• 2 days ago
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 15


00:00Good morning, Officer Nolan.
00:13Ready for another exciting day out on the streets of Los Angeles?
00:17No, thanks.
00:18I get all the rush I need for making this beautiful city of ours safer every single
00:22And you will, too, if you join the LADP, I mean, PD.
00:28And you will, too.
00:29I'm sorry.
00:30What do I say again?
00:33I do, too.
00:35And so will you, if, as well, if you join L.A.
00:40You just ripped off my gum.
00:42And that's why we joined the LADP.
00:43L.A.'s finest.
00:44Okay, guys, I know there were a few stumbles in there, yes, in the beginning, but this
00:55is Hollywood, right?
00:56They fix that stuff in the edit.
00:58I think this video is going to make the department very proud.
01:00So, Bradford, would you like the honor?
01:03Actually, sir, I think I should go to Lopez.
01:05The whole thing was her idea.
01:08There is no promotional video.
01:10You got punked.
01:11This sucks.
01:12I mean, this is awful.
01:13I don't know what you're doing to yourself.
01:15Sir, can I get more powder?
01:18Can I get a copy of this for my kid?
01:37We're all going to die.
01:42Right here.
01:43Right now.
01:45This bomb is packed with C4, ball bearings, screws, broken glass.
01:50When this thing goes off, this whole room is going to turn into a blender.
01:54And guess what?
01:55If you don't die instantly, you're going to suffer fatal secondary infections, because
01:59I soaked the shrapnel in my own filth.
02:04Now, you've all been taught to shoot on sight when you see a bomber, right?
02:09But you can't shoot me, because I'm holding a dead man's switch.
02:13I let it go, it detonates.
02:15So, your only shot at survival is to talk me into giving up.
02:21But, you only have ten words to do it.
02:28Ma'am, you don't want to do this.
02:33There's a slaughterhouse in here.
02:35My name is Lucy Chan.
02:38They're IDing you for dental records.
02:41You just got buried in a shoebox.
02:45I can only imagine the pain you're feeling right now.
02:50You just got ten more words.
02:55Okay, so what'd you all do wrong?
02:58Officer West started mansplaining.
03:00Officer Chen wasted time by introducing herself.
03:03And Officer Bradford decided to skip words altogether.
03:07They're overrated.
03:08If I'd met a hair quicker, you'd be singing my praises.
03:10But you weren't.
03:12So, that means you fall into the fail category with everybody else except Officer Nolan.
03:19What did he do right?
03:22He expressed empathy.
03:24You faked it.
03:25It doesn't matter if it was real.
03:27The only thing that matters is how it comes across.
03:30Active listening plus empathy leads to a rapport, which leads to influence and ultimately behavioral change.
03:36Wow, you read my book.
03:39Okay, well, I read your file.
03:41Actually, I read all of your files.
03:43But nothing in your past indicates an ability to communicate with people like that.
03:49So why do you think that you're so good at it?
03:53Because of the training I received from Officer Bishop and Sergeant Gray.
04:01You just betrayed our trust by giving me a political answer.
04:04Our rapport is ruined and this room is now a horror movie.
04:10Oh, my goodness.
04:11I am so embarrassed.
04:12Oh, no.
04:13Don't be.
04:14You know, if they knew how to do it, then you wouldn't have called me to come in and train them.
04:18I still can't believe that you're a private consultant now.
04:21I mean, you were such a rock star in the Bureau.
04:24How's Luna?
04:26And she's pushing me to make a change, too.
04:29Dominique's heading off to college.
04:31Well, you should.
04:33Good luck.
04:34You know, you've done your 20.
04:36You've got the scars to prove it.
04:40Go do something new.
04:43What else is a guy like me going to do?
04:46Come work with me.
04:47Work for you, you mean?
04:49Okay, come on.
04:50I am not like that.
04:51You know that.
04:54But I am nowhere near ready to have this conversation.
04:57Well, when you are, the offer will still be there.
05:01All right.
05:02All right.
05:13She's pretty impressive, huh?
