• vorgestern


00:00Das war's für heute, wir sehen uns beim nächsten Mal, tschüss!
00:30I'm gonna post in the comments what I'm reading and what I'm gonna speak to.
00:34Alright, love you guys.
00:36Sometimes I wonder why I even go on all these auditions.
00:39Because you're an amazing actress and you can't limit yourself.
00:42My dream has always been since I was a child to become an actress.
00:46I think there's someone behind you. Do you need to pause for a second and take care of that?
00:49What do you mean?
00:56She's been kidnapped.
00:57What do you mean she's been kidnapped?
01:00Don't panic.
01:01It could be an ex-boyfriend.
01:03It's fine.
01:04Someone from the content house.
01:06Like and subscribe.
01:08I'm not panicking.
01:09A scorned sugar daddy.
01:11Such a slimy weasel.
01:13Don't panic.
01:14Someone from her home country.
01:15I heard some commotion.
01:17Yeah, so?
01:18Whatever you do, just don't panic.
01:48To be continued...