• 3 days ago


00:00I get the impression that
00:02Chloe likes me more than she's letting on just the way I am in the way. She is it would never work on a million years
00:08Previously, there's a jacuzzi for me and you to go in
00:13For God's sake like a little bit more decorum, please four of the pickers found themselves in a love triangle
00:19Welcome to my humble abode
00:21How do I get into this place? I want this one. You have to get into your under to get a mate
00:25It's quite hard in the house at the moment unless I'm talking no one's talking really he's
00:33And for those that decided not to twist some other guy taking you out on the day
00:37I'm gonna make his life very very difficult
00:40They have now met their second choice
00:43This is going well James. I
00:46Feel like I'm cheating on James. I'm gonna go get ready for my lovely lady
00:50Thank God for that. Yeah, how's it been? She hated my banter?
00:55I love that sir face. She's gorgeous bringing some surprising reactions
01:00This is moving in tomorrow and you have to move out
01:04You will be moving out
01:08Cannot wait to pack and get out of here. I'm good. It's been awkward. Not nice. Yeah
01:19All the pickers first matches are moving out temporarily for a retreat in Wales
01:31Leaving their second choice to have some alone time
01:35with their match
01:36Tony kids do you wanna care? Yeah, but will out of sight James
01:41Hasn't been in my head once mean out of mind. I just can't believe she's done that
01:46It just seems like she's taking the piss out of me. I'm a petulant and I won't let it happen
01:57In the love triangle experiment four of the pickers have met and moved in with their second choices
02:06How many sugars you want five
02:12Today the final two Shannon and Asa will have their second choices move in
02:18How are you? Very good. All the better for seeing your lovely self. I do feel like when I was with Chelsea
02:23I was a little bit suppressed. Would you like a little tour? Yes
02:28We just clashed quite a lot
02:30It didn't give me a chance to open up as much as I could and it did starts to feel a little bit sort of
02:34depressed towards him
02:37I see you again. Nice to see you as soon as I saw him my face just lit up and the butterflies were like getting worse
02:44Overwhelmingly excited and I was just so happy to see him again. What do you think?
02:49Well-being, it's lovely, isn't it excited all morning and what about you? Yeah
02:56This is my room TV as well spins around as well so you can watch TV in bed
03:07Don't get too comfy. I've only just seen that they were sharing around or something. Yeah
03:12That's awkward, isn't it? That's fine. This is your room, which is your side
03:20Yeah, this is like the closest you'll get into the bath of me
03:24Why are you sitting like a train? You're supposed to sit the other way
03:28So I'm just looking at the back of your head
03:33Do you know what me Murray's been fantastic? I think it's been a breath of fresh air
03:36We bounce off each other quite well, just hoping we both bring out the best in each other
03:46So, what are we gonna cook them I'm gonna make burgers I've claimed I'm actually a good cook and I'm
03:52Great. You've lied to me again. How are you feeling moving in? Yeah, I feel like I'm settling in now
03:56How are you feeling though with Alex now headed out?