05:15I'll say.
05:17Uh, why didn't you tell me she wrote a book about her years on the FBI's hostage rescue team?
05:22I would have been so much better prepared.
05:24How did you not know about it?
05:26You know, the Academy Jackson would have been all over that.
05:28Yeah, Officer Jackson is clearly slipping.
05:31I know I'm not.
05:32It wouldn't matter if you read it or not.
05:34I'm simply better than you.
05:36Look, while I think that she is full of crap,
05:39I spent summer vacations running hostage scenarios,
05:41and I always picked my brother and saved the hostage.
05:44Did Dad say it was a gift?
05:45Dad should have sent you to camp.
05:48What's going on?
05:49Prison transport crash loaded with convicts from the courthouse.
05:54Get that gear, boo.
05:55Let's go.
05:57Let's go.
06:16Hey, what happened here?
06:18Coyote ran in front of the bus.
06:19Graham swerved.
06:20We went over.
06:22How many people on board?
06:23Twenty prisoners.
06:24Two of the guards.
06:25Did any prisoners get away?
06:26I think so.
06:28Hey, get down there.
06:29Give me a head count.
06:31Control, this is 7L20.
06:32I've seen a crash.
06:33I got this one.
06:34I'm declaring a citywide tactical alert.
06:35I need multiple RA, Rambo airships,
06:37and call additional units from Rampart and North Hollywood.
06:41I need a hard perimeter set around the crash.
06:43Assume a ten-minute head start.
06:52I got something over your 10 o'clock.
06:54Check it out.
06:55Be careful.
06:58Don't move.
06:59An ambulance is on its way.
07:01Can you give me a sit rep?
07:03Seven of them escaped.
07:05They got my keys, my gun,
07:08and went out through the windshield.
07:11All units, be advised,
07:12seven prisoners escaped from the bus.
07:13At least one is armed.
07:15Hang tight.
07:16We're gonna get you out of here, okay?
07:32Hey, take it easy.
07:35I got you.
07:36Come on.
07:37I got you.
07:38All right?
07:39I got you.
07:417-9-15, I need an RA unit immediately
07:4460 yards east of the crash.
07:4650-year-old male.
07:47Life-threatening injuries.
07:48Okay, just stop moving.
07:49All right?
07:56Okay, just stop moving.
07:57All right?
07:58Stop moving.
07:59I gotta get help.
08:00I gotta get help.
08:01Help is here.
08:02Help is here.
08:03I'm right here.
08:04Hey, what's your name?
08:06Graham, I'm John.
08:07Am I gonna die?
08:10Come on.
08:11No, you're not gonna die.
08:12You're gonna be fine, okay?
08:13You're gonna be okay.
08:14You just hang on.
08:15All right?
08:17Hang on.
08:197-19, almost on site.
08:21We have at least seven prisoners
08:22at large in surrounding neighborhoods.
08:23Start a grid search.
08:24Coordinate with 7-13-18-26.
08:267-19 in pursuit of fugitive suspect
08:27heading north on Maple.
08:28Get down.
08:29Get on your stomach.
08:30Get on your stomach.
08:32Head down your back.
09:51Hey, where's Nola?
09:54Officer Nola, report.
10:13Don't move!
10:15You OK?
10:17Get control of him.
10:29All right, listen up.
10:31This is what we know so far.
10:33So we have seven fugitives at large.
10:37Good work.
10:40We have six fugitives at large.
10:44At this rate, I say we'd be home for dinner.
10:46But I know better.
10:48A prisoner on foot can sustain a pace of four miles per hour.
10:51And the clocks are ticking 20 minutes ago.
10:53So we have a hard perimeter set up a mile out.
10:56If it was set up in time, it's just a matter of going door to door and running these fugitives down.
11:01If a fugitive gets past our perimeter, this turns from a recovery operation to a manhunt.
11:08And that puts the entire city at risk.
11:10Sir Bishop, Wong, Mitchell, Pelleggi, yourself and fall back and man the perimeter.
