• 2 days ago
Islam Aur Zindagi Ka Maqsad 🕌 | Mufti Aamir | ARY Digital Drama

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen, wa laakibatulil muttaqeen, wa salatul salamu ala sikhid al-anbiyai
00:17Amma ba'du ta'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem, bismillahir rahmanir raheem, wa ma
00:24khalaqtul jinna wal-insa illa liya'budoon.
00:27Allah rabbul Izzat said in the Holy Qur'an that we did not create jinn and human beings
00:34but for our own worship.
00:36This is the verse of the Holy Qur'an in which Allah rabbul Izzat told us about the purpose
00:41of our life.
00:42What is the purpose of our life?
00:44We have many needs in our life but there is only one purpose.
00:49The purpose for which we were created, the purpose for which we were created, the purpose
00:56for which we were created is the worship and worship of Allah.
01:01In the Holy Qur'an, Allah rabbul Izzat said this in another way,
01:06khalaqal mawta wal hayata liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu amala
01:12We created death and life so that you may test how you act.
01:19This life that has been sent to us in this world is our trial period.
01:26Do we fulfill the task for which Allah has sent us in this world?
01:33Do we pass the test that Allah has put on us?
01:41If we pass the test, then we have attained the purpose of our life.
01:49There are many small goals and targets in life.
01:55But they are not permanent.
01:59They are temporary and partial.
02:02But the permanent and permanent success is that a person attains the purpose of his life.
02:09That is why someone said,
02:11zindagi aamad baraye bandagi, zindagi be bandagi sharmindagi
02:17Life is only for worship that we obey Allah.
02:22If we do not obey Allah, then no matter how much we earn in our life,
02:29no matter how many successes we achieve,
02:32but if we do not fulfill the duty of worship of Allah,
02:36then we have not attained any success.
02:41You see how our ancestors, our religious leaders, our saints, our companions,
02:48how they attained the purpose of life.
02:52Especially today, because it is Shab-e-Qadr and the 21st night,
02:56if we talk about this night,
02:59if you look at Hazrat Ali,
03:02what a personality he is.
03:05He is the father of two personalities.
03:08He is the husband of Hazrat Fatimatul Zahra.
03:15He is the son-in-law of the Prophet.
03:17He was born in the Ka'bah.
03:19He is also the conqueror of Khaibar.
03:22What is the glory of Ali.
03:24If you look at his life,
03:27how he attained the purpose of life,
03:31how he obeyed Allah and fulfilled the duty of worship.
03:37You see that he is the lover of the Prophet and the companion of the Prophet.
03:41On the other hand, he got such a great position.
03:44He is also the Ameer-ul-Momineen.
03:46But at any position, for a moment,
03:50with the worship of Allah,
03:53and with the obedience of the Prophet,
03:55he did not allow any kind of shortcomings or shortcomings to occur.
03:59You see that Hazrat Ali,
04:02these prayers, fasting, and these worships,
04:06these are there.
04:07That is, worship like prayer,
04:09which has become a very difficult stage for us,
04:13it was not such a matter for the companions
04:16that the prayers in their lives were ever in any way minus.
04:20You see Hazrat Ali.
04:22Moula Ali, may Allah be pleased with him,
04:24only once,
04:25only once,
04:26the prayer was performed.
04:28And that prayer was not performed in any heedlessness.
04:32Rather, the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
04:34after performing Asr prayer,
04:36he came to Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him,
04:39and he was resting on his lap.
04:43What is the glory of Moula Ali.
04:45That Allah, the Lord of Glory, has given such a status,
04:48that the two nations of the world are resting on your lap,
04:51keeping their heads down and resting.
04:55And Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him,
04:57he did not offer Salah.
04:59Now they are seeing that my master is resting.
05:02On the other hand, they are seeing the time of Asr,
05:04that it is less.
05:05If the sun was visible,
05:07and the master's sleep was visible,
05:09then you would have stopped.
05:10To the extent that the sun set.
05:12When the sun set,
05:14tears fell from Moula Ali's eyes.
05:18Because in his life,
05:20there was no concept of offering Salah.
05:24One is me,
05:25that there is no concept of paying in our life.
05:28And the other is that
05:30in his life,
05:31there was no concept of offering Salah.
05:34Therefore, when the sun set,
05:36tears fell.
05:38The Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
05:40woke up.
05:41He asked, Ali, what happened?
05:43He said, O Messenger of Allah,
05:45do not offer Asr Salah.
05:47Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
05:50He offered Salah on the sleep of the Prophet.
05:53You can see from this,
05:54what was the belief of the companions,
05:56and what was the connection and belief with the Prophet.
06:00That they considered the service of the Prophet,
06:03their religion, their faith, and everything.