04:00Yet mixed emotions obviously Alex was in this journey from the start but at the same time, obviously, I'm in here to
04:07find a relationship
04:10Good that he's left because I do enjoy his company. He's funny. He's an absolute diva
04:15But it's about me and David now moving forward and I want to focus on him and hopefully see where it goes
04:21Wait a minute. Oh my god
04:23You put water and oil together. Yeah, I know but I thought there was a lid for that
04:31Like Ryan, yeah, it's very clear. I think it's a both of us that we like there's something there between us
04:36Do you like me? I do like you. There's a lot of confidence, which is what I like and like the self-assured confidence, but not like
04:42Nasty confidence, which I don't feel that from you. You're just here for a good time, even though you're annoying as fuck
04:49Exactly that
04:58This is lovely
05:05In order to give the pickers chance to establish a connection with their second choices
05:10Their first matches will all spend a week together at a cottage in Wales
05:17How's it going a mixture of emotions sad to be leaving China
05:21It's just she went on a date and she said that she had a good time wants to explore it more
05:25She's happy. She picked me first. There's definitely feelings that
05:28At the second dinner party Shannon said that she wasn't sexually attracted to James
05:34How's things going? I can't see myself sleeping with him, you know, I kind of need that spark to be there in the bedroom
05:40Yeah, and there isn't but you feel like it's more friendship. That's what I'm trying to do. That's what I'm trying to wonder
05:49She's left me a birthday card and she said she's gonna miss me
05:51I want him to have the best time here and not waste his time with someone. That's clearly not that interested
06:07Yes, we yeah
06:11I've never even had like a hot tub date. Let alone like you'll never have one. It's Rachel rain
06:20For being wet, yeah, I guess
06:24Now Lois has gone just feel relieved it's been it's been the toughest thing I've ever had to do but
06:30Yeah, I can get to know Sadie better and see if there's any potential there
06:56Have you ever like kiss someone in the rain Tony kids do you wanna kiss? Yeah
07:06I'm buzzing. I don't think that I got any better to be fair. Now Lois has gone. I'd feel that Sadie was like
07:12He's like my ray of sunshine
07:15The only
07:16Negative is I feel like she's a young 28
07:20I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I'm looking for a wife try and have a family with
07:32Thank you positive vibes only yes, please and make memories with each other
07:39Know we're having a lovely time, but I was just wondering if anyone's thinking about back home and what's going on? I'm good
07:46I'm happy. I know you're good
07:49Well, obviously I have my concerns over what's going on, but I trust Shannon will
07:53Make the right decisions
08:00At the last dinner party Shannon said that
08:07She doesn't have any sexual chemistry with you
08:13At all
08:16And that she would never go any farther than kisses and cuddles
08:26She said to me that she'll never ever be able to have sex with you
08:31It is it it's a shock to me
08:35Shannon was crying today like in tears and I'm gonna really miss you. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm
08:40wondering if she's
08:43Keeping you as an option just in case the other guy she doesn't find is attractive
08:48So you just think she's stringing me along for the ride. Yeah, well not for the ride
08:55It just seems like she's taking the piss out of me and I'll never ever be able to have sex with her
08:59Me and I'll not have anyone take the piss out of me. I'm sorry. I feel all right mom
09:06How dare she and I'll tell you what when I see her she's gonna know about it
09:11Because I thought we had something strong but clearly we don't so if I just need a moment
09:18We're going to see me in a minute
09:21Just fucking shit. I
09:25Kind of knew this reaction. That's gonna be that way if what they're saying is true, then yeah, she's definitely leading them on
09:30I actually think he took it really maturely
09:34It's just not a guy
09:36My head is completely scrambled at the moment. I don't know whether I'm coming or going. I don't know what I'm thinking
09:40I came here with a really happy mindset really positive about where Shannon and I were. I'm just so confused right now
09:45Yeah, and as much as I'm not gonna say in front of him, she is making a mug out of him. She is
10:10Yeah, I've developed a lot of feelings for you it's in a short amount of time and I just really enjoyed cozying up and
