• letzte Woche
Die True Crime-Serie Good American Family aus dem Hause Hulu beleuchtet den außergewöhnlichen Fall der ukrainisch-amerikanischen Natalia, deren Adoptiveltern überzeugt sind, sie wäre bereits eine erwachsene Frau und würde sich als Kind ausgegeben. Eine der Hauptrollen spielt Ellen Pompeo.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/good-american-family


00:00I want to help me tell you I'm trying to understand
00:06Let's do this
00:11We're with Child Protective Services what there's been some concern about the safety of the children in your home
00:18She has adult teeth. There are signs of puberty. I can tell that she's much older than what she says
00:24The photo isn't her she stole someone's identity
00:28This is still our daughter, she's choosing to con us you're choosing to believe her. I'm not pretending. She's a little girl anymore
00:35Barnett faces eight counts of neglect for abandoning her adopted daughter before fleeing to Canada
00:44Looks like you got everything you need right Natalia who did this
00:4922 I just looked over for my age. I'm gonna need the number for your dermatologist. She's destroying my life
00:58She tricked me she said she was a kid how old are you I did those things because of you I
01:07Want to know what you are gonna tell people when they ask you who you are
01:17How do you plead
