• 2 days ago
Metal silos are helping to save grain otherwise lost to rot, rodents and other pests in southern Ethiopia. Farmers can buy the subsidized silos under a UN scheme, which also creates jobs for metalworkers. Some 30% of crops are lost post-harvest there.
00:00A traditional structure, but ineffective.
00:10For decades, Ethiopian farmer Tombe Tunsisa used bamboo silos and often lost part of his
00:18When we store maize inside, the maize gets infested by pests or eaten by rodents.
00:23Pest infestation is the biggest problem.
00:27In this metal silo, his maize is now safe from pests and rot.
00:31Originally used in Latin America, the technology is now catching on in Africa, thanks to the
00:36UN's Food and Agricultural Organization.
00:39In Ethiopia, 30% of food loss occurs after harvest, so they are a real blessing.
00:46We can now store our grains as long as we want, without any problem, and sell it when
00:53we want.
00:54This silo holds as much as four traditional ones.
00:59Another advantage, the silos are now being made here too, creating jobs in southern Ethiopia's
01:04Sidama region.
01:05The FAO pays for the materials, making them 30% cheaper.
01:10The farmers pay the equivalent of 60 euros, another incentive to make the switch.
01:19We manufacture at least 20 to 30 silos a month.
01:23We don't just sell them in this area, we do in other villages too.
01:30A study has shown that with the new silos, Ethiopian smallholders can save up to 200
01:36kilograms of maize that would have been spoiled by rot or infestation.
01:42Shurte Kulchamo no longer has to sell off maize that's beginning to rot at dumping prices.
01:52We sell at a higher price and benefit.
01:59We can wait for the right time to come to sell our grain.
02:08We've never seen anything like it, they are like a miracle.
02:15You can't compare traditional silos with the enormous benefit of these ones.