10:17Kissing just cuddling and just getting to each other more. I just thought it was lovely
10:21Good in bed. Oh
10:29God I wouldn't know I wouldn't know
10:34Time is precious life is short
10:37So, um, yeah, I just feel the connection with you
10:42It's like no other don't expect it for honest. So
10:46No, no, it's soon it's early but it's going really well like really well
10:57What do you think
10:59Can't wait
11:01Shannon and Lewis and now on their second date their first since living together
11:07I've brought him to the ice rink and I'm hopefully gonna show him up. I
11:11Need to start doing twirls and not fall but it's gonna happen as I'm gonna end up falling
11:16Okay, I'm so shit
11:17We're going to attempt to ice skate and I'm shit
11:35James hasn't been in my head once there was something big missing and it's the romantic chemistry
11:40Sexual chemistry and I don't feel compatible in a relationship with James. I think this is the most romantic day
11:47I've ever been on really. Yeah, I do fancy you come on. I think it's evidently obvious
11:53I've been trying to play it cool, but I don't think I could yeah, you're not doing that very well. Oh
11:58I really enjoyed this me too
12:05Today and I'm going to open up to Lewis about
12:09What I've been through in the past with my cancer journey, it's time to open up this part of my life to him
12:15Falling for you
12:20So I just say this you just say it I'm anything I am
12:27The past four years I've actually been battling stage four ovarian cancer
12:35Right, yeah
12:37And at one point I was only told I had days two weeks left to survive. I
12:43Was given the kind of all clear, but unfortunately the cancer had returned
12:50I was three weeks pregnant when the cancer came back. I didn't know it
12:55And I had to have chemo while pregnant and that was really
12:59Heartbreaking cuz I never knew what was gonna happen to my son
13:02So, yeah, it's been a rough ride
13:05But my son's the reason I'm here today. He's nearly two. He's the reason I fought to be here and
13:11Without him. I wouldn't be sat here with you
13:13I know it's a lot to process a lot. Um, I obviously want you to know what I've been through
13:17So you understand me better
13:20Well, I'm glad you could sort of be honest and tell me bless you. God my lord. I don't wish it on anyone
13:27Obviously I was a bit taken back by it because
13:30It's a lot to take in as you can imagine
13:32But at the same time like I just think she's like genuinely an amazing person. I really do. I'm blessed that she's here, if you're honest
14:01My god, it's the archery surprise
14:05Today my day is archery
14:08So I think it'll be competitive and I think it'll be fun. Sorry. It's alright to clip that back. That's really heavy
14:14I'm hoping that we can have fun, but I'm hoping that we can have like a nice chat as well and
14:19Just have a good day
14:38When I got that bullseye, I think he was a little bit intimidated and turned on I can't lie
14:49Get worse
14:50It's very early days with being Sadie
14:53I feel like we are getting on this connection there and I'm still worried about
14:59the age gap
15:02She's 28, I'm 35 I want somebody that wants children
15:12Generally think that if you like
15:14Actually went to classes and stuff. I applied myself a couple of weeks. You'd be you'd be a pro. I'll be Olympics
15:22Thanks for taking me out here it's been fun like something different. Yeah new experiences
15:27I've enjoyed like getting to know you more but like there is an age difference. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like
15:36Gone out with someone like this much younger than you know, it's something that bothers you
15:41I don't I don't like what's your like five-year plan?
15:45I guess like you might think oh, she's still in her 20s. Like to me. I still think oh my god
15:48I'm actually nearly 30 and it like well if I meet a guy now and he's like never wants kids
15:53I wouldn't carry on with him. Eventually. I do want children
15:58What about you like do you want kids? Yeah, so that's like a big thing for me
16:02yeah, like probably in the next eight years I have to the reason why I asked you like that that question is because
16:10Like a big thing. I don't like talking about it. I
16:15Found out I'd like low fertility I
16:18Bet that was a really hard thing to be told. It was hard
16:21It was horrible
16:21Did a test and they told me and I cried like a baby and I was like what and then I was from that day
16:27I was obsessed like I wanted kids. I was single but I went and frozen my spurs