11:16Bradford, Lopez, Keegan, and Willis, you'll join the grid search inside the zone.
11:21Command will advise you on the identities of the guys you're chasing as soon as we get them.
11:26But for now, assume that they are all extremely dangerous.
11:30Let's go get them.
11:44This is the Los Angeles Police Department.
11:46For your own safety, we ask you to lock your doors and stay inside due to an ongoing emergency.
11:57License and registration, please.
12:02Pop the trunk, please.
12:06Officer Nolan.
12:11All right, have a nice day.
12:17Hey, you sure you're okay?
12:20Before that deputy died, he asked me to pass along a message.
12:23Shouldn't I be doing that?
12:24You're doing exactly what you should be doing.
12:26Hard as it sounds, that message can wait.
12:28That bus was full of hardcore felons, desperate men.
12:32If we don't catch them quickly, somebody else could die.
12:35All right.
12:37Sir, there's a shelter-in-place order in effect.
12:40We need you in your house.
12:46Oh, Tim.
12:50Whoa, Tim.
12:52What's going on?
12:53Tim, Tim!
12:57Tim, Tim!
13:04Whoa, whoa, whoa! Get your hands where I can see them! Now!
13:08No, stay right there.
13:09It's okay.
13:10We got permits for the weapons and our ammo stored separately, so it's legal.
13:14I don't care if it's legal.
13:15No good's gonna come from you guys running around here with assault rifles.
13:18We heard prisoners were on the loose. We got a right to protect our neighborhood.
13:21Yeah, that's a job for law enforcement, not a ragtag militia.
13:24Got one! Got a fugitive.
13:26Hey, get off me, man. I ain't doing anything.
13:28Officers, please.
13:29Hey, let him go. That's not who we're looking for.
13:31I kept telling him that!
13:33You sure? He looks guilty as hell to me. At least check his papers.
13:36Let him go. Right now.
13:38Are you okay?
13:39No, you should be arresting them.
13:41Hey, screw that. The law says we're allowed to defend our neighborhood when in grave danger.
13:45I was trimming a hedge!
13:46All right, look, that's enough. Get back.
13:48Look, as bigoted as they are, they thought they were making a citizen's arrest, so they haven't broken the law.
13:53But their names will be in our report, so if you'd like to sue them for emotional damages, you can.
13:58Hey, how about we just all go back and secure our home fronts?
14:02No hard feelings?
14:07If I find out that you're back out here again, I'll have you arrested for violating California Penal Codes 372 and 647B.
14:13You got that?
14:20647B is the code for prostitution.
14:23They don't know that.
14:25All units, possible fugitive sighting. Parking garage 19558 Sunset Boulevard.
14:30A guy in an orange jumpsuit took a bunch of keys and ran up the ramp.
14:40This man who's on the show is code 6. I'm a fugitive suspect.
15:05You're not getting out of the car now!
15:07Show me your hands!
15:09Open the door from the outside!
15:13Get down on your stomach!
15:15What's her name?
15:17Oscar Hutchinson.
15:19Control, we have fugitive Hutchinson in custody.
15:21I was only running because I thought the bus was gonna explode.
15:24Uh-huh. Is that why you stole the car, too?
15:26I always loved driving.
15:29Been locked up for decades.
15:32I was kind of hoping to get a little me-time in before you guys caught me.
15:35I hope it was enough,
15:36because it's only gonna get longer now.
15:38Oh, I'm in forever, son.
15:40Every moment out here is great.
15:45You're free to go.
15:52License and registration, please.
15:59You okay there, Mr. Bernstein?
16:05And where are you coming from today?
16:10We're looking for some men who escaped from prison.
16:12You haven't seen anyone like that, have you?
16:15No, sir.
16:17Would you pop the drug for me?
16:29I need you to pop the drug.
16:51Mr. Bernstein,
16:53so sorry to take up your time today.
16:55Thank you for your cooperation.
16:58Have a nice day.
17:07You let him go?
17:09No way to save that kid.
17:10And what if you're wrong?
17:22We're clear.
