12:27Neither am I.
12:28At all.
12:29How about you Neil?
12:30I think just doing it.
12:31You know it's, I don't know, what week are we now?
12:32Week 9?
12:33I thought we were week 9 but I actually don't know if we're week 11.
12:34I'm just going with the flow.
12:36If I start counting the weeks I'm going to get even more nervous.
12:45But I'm still here.
12:47You know I didn't quit after week 1 which I had in the back of my mind to pick my back
12:51But no I'm still here.
12:52So perseverance probably.
12:54Just keep going.
12:55It's just good fun.
12:56And I'm actually enjoying it which to be fair I wasn't sure I would.
12:59It's not something I would have thought I would have actually enjoyed but now I am.
13:03So I suppose that's it.
13:04I'm enjoying it.
13:05So it's been quite surprising that you've…
13:07I've actually enjoyed it.
13:08It's a surprise because that's what, as you were saying there, that's what I'm especially
13:12about work.
13:13Wendy and Carrie are saying, oh I know you'll love it, you'll love it and I'm like, I don't
13:15know, I'll do it but I'm not sure I'll love it but no, to be fair it's pretty good.
13:19Is it the challenge of it you love?
13:20Well I think, yeah, a bit of everything.
13:24Just the camaraderie in the group and stuff like that and then just learning to dance
13:28as well which wasn't something that was necessarily on my bucket list but I'm doing it as best
13:32I can.
13:33So yeah, so no, it's been great fun.
13:36Yeah, there's lots of things going on and I think people talk about the blues.
13:39Yeah, I'm going to get to like a Sunday Bundy, I'm not going to know what to do with myself.
13:46Have you got anything planned for after?
13:48Any holidays, any time away?
13:51I think I'm going away for my birthday in July.
13:52I've got a couple of things on the end of June as well so I'll just look forward to
13:56them but nothing, no holidays planned, just relaxing on Sunday now.
14:03Enjoy your hangovers in peace.
14:04Yeah, enjoy my hangovers in peace and not get bullied for them every Sunday at group.
14:09I've got a three-week holiday to Canada in September so that's, yeah, that's my post
14:16Strictly tree.
14:17Yeah, quite right.
14:18Just something, as soon as Strictly finishes I can start properly planning and looking
14:22forward to that.
14:23Yeah, just kind of playing things a little bit, you know, I can't do anything, although
14:29I have just, I did go away because my sister's away to move away, so I went away with her
14:33for a few days, so that fit that.
14:35I felt really bad being like, oh, I'm going to miss a week of training.
14:38I know, it is a bit like that.
14:41But you kind of, it's kind of that balance, being able to do both, but it's really fun.
14:48But before we finish, we're going to do the Wheel of Torture.
14:53So that's our little, and what I want you to do is spin it, so Georgia, do you want
14:57to go first?
14:58And then whatever it comes up with, take a little card.
15:03Wheel Talk.
15:04Wheel Talk.
15:05So if you look in there, you should get a Wheel Talk, and that's a question you should
15:08ask Neil.
15:09What's one important lesson you've learned from our time together?
15:13Answer carefully.
15:14Oh gosh, that's quite, I don't know, I don't know, just, probably just what I've said before
15:22to be honest, just persevere, just keep going.
15:25Just keep plugging away, working hard.
15:30It'll come about.
15:31It'll come about, absolutely.
15:32And do you want to give it a wee spin?
15:37Memory lane.
15:40Memory lane.
15:43What's a memorable moment from our early training days that still sticks with you?
15:48Still sticks with me.
15:52Well, I almost, there's one part in our dance where I've got to jump on Neil's back, and
15:59it almost did not go well.
16:02And Reece had to jump and grab me back so I didn't fall.
16:06It was good fun, it was funny.
16:08But yeah, that was definitely memorable.
16:11That mirror image.
16:12But it's like, every time it comes to that point now.
16:15No, there's been plenty though, there's been great times, great laughs and everything.
16:22And how do you support each other when things are hard, though?
16:24Are you good at giving each other encouragement?
16:26Like I said, I'm very black and white.
16:28And I said that to Neil at the start.
16:31I'm always there to help us work together.
16:35So if he needs a hand with something, I'll just tell him straight how it's doing.
16:40That's probably a lesson learned from him.
16:43But it's always from a good place to help us work together.
16:47And I'm very outgoing.
16:50So me and Neil sort of balance each other out like that sometimes.
16:52Yeah, definitely.
16:54It's quite standoffish, go with the flow.
16:57See how things turn out, I hope.
17:00I just want to ask you as well, who are your corporate sponsors?
17:03So mine is Alan Williamson Contracting.
17:06He's one of my good friends and he's from the Black Isle.
17:10And I'm so thankful for him supporting me.
17:13He's totally up for it, so he'll be there on the night supporting me, I hope.
17:17Gotta come along.
17:19He's got a ticket, so he should be there.
17:21He'll definitely know who he needs.
17:23And you've mentioned your...
17:24Yeah, that's a crazy goal.
17:26And how can people support you?
17:27If they're listening to this, how can they get in touch?
17:29How can they give to your JustGiving?
17:31How can they come along to your events?
17:33I know you've talked about the running, but any other ways they can get in touch with you?
17:37Just social media, my Facebook, give me a wee message.
17:41I've got my JustGiving link in my bios and everything.
17:46I'm more than happy to speak to anyone about anything, whoever can support me.
17:50I'd be greatly appreciated.
17:51Yeah, and the same for me on social media, basically.
17:56Well, thank you so much for both coming along.
17:58And thank you for having us.
18:01You're welcome.
18:02Well, good luck on the night, but also you're my competition.
18:04Yeah, got it.
18:05So we'll be friends off until then.