16:32Yeah, but I've 11 kids now yearly and I've got my IVF money
16:36Yeah, so I've done that it shows that you really want it though to take all those steps. I feel feel better
16:42I've told you it's like it's weird telling someone you just met isn't it? And then so it's like within eight years
16:47I've got to try and have children's. Okay. Yeah in a way
16:50I've tried to think of it as a positive because it was real negative where now I'm like whoever I want to have a child
16:56It's like a journey. We're gonna have together. Yeah, and
16:59It's because we've planned it it's not gonna just happen
17:01Yeah, you're gonna have so much love to give that child and like that's all that matters really. Yeah
17:13I feel like I know a lot about him. It's such a short space of time and I feel really connected to him
17:19It's a lot to tell someone you don't know that. Well, yeah. Yeah
17:22Yeah, I do I do feel better about the situation and I'm glad we had that chat and it's out the way now
17:27I feel like we just keep getting stronger and stronger
17:45It's probably important that we do something a little bit more like physical force us to be a bit more comfortable with each other
17:50My head's still very much at like getting to know each other stage. Sure
17:54Bigger as well
17:57I'm hoping to see a little bit of intimacy from Marie today. Oh my god
18:02I'm gonna absolutely smash your ass
18:05See ya
18:08Hurry up bitch
18:12We meant to be racing. Yeah. Oh, is it right? Oh
18:17This is making you look really sexy and I have not got the egg
18:24But nearly that
18:26Part of you I gave you a head start you can have a treat after this. Oh, I mean like a biscuit
18:37Personally I think I smashed that I'd be really embarrassed making that statement
18:41He was so nervous, but on the zip wire ever the loser has to kiss the winner on the cheek
18:47Yes, you're on the shape. Yeah
18:49Go go. I
18:52Am kind of struggling to sort of gauge where Marie's head is out at the moment in terms of like the intimacy side of
18:57Things it is a bit of a sort of awkward sort of subject at the moment
19:02All right. Well, obviously I'm the winner. I need to do my forfeit on the cheek. Yeah
19:07Yeah, I was hoping a little less of a sort of a grandmother peck on the cheek and maybe a little bit more of a
19:13Potential girlfriend sort of kiss on the lips, right? Should we go back and get a hot drink? Yeah
19:20I'm gonna be on site. I was a little bit sort of hurt by that. Does she kind of see me as a bit of a mate?
19:41It's gonna be the best cocktail you've ever had all of my clean work talk
19:46Our pickers are now on day two of being alone with their second choices
19:53Yeah, very competitive I'm good at anything that's physical
20:00Too strong first attempt. Oh
20:05Nice boy, wouldn't it?
20:09While their first matches are on a retreat in Wales
20:12Why are we doing it? We're baking a lemon drizzle cake for James for his birthday
20:20Next is surprise for James
20:30Jinjin stunning dumb. I'm really enjoying his company. I think he's such a
20:35Genuine guy, but I'm gonna miss Luke. I actually feel like he's my best mate
20:40Having established a more friendship based connection with nice guy Luke Yolanda is embarking on her week with second-choice
20:48Model Dom right now. I like Yolanda. We're getting on
20:52Well, the moves to live it with those Luke's left. So maybe in a few days
20:58Know where we stand
21:00Can imagine it's hard because you and Lucas spent a lot of time together like your comfort blanket is gone
21:05I'm a sensitive soul. I really am. It's being a Pisces
21:09Well, I'm a cancer so we're sensitive as well water side anyway now that we're alone I thought I'd you know
21:15I think we should play a game
21:21So we can get to know you a bit better, okay, are you ready I guess so, let's go
21:25Alternate sharing something you consider a positive trait about your partner
21:29One word answer short snappy cheeky fun deep pure
21:35Because you are pure very very pure
21:39Intelligent don't get that a lot
21:41Brave, I'm already emotional today. No, no you are you are from what I've heard about your life. You are brave
21:46Sorry, it should be one word brave nice here
21:53No, you do you strike me as someone's quite innocent
21:56What do you want and what do you need in a partner?
21:59That's a really good question because I actually feel like my wants and needs get often confused I want passion
22:06I want like chemistry. I want fire, but my needs are to be cared for
22:12to be
22:14Unconditionally loved to feel secure. Is that something you've learned in this experience?