17:27I did what you wanted, and I'm giving you my daughter.
17:30You can take my car.
17:38Drop your gun!
17:52Sorry, goodness first.
17:53Three more fugitives were apprehended,
17:55leaving just two at large
17:57for those who are going to be held to catch.
17:59Which is why Command asked Jessica Russo to assist us.
18:03Yeah, so at this point,
18:04we're going to have to assume that these guys have gotten past the perimeter,
18:07which means that we're going to have to get inside their heads
18:10to figure out where they're going to go.
18:11Predictive analytics.
18:14You sound skeptical.
18:15No, ma'am.
18:16I just found the best way to catch a criminal is to hit the streets.
18:19Well, that's because you have no experience doing it any other way.
18:21Marcus Gibson, only 24 years old,
18:24but he's been a member of the 54th Street Gang for over a decade.
18:27He was recently sentenced to 12 years in Victorville
18:30for aggravated assault and attempted murder.
18:32The 5-4 will do everything they can to help him get away.
18:34Including spiriting him out of the state.
18:36I've got a contact inside the 5-4 that might be able to give us some insight.
18:39Go talk.
18:40Okay, good.
18:41Our next fugitive is Caleb Jost.
18:44He is, in my opinion, the more dangerous of the five.
18:47He is, in my opinion, the more dangerous of the two.
18:49He is 44 years old, a former investment banker,
18:52sentenced five years for securities fraud and another eight
18:55for biting off the nose of his deputy AG during his arrest.
18:58He is testament to the fact that psychopaths can carry a briefcase as easily as a grab bag.
19:02The FBI believes Caleb hid significant resources before he was arrested.
19:06Which he's going to need to avoid going back to prison.
19:09So we have to dig into the FBI leads
19:11and figure out the location of that money before he gets there.
19:13That's exactly right.
19:14Are you up for the challenge, Officer Nolan?
19:16Yes, ma'am.
19:17Okay, great.
19:18Then you and Officer Bishop can stay with me
19:19while everybody else runs down more obvious leads.
19:23All right, here we go.
19:25Grand Theft Auto.
19:27I barely made it 100 yards.
19:29There isn't a distance requirement.
19:31You stole a car.
19:31Which means we've got to process you before we ship you back to prison.
19:34Hey, I'm not complaining.
19:36This place is like the Ritz compared to Victorville.
19:38Get him squared away while I contact the Sheriff's Department about procedure.
19:42You know the drill.
19:43Take your shoes off.
19:48I knew a West in my youth.
19:54Any relation?
19:56This is my dad.
19:58Oh, yeah?
19:59Yeah, I guess I see the resemblance.
20:03You must have got your tall jean from your mom's.
20:05So what, my old man arrested you?
20:07Yeah, well, it was a little bit more complicated than that.
20:09How so?
20:10Well, this was the 90s.
20:11The streets were different back then.
20:13And your dad was going after some pretty big players.
20:15He didn't always sweat the small stuff.
20:18So your family let you go?
20:19Uh, yeah, depending on the day.
20:21I'd give him a little intel.
20:22He'd look the other way, but not before messing with me.
20:25This one time, he caught me with some dope.
20:28He told me if I could outrun him, he'd cut me loose.
20:31My dad's pretty fast.
20:32So we tied.
20:33I was like 20 pounds lighter back then.
20:35And I was high on crank, you know?
20:37I'm sorry, but this does not sound like my dad.
20:40We were all gangsters back then, son.
20:42Criminals and 50 alike.
20:45What's predictive analytics?
20:46Using data from the past to predict the future.
20:49The feds love that kind of stuff.
20:50They'd rather sit in front of a computer
20:52than hit the streets and scuff their loafers.
20:53Still, if it helps solve a crime or find a fugitive,
20:56isn't it worth using?
20:57Which side are you on?
20:58I didn't know there were sides.
20:59But yours, definitely yours.
21:00Deacon, thanks for coming in.
21:02No problem.
21:02I figured I'd be hearing from you today.
21:05Hey, Deacon Joe.
21:07Liz Chen.
