• 2 days ago
It tells the story of Jelita, a girl who was stranded on a remote island as a child after a plane crash. She grows up am | dG1fNGhQZDJRVW9Gd2M
00:00who was the mysterious jungle virgin and what was the source of the power she
00:11held the ferocious and mighty beasts of the wild why was she so feared by
00:16primitive tribesmen who sought to destroy her in the name of their gods
00:22she dared to challenge the black magic powers of the indestructible witch
00:27doctor who ruled the kingdom with tyranny and terror
00:35witness with horror the incredible cruelties of demonic witchcraft unleashed
00:40against the innocent
00:44the civilized men turned into savage beasts by the corrupting forces of greed
00:49and lust
00:57modern men and women lost in a primitive world must revert to primitive means for
01:06their own survival
01:10it's a nightmare orgy of horrors
01:27you mean you're gonna stand there and pretend to me that you haven't even
01:48noticed the fact that Hydar and that jungle woman have been falling madly in
01:51love with one another
01:53primitive passions erupt and blaze unchecked in an environment where lust
01:58is the primary motivating force for men and women alike
02:11act human will you?
02:14cut it out!
02:16haven't you ever heard of evolution?
02:18come here
02:20sit down here
02:42you'll witness pagan rituals pitting the powers of ancient forgotten gods against
02:47those of demons of the past and present
03:17the action never slows in this unforgettable saga of power men against
03:27women gods against demons present time against an undead past
03:47jungle virgin force a pt pocket film you don't want to miss