22:21Realizing I don't have that sexual chemistry with Luke has made me realize that actually that is a need for me and it's not something
22:28to be shamed of
22:30Trust is
22:31The big thing for me
22:34Transparency. Yeah without those things
22:36Nothing else can happen
22:40Dominic has more potential. We already have that like banter the kind of banter
22:45I didn't have with Luke in the beginning that says to me there's more potential for that spark to grow
23:02My head it kind of felt like
23:04You're not in it in the same way that I am in it
23:06If that makes sense like on an attractive level after we came from the zip wire
23:10I gave her a kiss and it was almost like she just didn't want to be intimate at all
23:14Because I think you're very attractive. I'm very much into you
23:17I think we get along really well and in my head
23:19I'm like is she just not into me things just got a little bit frosty between us after the zip wire
23:25Asa said do you even fancy me which obviously was a little bit awkward
23:29I've only been here for like two or three days
23:32So I just need a bit of time in the past like I have like rushed into things a little bit
23:37So I just need you to be able to respect like from my side that I just want to take things a little bit slower
23:43We've only been going at this for like a couple of days
23:46So let's just like stop putting so much pressure on it and just enjoy the process
23:50Like I was happy getting to know you still I feel like we can like park this
23:55As in like this whole situation and just like continue where we left off and I'd be happy to still try and get to know you
24:02Issues into me as I'm into her and I'm still just a bit unsure
24:14So this nice in it, yeah
24:17Having spent a week harboring feelings for first match Aaron Khloe is now trying to build a connection with second choice Kane
24:24Today is the new day. It's kind of like a fresh start
24:27with me and Kane and
24:30Hopefully today goes a bit better than the previous days. We've had
24:34What do you go for?
24:36An iced mocha. Yeah. Yeah
24:40I'll ask for something random because I like trying new things. Okay, so
24:44If I don't like it, I'll take yours. Yeah, no, no, no Aaron's gone. I just want to get to know her
24:50I just want to want to know a bit more about a personal life, you know, yeah, hopefully
24:54She'll enjoy it. Okay. I can't actually remember what you do as a job, but I forgot. I'm a marketing manager
25:00And what do you market? I'm in the baby industry. Did you do the website or do you do the SEO or the back?
25:08Everybody yeah, you can help me in my my business
25:17If you ever do just
25:21Expect discount. All right
25:25Okay, there's no effort from Chloe at all
25:28It's definitely everything's coming from me
25:31I asked her that all the questions and I don't think I've got asked one question back not one question
25:37Would you change it? Would you do another job or would you you want to stay in it?
25:41What more can you see yourself and I'm kind of like five years being the owner. No
25:46I feel like Cain just asked me like a barrage of questions really like he's kind of a bit smothering for me
25:52I'm he's very like full-on intense. I do feel really awkward around him and
25:57Sometimes I just kind of just want to retreat away from him and close myself off
26:01I think the date with Chloe felt like an interview from me
26:04I think it is worth I need to bring it up. Tell her how I feel
26:18It's only been a couple of days, but how are you feeling? Do you feel like it's going? Well, I think it's good
26:23Well, I think it's been really well
26:25You too scarily. Well, it's actually me too
26:29It's just nice how I could basically confide in you and tell you pretty much everything. I can't believe I've met you
26:35Like I generally can understand. It's funny though. Did you say it? I'm just out to myself
26:39I don't rate myself like is that like that? You're amazing. You should know you're worse. Would you and you saw me?
26:46What past would you ever approach me?
26:49Course of it. Would you approach me with you? Yeah, she's confident. Why don't you back yourself in that way?