21:08Bradford's next victim.
21:10I remember when your T.O. was the one wearing the long sleeves.
21:12Oh, you got pictures?
21:14I like her.
21:15I'm thrilled.
21:16T.O.'s my first arrest.
21:18Also one of the few to be rehabilitated
21:19in maximum security prison.
21:21Man, I swear to God, every time I see you,
21:23it's like a time machine.
21:24I mean, since we met, I did six years in Chino,
21:26got clean, left the life, started up a family.
21:30Only thing that changed about you is the lines on your face.
21:32What lines?
21:34If you were expecting to hear from me,
21:35then you know why you're here.
21:37Marcos Gibson, the guy I need to give to him
21:38before he hooks up with the 5-4.
21:40Yeah, Marcos was one of my kids for a while.
21:42I lost him to the 5-4.
21:44But they're the last place he's gonna go right now.
21:47He was knocking boots with Keon's woman
21:48right before the trial.
21:49Who's Keon?
21:50A leader of the 5-4.
21:52This kid must have a death wish.
21:53Yeah, if Keon gets ahold of Marcos before you guys do,
21:56he'll kill him.
22:00Officer Bishop, any update on Caleb Jost?
22:02Uniforms have visited his entire extended family.
22:05No one's seen or heard from him.
22:06If we believe they're telling the truth.
22:11Just give me a sec.
22:14Excuse me.
22:15Did you know that deputy who died?
22:20My condolences.
22:21He asked me to pass a message along to his wife.
22:25I just need to know how to get in touch with her.
22:26Graham wasn't married.
22:28Oh, um...
22:30Maybe a girlfriend then? Her name's Beth?
22:33Graham was single.
22:35He never even brought a date to the Christmas party.
22:39You sure?
22:41Graham was a bit of a loner.
22:43We, uh...
22:45We, uh, used to give him a hard time about it.
22:55Did you find something?
22:57Um, no, that was a bit of a side project.
23:01Okay, well, it's not really the appropriate time for that.
23:03Of course, you're right, but, um...
23:05But what?
23:07I-I was with the deputy.
23:08When he died, he asked me to give a message to someone named Beth,
23:12and now it turns out he's single.
23:15Uh, well, a mom or a sister, maybe?
23:21It sounded romantic.
23:24Anyway, I should be getting back to work.
23:27His death must have been traumatic for you.
23:30I'm fine.
23:33Lying destroys rapport, remember?
23:40His leg was torn off in the accident.
23:42I wasn't expecting to see that.
23:45You know, I will never forget
23:48the first catastrophic injury that I saw.
23:52But at least you have something positive to focus on.
23:57If you need any help finding her, please let me know.
24:01I think I might have found something.
24:03I ran a search of names from Caleb's life
24:05against recent dispatch calls,
24:06discovered a wellness check that was called in
24:08for the aunt of Caleb's ex-wife.
24:11I guess she's a daily churchgoer,
24:12but she didn't show up today.
24:14She could have just gone to the movies
24:15or maybe planned to go later.
24:19Or her routine was disturbed by a visit from our fugitive.
24:23Good work, Officer Bishop.
24:24Go check that out.
24:26Prison transport will be here soon.
24:28Lucky me.
24:30Hey, listen, you see your old man, tell him I said hi.
24:33And I haven't forgotten.
24:36Forgotten what?
24:38The .45 you planted.
24:39The reason I'm doing life in prison.
24:41You're saying that my dad framed you?
24:42Well, no, we were good while I was informing on guys.
24:45I think he made some pretty heavy busts.
24:48But when I stopped being useful,
24:50I started to realize that I was wrong.
24:53But when I stopped being useful,
24:56cops found a murder weapon in my apartment.
24:58Let me guess.
24:59For a crime that you didn't commit.
25:01No, I killed that dude.
25:03He says there wasn't any evidence.
25:05Not until your daddy planted that gun on me.
25:08Bet you haven't heard that story at the dinner table.
25:19Hey, have you seen Lopez?