06:07The Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:10did not let his sleep wake him up.
06:12He did not let any error occur in it.
06:14He saw that the Salah was being offered,
06:16so he allowed it to be offered.
06:18And it is obvious that
06:19when the Salah is being offered on the sleep of the Master,
06:22how will the Prophet allow it to be offered?
06:24The Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:26said, Ali, will you offer Salah or pay?
06:29And after that,
06:30the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:31raised his hand and prayed.
06:33O Allah, Ali was obeying you and your Messenger.
06:40O Allah, Ali was obeying you and your Messenger.
06:42O Allah, return the sun.
06:44Then the sun was turned upside down,
06:46and after that,
06:47the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:48offered Asr Salah.
06:50This was the state of their Salah,
06:52that the sun would also turn upside down for them,
06:55so that their Salah would not be wasted.
06:57I don't know how many suns rise in our life,
07:00and how many suns set.
07:02Our heedlessness does not end.
07:04And when we see their worship,
07:06their sincerity in their worship,
07:08their happiness and humility in their worship,
07:10their presence in the presence of Allah in their worship,
07:13we are amazed.
07:15This is what Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him,
07:19Once, in a battle,
07:20an arrow was shot in the foot of the Prophet.
07:23And it is obvious that
07:25when an arrow is shot in the foot,
07:27it is not easy to remove it.
07:29Especially at that time.
07:31At that time,
07:32such a new type of surgery was not done.
07:35Therefore, this was the most difficult task.
07:38When an arrow is shot in the foot,
07:40and it is removed,
07:41then how much pain is there?
07:43How much pain is there?
07:44So, it was thought,
07:45how to remove this arrow?
07:47So, Hazrat Sayyeda-e-Kainat said,
07:49when they are in Salah,
07:51you remove the arrow,
07:53because in Salah,
07:54they are not aware of anything.
07:56And it really happened.
07:57Maulana Ali was reciting Salah,
07:59and during Salah,
08:00an arrow was removed from his foot,
08:02and he was not even aware of it.
08:04That is,
08:05his majesty,
08:06his grandeur,
08:07and in the presence of Allah.
08:09This was the state of Huzoor.
08:11We also offer Salah.
08:12We offer Salah with great difficulty.
08:14And when we offer Salah,
08:15our attention does not move away from the world.
08:17According to our business,
08:19we offer Salah in the world.
08:21We think about all the affairs of the world in Salah.
08:24And there is Maulana Ali,
08:26what was the state of his worship?
08:28That an arrow was removed from his foot,
08:31but his attention does not move away.
08:34Allahu Akbar.
08:35Maulana Ali Qari says about Maulana Ali,
08:38that someone asked Hazrat Ali,
08:41Ali, have you ever seen Allah?
08:45So Hazrat Ali said,
08:46Ali does not raise his head from one prostration,
08:50for the second prostration,
08:52until he sees Allah in the first prostration.
08:55Maulana Ali Qari wrote this.
08:57Now you see,
08:58what is the state of his worship?
09:00Why did the Prophet not say,
09:02that you worship in such a way,
09:04as if you are seeing Allah.
09:06And if you do not have such ability,
09:09then at least worship in such a way,
09:11that He is seeing you.
09:13That is, you worship in such a way.
09:15So it was really our ancestors,
09:17who did such worship.
09:19And they achieved the real purpose of life.
09:22They achieved the purpose of life.
09:24This is the reason,
09:25this is the reason,
09:26that when the time came for the martyrdom of Maulana Ali,
09:30and when he gave up the lives of the disbelievers,
09:33and started to depart from this world,
09:36then the last words and words on his tongue,
09:39those words were,
09:41I swear by the Lord of the Ka'bah,
09:44I became successful.
09:46I became successful.
09:48That is, the real success,
09:50today everyone runs after success.
09:53But what is the real concept of success?
09:56What is the reality of success?
09:58Who are the people,
09:59who are blessed persons and are successful?
10:02So Maulana Ali taught us before leaving,
10:05that the success in reality is,
10:07that the purpose for which a person has come to this world,
10:10he should achieve that purpose.
10:12This month of Ramadan,
10:13this night of Qadr,
10:14for us to achieve the purpose of life,
10:18is the best opportunity.
10:20That we are in this month,
10:21in which the devil is closed,
10:23in this month,
10:24in which the doors of paradise are open,
10:26in this month,
10:27in which there is an atmosphere of goodness everywhere,
10:30a person can do goodness easily,
10:32so we should consider this opportunity as a boon,
10:36and to achieve our purpose of life,
10:39we should obey Allah,
10:42and do servitude.
10:43And finally,
10:45All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
