00:00And what they are doing, and to use a boxing analogy,
00:04they are going to the body instead of throwing jabs.
00:07Jabs being three-point shots all the time, okay?
00:10They're getting downhill.
00:12You look at the way that Giddey has 17 assists.
00:18The reason why he has 17 assists is because he's getting paint touches,
00:21getting in the paint, and kicking out to his teammates for open threes.
00:26And the reason why they have open threes now
00:28is because they are attacking the paint so much,
00:31and instead of turning down those layups
00:32that they were turning down earlier in the season,
00:35they're trying to finish those layups and get to the free-throw line.
00:38So that's the difference in this Bulls team
00:41and the one that we saw earlier.
00:44And, you know, you guys know I'm the biggest Zach Levine fan ever.
00:48But, you know, I think that the trade has made the team.
00:53It's addition by subtraction.
00:55As great as Zach was, Kobe White now has the freedom that he needs.
01:02He's adjusted to playing with Giddey off of the ball.
01:07Kevin Herter provides that outside shooting that the Bulls –
01:11that consistent outside shooting that the Bulls have needed
01:14for a couple of years now simply because –
01:17and he stated this himself – that he's not stationary anymore
01:20like he was in Sacramento.
01:22You know, and I was wondering why he was having trouble
01:24shooting the ball in Sacramento.
01:25Because when he was with the Atlanta Hawks,
01:27he always killed the Bulls.
01:28But now they have – Billy has them on the move.
01:30He's knocking down the threes.
01:32And, you know, I know Trey Jones is a free agent.
01:35But, you know, you got to find a way to keep that guy.