25:21Oh, yeah, she's in the bullpen talking to Tim,
25:23and I'm just getting us some fuel before we hit the street.
25:26You okay?
25:31No, um, I don't know.
25:33This fugitive we grabbed has been getting under my skin.
25:36Basically said that my dad was a dirty cop back in the day.
25:38Your dad?
25:39No way.
25:40That guy's just trying to push your buttons.
25:42Yeah, Commander West says I.A.
25:43This guy is...
25:44He's an ex-drug dealer who was doing life for murder.
25:49Case closed.
25:52When you put it that way, I don't even know why I was worried.
25:54Yeah, I mean, your grandma, on the other hand,
25:55I heard she cut a bitch for a dollar back in the day.
25:57Back in the day?
25:58Hell, that woman will cut a bitch next.
26:00Hey, you, uh, you think I've changed since you met me?
26:04Yeah, more annoying.
26:05I'm serious.
26:06Have I changed at all?
26:10What do you mean?
26:11You're older.
26:12What you went through with Isabel certainly changed you.
26:14Made me different or just made me more me?
26:16What's this about?
26:18Just wondering if I've been treading water a little.
26:20I'm not challenging myself.
26:22Since when does Tim Bradford do introspection?
26:25Never mind.
26:26Hey, we got a plan of action to find Marcos?
26:28Hit the streets, sweat some more of his people.
26:31I'll see you later.
26:33Hey, Bradford.
26:35You've also gotten dumber.
26:36Does that count?
26:40What was that about?
26:41Inside joke.
26:43Hot damn.
26:44What is it?
26:45Text from Deacon.
26:46He's got Marcos.
26:51It's number 2354.
26:53What's Caleb's connection to this place again?
26:55His ex-wife's aunt lives here.
26:56Was the ex an ex before he went away to prison or after?
26:59After, I think.
27:00What does it matter?
27:01Well, if they were still married when he went to prison,
27:03there's a good chance he hid some money here.
27:05Which would give him reason to come here
27:07after getting through our perimeter.
27:08This is the house.
27:11OK, tactical recommendation.
27:12Knock or recon?
27:15This guy bites off noses.
27:16I don't want to get surprised by him.
27:18I'll go low.
27:21Bishop, your chance, please.
27:247 Adam 15.
27:25Requesting backup at 2354 Sawyer.
27:28Location of possible fugitive suspect, Caleb Jost.
27:312354 Sawyer.
27:32Location of possible fugitive suspect, Caleb Jost.
28:01It's over, Caleb.
28:32You know, I felt a little stupid take me up and Sally,
28:37but I'm feeling pretty good about it now.
28:40Hey, stay back or I am repainting
28:44the walls in here crimson.
28:45Come on, Caleb.
28:47You're too smart a guy to be pulling that trigger.
28:50Right now, you're looking at aggravated assault
28:52that might add a couple of years to your sentence.
28:54But if you kill her.
28:56Stop trying to reason with me.
28:59I hate prison.
29:01I got a shot at not going back.
29:03I'm going to take it.
29:04So back the hell up.
29:07And get me someone who can make a deal
29:09or I am pulling this trigger.
29:21Control, show us on site at 1115 Ampador Street.
29:295-4, Mr. Hurtmark.
29:30This is at Deacon's house.
29:32What do we do?
29:33Keep your cool and get ready for trouble.
29:43Hello, officer.
29:45Lovely evening.
29:47Sure is.
29:49What are you guys doing out here?
29:50You know, just exercising our constitutional right
29:53to assemble.
29:55God bless America.
29:57Well, I suggest you all assemble somewhere else.
30:01Is that an order?
30:03Consider it a little friendly advice.
30:06Well, we appreciate you looking out for us, officer.
30:10But we ain't going nowhere.
30:14Then maybe I'll see you later.
30:16Count on it.
30:24What's up, y'all?
30:25What's wrong with that?
30:36Control, pass me through to 7L20.
30:387L19, report.
30:40We got a bit of a situation here, Sergeant.
30:42Approximately 15 gang members are
30:44gearing up to take out our fugitive, Marcos Gibson.