26:59I'd say pretty shitty upbringing growing up
27:05Didn't have the nicest of friends friend groups things like that and
27:09In my group. I was always the ugly one
27:12The fat one something like that when you get told it that much it doesn't so I think it stays with you a little bit
27:20Through school, I was quite chubby like that and the nickname big Lou
27:25Growing up lost myself
27:27Put my guard up
27:29But I wasn't scared to open up and I think that's the way she makes me feel if I'm honest
27:34I'm really bad with compliments. Thanks. Yeah, I totally get that. I know I'm a good person
27:40So as I think that's all that matters in the end, she's got a big heart
27:43It's like I look at you and I think the same I just think especially with everything that you're going on with yourself as well
27:48like we spoke about
27:50I've never had this kind of feeling before in my whole life and I know
27:55This must be the feeling of them. Definitely falling falling for someone so so hard
28:01Like James is a lovely human as well, but not for me. I didn't want to be romantic with James
28:20Best birthday I've ever had being around these amazing people the lads are the lads
28:25Lois is like my mom
28:28You know Chelsea the way she conducts herself
28:31Someone go get me a drink. Thank you
28:33It's exactly how I'd want a woman to conduct herself around me
28:39So guys, I've just had something
28:43The pickers first matches have been together in Wales for three days
28:48Tonight, they'll receive pictures from back home
28:56I really didn't care about Asa. I was more so concerned about
29:02Marie because she genuinely does look happy and I just hope to God it's not
29:06Because she's seen a false version of him. Okay, that's cute. It's a nice picture
29:09But Luke do care on a romantic level do you care like does that annoy you see?
29:13No, it did make me think about what she's up to and for me. That's a lot to deal with. So
29:19Yeah, we're gonna have to see what happens when I get back
29:21Why they have to let's have a look and see come on
29:26They look happy
29:29Really good for them
29:36Have a look at this, please when like Sadie moved in he was just like, mr. Charming gloating like I've got a girl here
29:44It's like it makes me feel sick. He's got a shit jawline. His beard is his jawline. He's like pretending
29:53They're happy but I can just tell they're not and this was supposed to be my mom and it's been overshadowed
29:59What's going on here, oh, I've got something I've got something oh, yes
30:06Do you think they look good together? No, not really, but
30:12Shannon's giving him the cold shoulder. I reckon
30:15I'm not letting room a day. Why would I never on a day?
30:17Let him get on with it based on that picture. I think that nothing is going on between Shannon this other fella
30:23It seemed very bit cold, but both smiling quite close together
30:29Yeah, it's weird really weird despite what she says. I know she cares for me deeply
30:34But based on the picture is he better-looking than me? No, I'm you know, I'm 9% body fat. I'm a good-looking guy
30:41I think she's buzzing in that picture. She is buzzing. She's wasn't
30:45But not I care
30:46Am I gonna make it easy for him if human channeler will love you? Dovey? Fuck. No, fuck. No
30:52Yeah, I'll swallow him up good on him. Best of luck to them. Yep. I'm a lion and he's a fucking sheep
30:58I'm a petulant fucker and I won't let it happen
31:25How did we end up here last night into the morning all you
31:31Put you out of my room and then you come back. I mean at any point you could have said James
31:36I'm sick of you get out
31:41Just wanted a cuddle
31:43Accidentally me and James ended up in the same bed last night
31:47I was coming down the hall James come up to the hall and had a little kiss. Oh, you've just got your closet
31:56But nothing
31:58Nothing nothing happened at all Chelsea is a respectable woman
32:10Not a bad birthday
32:12Okay, I've had worse. I've had worse. That's for sure. I
32:16Think when Shannon finds out that I've even spoke to James let alone shared a bed with James
32:21I think she's gonna go off. I think it's gonna be explosive
32:32Wouldn't you sleep last night
32:34That's like better. Yeah
32:38Was I snowing
32:42Do not think it's crazy. I like literally a week ago. We didn't even know each other existed
32:46I know now I'm at a point where I'm just sort of thinking I'm managing my life without you. You know, I mean
32:51My god, it's weird. It's weird how it works in it. I want us to go somewhere. It's very well
32:58Me too
33:03Okay, we've got a message
33:06Tonight it's time for you to catch up with the other couples. It's your first proper dinner party to get there
33:13For some of you your first opportunity to see who else is in the experiment
33:16I can't wait so all eyes on me. Don't be flirting with any of the guys
33:20Keep your eyes to yourself. And if you don't well, you'll suffer the consequences
33:24Are you excited? Of course I am. What do you think they're wearing? Probably something cheeky. I've got to look good
33:28I was thinking chinos and a shirt
33:31Well, have a good night. It's gonna be good because you're there. It's gonna be good. Well, that's a given
33:43Tonight all of the pickers and their second choices will meet
33:51Would say I'm dreading tonight. I
33:56Just kind of want like a nice relaxing easy night drama free
34:03I actually really can't wait. Like I've actually been so looking forward to showing off. I
34:08Would like to think that other people can find the same happiness as me
34:16Hello sir, how are you?
