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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 21/03/2025


00:00It is time for the stock market, the time to make the point of the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone.
00:19At the closing, the Casablanca market had the signals in the green.
00:22The MAZI improved from 1.01% to 17,366 points.
00:27An ascent carried by the enthusiasm of investors and the publication of annual results.
00:32The global volume of the session is more than 1 billion dirhams.
00:36And it is the bank value at Tijari Wafaa Bank that is imposed with a flow of 307 million dirhams and an increase of 0.73%.
00:45The real estate company Adowa, which displays good results with its subsidiaries on the continent, ensures a volume of 84 million dirhams.
00:52Adowa bounced 9.99%.
00:55The attention was also directed to the COSUMAR title.
00:58The agro-industrial has ensured an increase of 3.40% and records a volume of 93 million dirhams.
01:05The Colorado title, which displays an increase of 9.98%, participates in this general trend.
01:11And in the health sector, Agdital progresses by 0.74%.
01:16The Agdital company, whose results soar by 74% on the 2024 exercise.
01:23The BRVM Composite falls on Thursday.
01:27The index loses 1.38% to stabilize at 284.93 points.
01:33The market reacted difficultly to the news from some banks and the anger of some investors, as is the case on Orange Côte d'Ivoire.
01:41Since the announcement of the payment of a dividend of 660 francs CFA, the course of the stock has not stopped regressing.
01:47Many prefer to ensure the highest value as soon as possible than to wait for a dividend of around 3.6%,
01:53a yield considered too low compared to the promises on the value.
01:57Orange has lost today minus 5.61% and has negotiated at 13,970 francs CFA.
02:04BOA Niger accuses the strongest reply of the session.
02:07The stock loses minus 7.41%.
02:10ECO Bank Côte d'Ivoire loses minus 5.21% and ECO Bank Transnational loses minus 6.25%.
02:19That's it for the main news of the stock market on the continent.
02:22See you soon to see together the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.
02:39Transcription by ESO. Translation by —