30:48Jen and I made it through their lines,
30:49but the 5-4's got to come after this guy, too.
30:52I just sent all available units to Nolan's hostage situation
30:55over in Culver City.
30:56But I will reorient some back to you.
30:59Sir, this is a family neighborhood.
31:01If bullets start flying, a lot of kids are going to get hurt.
31:04What are you saying, Bradford?
31:08Have the units stage away from our location
31:11until overwhelming force arrives.
31:13Anything less than that's going to come with a body count.
31:15We'll do our best with what we got until then.
31:26What are the odds they'll change their minds and leave?
31:35Oh, come on.
31:44What are we going to do?
31:45Let's start with you letting us in.
31:50First time I've ever been happy to see cops.
31:53First time I've ever been happy to see cops.
31:55Hook him up, boot.
31:57Well, hang on.
31:58I got to keep my hands free in case I got to fight.
31:59I hate to break it to you, but if this gets to fighting,
32:01your hands aren't going to help.
32:02Turn around.
32:03Turn around.
32:05Can we escape out the back?
32:06No, no.
32:07The guy's up there, too.
32:08I saw him with Keyon rolled up.
32:09Bring him out.
32:12We know we're in there.
32:13Marcos, you scared?
32:14Right, Marcos?
32:15You'll be here all night.
32:16Yeah, you big creature.
32:17We out here.
32:18Get that little pluck on out.
32:19Bring him out, old baby.
32:20So how does someone go from financial crimes to this?
32:23I'm an overachiever.
32:25Where's my negotiator?
32:27On the way.
32:28You can talk to me while we wait.
32:31You're a nobody.
32:33I want a somebody with authority.
32:37How you doing?
32:39A little stressed.
32:40Only a little?
32:41Well, then you're fine.
32:43Who are you?
32:44Smart setup.
32:46SWAT can't shoot you through the windows,
32:48and we can't rush you from the doorways
32:49without you pulling the trigger.
32:51You my negotiator?
32:57You're not?
32:58No, I'm only here to advise.
33:00Besides, guys like that, you have to keep off ballots.
33:04Well, that wasn't in your book.
33:06Well, I can't give away all my secrets.
33:08So what do we do here?
33:09Okay, good question.
33:10So I reread Kayla's file on the way over here.
33:14You don't say much, do you?
33:20If you kill that woman, I'm gonna shoot you in the face.
33:23A lot.
33:26It's good to know.
33:28Okay, Caleb, here's the thing.
33:30After a brief discussion with my associate,
33:32we've come to the conclusion that you're full of crap.
33:35You're not suicidal.
33:36You're a narcissist stuck in a chimney
33:39with no chance for escape.
33:42Hey, hey, hey, stay back!
33:48The only way you get out of this room alive
33:51is if you give up right now.
34:04Get up.
34:07Turn around.
34:08Hands behind your head.
34:10Don't release your fingers.
34:11Come on, come on.
34:12The other hand.
34:13You're under arrest.
34:15That took guts, Officer Nolan.
34:17You said when push comes to shove, you'd surrender.
34:20Yeah, but I could've been wrong.
34:29That's gonna be a lot of paperwork for you, boot.
34:32That's what you're thinking about right now?
34:37Hypothetically, is there ever a scenario
34:39where we just, you know, give them what they want?
34:42Where we, you know, balance one life
34:44against the lives of many lives
34:46and make that hard call?
34:49That call isn't ours to make.
34:52Look, we're here to serve and protect.
34:53We don't get to decide who we serve or who we protect.
34:56So you're willing to die for that guy?
34:59I am unwilling to let fear make me do something
35:01I'll be ashamed of in the light of day.
35:04Well, hey, where are you going?
35:06I'm gonna talk to him.
35:09Damn it.
35:22You stay here.
35:23No matter what happens to me, you protect him.
35:25I will.
35:30Hey, leave him alone.
35:33If you want to beat someone up, I'm right here.
35:36All I want is Marcos.
35:38You give him up, we out of here.