34:18I'm really looking forward to showing Marie off and also introducing us to the rest of the group
34:53Was expecting the whole bunch to be there what a disappointment
35:14Definitely feel more with Dom than I ever have before
35:17So it was really nice to kind of go in and be like, yeah, there is some kind of chemistry there
35:22It is push my buttons. But yeah, we got on so well
35:28Oh people in black, oh my god
35:50How's it going no, no, no, no, no like nothing
35:58Are you getting on you're right
36:05Aaron I just flawed and I'm the first person. Yeah, but when he knew I'm overwhelmed you back off. He doesn't he's like
36:13Yeah, doesn't know boundaries there's another word boundaries, how's it going mate? You're all right, I think horrible how to horrible
36:21She's been nasty. Oh, really nasty. There's nothing no conversations
36:37You look like Britney in the toxic video
36:44Look how fit used to look together just stand together
36:53And you can say it back to us
36:56I just couldn't wait for everyone to see us. I feel like I'm on cloud nine. I could take on the world
37:02I'm just in a good place
37:06So, where are you and Danny up there really good he's so nice
37:10he'll just be like I've got your bag like I'll cook for you like you sit there and I'm like
37:16I've never like had like a guy be like that. You know, she didn't know with crystals. I say him as young
37:21Then next minute I was in the crystals
37:23Like I've never done that it's not that's not me
37:27Tower cards, no, they're like little stones. They make you feel good and shit
37:31Are you missing out in I knew it, but you slept so close at last dinner. We are I'm being said I don't
37:40I'm gonna have to go
37:45Know that's all I need
37:52Top of the table
37:58She's gone straight for the wine
38:07Am very unsure of what he's gonna say about me and from the dinner table
38:11But at the end of the day, I can't force a connection. I'm not here to kind of be faith. I am here to be genuine
38:18Right. Is everyone got a drink? Shall we have a cheers? Yes, I give a toast to happiness and harmonious energy
38:32Know how different is that the dynamics till nice lovely in it. It's the best people in. I think yeah, is this better?
