GOD SAVE THE QUEENS Trailer - official movie trailer HD
Short filmTranscript
00:00Have you ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders?
00:05You guys like Drag Queen? I'm doing a little one-woman show, you guys should totally come!
00:10Have you looked in the mirror and not recognized the person across from you?
00:14You and I, we ain't getting much younger, girl.
00:17She looks like my dad in a wig.
00:18Chances are, you're lost.
00:21Greetings, fellow alcoholics!
00:25We are here to help.
00:28What's your name?
00:30Welcome, Stevie!
00:32Jesus, how?
00:35Tonight is very important.
00:39I may look unconventional.
00:41You look a lot different out of drag, that's for sure.
00:43It's elevating in the mouth, bitch.
00:46We are here to talk to you about your submission to Talents Addressed.
00:49We can put on our face for the audience.
00:51We can win this.
00:52Every beautiful dove must learn to fly.
00:55Vultures fly too, you know.
00:58I can never do what you do, you know, you're so brave.
01:02You've been busting for a world that doesn't care about what you have to say.
01:06That thinks that you're playing dress-up.
01:08That thinks that you should fall in line.
01:10You've never been that.
01:12You're not alone.
01:13Who are you?
01:15Is there like a grab bag of gurus or something?
01:18Something like that.
01:20I put so much heart into what I do.
01:24You're gonna have to fight all your life.
01:28The only thing I care about is this damn show.
01:30Where are we gonna rehearse?
01:32But I'm wearing heels.