35:40I can't do that.
35:41Look, I got no beef with you or Joe.
35:43But that fool in there, he was creeping with my old lady.
35:46So he gots to get dealt with.
35:49Don't give up.
35:50You alone? Outnumbered?
35:56You know, it was pointed out to me today
35:58that I've been doing patrol a long time.
36:00Maybe too long.
36:02You know, I've seen a lot of friends move up and on.
36:04Promotions, other agencies.
36:06I don't give a damn how you should.
36:08Because one thing I've learned all these years
36:10is that I'm never alone.
36:12And I'm never outnumbered.
36:24You're under arrest.
36:25Turn around.
36:26Get down on your knees.
36:28Turn around.
36:30Hands behind your head.
36:37Come on.
36:39Call it in.
36:41719, last fugitive in custody.
36:43Show a code 4.
36:54Tell your old man I said hi.
36:56Yeah, I don't think I will.
36:58Why, afraid of what he might say?
37:01I just don't want to bother him with a bunch of nonsense.
37:03Oh, you don't believe me.
37:05That's cool.
37:06Every kid should worship their dad.
37:08But if you want to find out the truth about him,
37:11read my file.
37:16What was that about?
37:18I hope.
37:21Your partner's crazy.
37:23Not my partner.
37:24She's my T.O.
37:26What the hell does that mean?
37:27Oh, you got some time on your hands, Caleb?
37:29Look it up.
37:31You ready for him, Elizabeth?
37:40Anyone call you Beth?
37:45Did you know Graham, the deputy who passed away?
37:49Well, yeah.
37:51We worked together for the last five years.
37:55I was with him when he died.
37:57He asked me to pass a message along to Beth.
38:00What message?
38:02What message?
38:04He told me to tell her he loved her.
38:09You're lying.
38:10No, that's the last thing he said.
38:15Is that you?
38:16Were you together?
38:19He was, um...
38:22my friend.
38:25There was a time that I, um...
38:28I thought he'd ask me out.
38:30I wanted him to.
38:34He never did.
38:38I think he regretted that in the end.
38:43I'm sorry for your loss.
38:52All right.
38:55You sure you still want me to come to dinner?
38:57I mean, it's been a bit of a day.
38:59Wife's orders.
39:00I bring you or I don't come home.
39:04Oh, I'm sorry. I can come back.
39:06No, what's on your mind?
39:09I, um...
39:11I was thinking about taking the sergeant's exam.
39:16You think it's a bad idea?
39:18I think it's about time.
39:20I hear there might be some openings coming up.
39:24The test is in a couple months.
39:26That means you've got to cram a hell of a lot of study in to get ready.
39:29You up for it?
39:30Otherwise, you have to wait two years for the next exam.
39:33Yeah, I am.
39:36No problem.
39:37It's nice to meet you.
39:46Oh, come on.
39:47Don't look at me like that.
39:48Hanging my business out there like that?
39:50Stop it.
39:52I miss pushing your buttons.
39:53I don't.
39:57Hi. Did you ever find her?
39:59Your best?
40:01Yeah, I did.
40:04Uh, you know, you were wrong.
40:07Uh, excuse me?
40:09You said there was nothing in my past to indicate I could connect with people in high-stress situations.
40:14I mean, obviously, negotiating with a suicide bomber is stressful, but...
40:19Honestly, you need to try telling a single mother of four that her kitchen is delayed because her tile's on backorder.
40:24Or convincing a bank to give you an extra week to come up with a mortgage.
40:28I guess I had never thought of it that way.
40:32Well, now you do.
40:33Yes, I do.
40:38I'm gonna get going.
40:43I'm sorry.
40:44One last thing.
40:47Could I get you to sign my book?
40:50I know it's nerdy, but honestly, I've never actually met someone who's written a book before.
40:55Yes, of course.
40:58I-I need a pen.
41:07Thank you for this.
41:13There you are.
41:15All right.
41:16Have a good night, Officer Nolan.
41:18And good work today.
41:21You too.
41:37Too soon?