38:37It's like this is the best people in I don't think we've had any laws yet. We living with Lois was it? Oh, yeah
38:44Yeah, but it was like we're not gonna crack on while like Lois is sat at the breakfast table
38:48But we're at a really good place. Like we've had a little kids
38:54Think that we're going at a good pace and I'm not in a rush. All right, so I'll see my own bed tonight. No
39:05Yeah, but if it didn't happen, I'm not bothered and now we'll go at any place I personally think Marie's fucking drop dead gorgeous
39:14That's really nice to hear thank you you are a good-looking guy
39:17I think it's just I'm just being quite slow in this process because
39:21There's been times I have rushed into things. Yeah, and it's not done me any favors. So I just want to like take it my own pace
39:28I'm still gonna pursue it. Of course. I just feel like I need to have more time alone with her and just have chats
39:34and okay, so
39:37I'm very happy and Lewis has treated me amazingly. I've got really strong feelings for Lewis. He's an amazing human being
39:47Absolutely besotted and my feelings are so deep and so pure and and yeah, I am
39:54Don't say this. I'm I
40:00Fallen in love with you
40:06And so I
40:10Just feel like we're just good for each other
40:13Obviously she dropped the album. I took me by surprise. I honestly didn't know what to say
40:17I was taken back by it, but for her to say it and admit it to everyone was really brave of her
40:22And yes, we've only known each other and obviously
40:30But I don't think there should be a time frame put on love if you know
40:35You know
40:35if you know
40:35you know and if you feel it and if it's there then you should trust that and go with it because life's so short and
40:40I know all too well how short life can be because I nearly lost my life multiple times to stage four cancer. So
40:48That's where I'm at guys
40:56I couldn't personally fall in love in four days that I can't even touch someone in four days
41:02But you know what like fair play to you. Who am I to tell her that she's not in love
41:10I think she's just says what she feels. She wears a heart on a sleeve
41:13But I feel like Shan was just like this with James
41:16I got the most beautiful person ever and I definitely saved the best to last so you are far from my type
41:23But I think that's where I've been going wrong
41:25It genuinely is like I'm happy just to see where it goes and I'm surprised
41:30He's not absolutely legged it by now because I've been a chaotic hot
41:35But thank you and yeah
41:38Yeah, no, I think we were both not what the other person expected coming into this at all
41:44I don't know. I think I'm just a really patient person
41:46I guess I mean, but like a patient but like you'd like talk to me and you're nice to me and you're sweet to me
41:50I don't think I've had much about my life and I get like awkward and like shy about it
41:54Yeah, we definitely put together for a good reason. You're in love with me
42:14Am on paper I can see why we've been matched
42:19but I
42:21Think we're just two very different people
42:25I'm very like five miles an hour. You're a hundred miles an hour
42:32And it just doesn't work
42:36From my side of things
42:40I do believe we're completely different. I'm a very very friendly person. I'll speak to everyone here. I
42:51Wouldn't without being sounding nasty, I don't think you're the same
42:56You're a person who just wants to go read a book in the room sort of thing
43:02You know, I'm not friendly
43:05I'm not friendly. I
43:10Haven't had the the vibe of you coming out properly and being very friendly
43:16Your first thing that you said to me you actually said she was horrible
43:21And I didn't think that was a very nice thing to say
43:26For me to come into experience like this and have someone spend two days in a bedroom when I'm sat
43:31Be around you tour it wasn't my house anymore. It was literally you to like whose dick is bigger
43:41No, it's Cain's experience as well like it must be hard for you, but I'm not trying to go he's only big I didn't choose him
43:51You could still be his friend I
43:57Believe I've tried to be friend friendly and you know to try and build a friendship, but it's not even a friendship
44:03You know, I've got no reciprocation. We went on a coffee date for a near an hour and not one question was answered back
44:12No, when you were talking to me it was talking over me as well
44:16I didn't have chance to ask you anything
44:19But and I've made that very clear it was like a job interview
44:22I was on you knew everything about me
44:24You didn't give me chance to ask about you if you want to ask someone about you keep talking over me. There's no
44:31I'm here to be fond of that love
44:33I'm not
44:36Do not paint me out to be this person I'm not this fucking person. Okay, I think it's really good
44:48It's really hurtful for someone to come in who's only know me like four days to kind of have this like vendetta against me I
44:57Want to be friendly friends of you, but you know, you know letting the guards down
45:01Why would I you just call me fucking horrible? I
45:05Don't want to let my god. So with someone who stabs me in the back. I'm sorry
45:23Next time
45:25You probably came and thought why does this girl not like this guy so much?
45:28It's scary to think what what if he has been a dick as all the singles enter deeper into the experiment
45:35What have I done? I like we just don't get on don't even know me. You haven't even
45:41So I'm talking it yeah, we drink down
45:46Things heat up definitely falling
45:49in love with you
45:51But I need to know what you're thinking
45:56Because I've just I don't know what to say