• 2 days ago
CG News: 25 वर्षों बाद नक्सलियों के खौफ से आजाद हुआ बीजापुर, डिप्टी सीएम ने कही ये बात...


00:00For 25 years, when we were going from Bijapur to Pamir, we had to go through Telangana.
00:11And this distance was 250 km.
00:16Now, with the help of the security forces, we go from Bijapur to Pamir via Kondapalli.
00:26And this distance is 90 km.
00:29We had to go through Telangana.
00:32Now, we have reached 90 km.
00:34The road has started.
00:35Not only the road has started, but the bus has also started running there.
00:39This bus runs every day from morning.
00:42People are very relaxed about this.
