00:00Who is the best fun man?
00:02Who is the best fun man I think?
00:04Barry Lynch
00:08Armando Duarte
00:10Get Barry Lynch in the beer and it's a pretty good cracker
00:14Can't be saying that
00:16I was a long boat home from France last year and it was a really entertaining
00:22Rodgy Kavanagh
00:24I'll never forget the day I was at the Gadolphin Flying Start party
00:28and Rodgy Kavanagh was on top of the table and fell over
00:32so I'd have to go with him
00:34Angus Gould would come into it
00:38He's always a very funny man and keeps everybody amused
00:42Henry LaSalle is a bit of a racoonter
00:45I'd take him
00:47Best fun man I thought
00:49Philippe Liebeck, Arad Bourgeville
00:52Andrew Fogarty because he's a vet, he's a good friend
00:55We mentioned him earlier, Barry Lynch probably, you know
00:58A lot of people, once you get that second drink into them, become very funny, don't they?
01:06Biggest six driving wins
01:08I didn't know I had one
01:10Trying to get a holiday in every year
01:13But if I do, it would be a mare
01:18Probably having fun on a night out
01:21Older mares
01:23I've actually come out of the ring because I was nearly tempted to buy one
01:28and hadn't done any homework on it
01:30My indulgence of chocolate
01:33Don't want to get any loose at the sails
01:37I would have been a lawyer or a solicitor, probably
01:44What would it be if it was not racing?
01:46It would probably be around sailing
01:52I slightly lack brain, so it's never going to be anything too intellectual
01:56I would love to continue a career in rugby
01:59That's probably quite a boring answer, but I did economics at university
02:03I was quite good with numbers, I probably ended up in the city
02:07But I also was a football referee as a 16, 17, 18 year old
02:15So maybe I could have been doing VAR at the moment
02:20A marine biologist
02:25Male model
02:27One of two things, my parents have a chipper in Mullingar
02:30So you could see me behind a till selling chips and burgers and fish
02:35Unlikely, but could have happened
02:38I'll be always drawn to the land, so maybe a farmer
02:40But before this I was working for the Irish Dairy Board once
02:43And used to do farmer's markets
02:45So I'll probably be in retail of some sort selling some kind of product
02:49I think I would have been a geologist
02:53You know, a scientific person that works in geology