दिल्ली : लोकसभा में नेता प्रतिपक्ष व कांग्रेस सांसद राहुल गांधी ने लोकसभा स्पीकर ओम बिरला पर सदन में बोलने का मौका नहीं देने का आरोप लगाया है। उन्होंने कहा, "सदन में एक परंपरा है कि विपक्ष के नेता को बोलने दिया जाता है। लेकिन मैं हाउस में जब भी खड़ा होता हूं, बोलने नहीं दिया जाता। पता नहीं किस प्रकार से सदन चल रहा है। जो हम कहना चाहता हूं, हमें कहने नहीं दिया जाता। मैंने कुछ नहीं किया, मैं शांति से बैठा था। पिछले एक हफ्ते से मुझे नहीं बोलने दिया गया है...।"
#RahulGandhi #LokSabha #LeaderofOpposition #LoPRahulGandhi #Parliament #Congress #OmBirla #BudgetSession
#RahulGandhi #LokSabha #LeaderofOpposition #LoPRahulGandhi #Parliament #Congress #OmBirla #BudgetSession
00:00I have said something about it.
00:02They just walked away.
00:04They didn't do anything wrong.
00:06Whenever I stand in a house,
00:08whenever I stand in a house,
00:10the leader of the opposition
00:12has a convention that
00:14he is allowed to speak.
00:16Whenever I stand in a house,
00:18I am not allowed to speak.
00:20I don't know how this house is running.
00:22I don't know how this house is running.
00:24What we want to say,
00:26we are not allowed to say.
00:28I didn't do anything.
00:30Let me speak.
00:32I didn't do anything.
00:34I was sitting peacefully.
00:36I didn't say a single word.
00:38In the last 7-8 days,
00:40I was not allowed to speak.
00:42I didn't say anything.
00:44Madam, let me speak.
00:46I am speaking.
00:48Don't interrupt me.
00:50This is a new way
00:52where there is opposition
00:54in democracy
00:56and in government.
00:58There is no place for opposition here.
01:00There is no place for opposition here.
01:02There is only place for government here.
01:04That day,
01:06the Prime Minister
01:08spoke about Kumbh Mela.
01:10I wanted to add my point.
01:12I wanted to say that it is good
01:14that Kumbh Mela happened.
01:16I wanted to say something about unemployment.
01:18I didn't let him speak.
01:20I don't know what the speaker's thinking is.
01:22But the truth is
01:24that he is not allowing us to speak.