• 3 days ago
00:00Alright, I want to dominate with Expo Cycle today.
00:02A lot of these dicks, they rely on Expo to connect for a long-ass time.
00:05In this one, it's purely just Cycle.
00:08If they want to overspend on an Expo, fine, I'll play another one.
00:10I have Evolve Snowball and Evolve Cannon, so that, you know, if an Expo can't connect
00:14because they have so many tanks, Evolve Snowball will just counter that.
00:17And I have Cannon, and it's just all Cycle cards.
00:20So hopefully that should work.
00:21I mean, it's pretty hard to get through an Evolve building, and I also have another building.
00:26I don't even know if that Skeleton Army would do anything,
00:28but I'm just gonna go E-Spirit to make sure.
00:30And, um, you know what?
00:31Fuck it.
00:32Let's just go for an Expo.
00:33This is what it's all about.
00:34Real quick, just see what he's got.
00:36Cool, and this is the great thing.
00:38Even though I'm, like, I'm happy to let an Expo die because it's Expo Cycle,
00:42I'm still gonna defend it very- like, I'm still gonna be able to defend it very well.
00:46Oh, this is value.
00:47Holy- wait, why the fuck did that-
00:50Okay, so E-Spirit just chains depending on its mood.
00:53That's- that's fantastic.
00:54Alright, fuck you, E-Spirit.
00:56Um, okay, that's one way to play the Furnace.
01:00Well, I mean, I'm just gonna cycle my Cannon here, because the next one's gonna be Evolved,
01:03and that's actually good as well for offense with the Expo,
01:05because the nukes will, you know, drop on their side.
01:08Alright, Bow Time.
01:10I think it's Bow Time.
01:11He's used his Balloon, Wizard.
01:14I don't really know what else he's gonna have.
01:16Um, wait till he gets 10 Elixir,
01:19because we're both gonna hit it at the same time, I think.
01:21Alright, now what?
01:22What are you doing, pal?
01:24Let's see it.
01:25Alright, so all that shit's gonna die momentarily, so let's just go with this.
01:29And I actually- you know what, I'll take that,
01:32because I would rather the Firecracker died.
01:33I don't really have a big spell,
01:35so letting the Firecracker just fucking get sniped there was actually really useful.
01:40I've also got Goblins instead of Skeletons.
01:42I wanted to play Skeletons, but I don't have enough of a Tank Killer without Goblins.
01:46I need a fiend- a Tank Killer.
01:49Alright, that's just- that's just to strike fear in his heart, and it worked.
01:52Look at that shit.
01:53Alright, let's go for an Expo over here,
01:55because I have Evolved Cannon,
01:56and honestly, I'm just gonna do this shit,
01:59because that's gonna hit, like, everything.
02:01Does damage to the-
02:02Okay, I want to do that.
02:05Yes, okay, we tanked the Wizard a little bit, but that's fine,
02:07because now the damage is pretty even.
02:09Okay, that's pretty good Ice Spirit,
02:11and let's just go for another Cannon so that I can cycle the Evolved one.
02:14This is what I'm saying, like,
02:15I'm just cycling the same cards over and over,
02:18which means that I'm getting so much-
02:20so many, like, evolutions so fast,
02:23and they're-
02:24Two-card evolution's a two-card evolution cycle for a reason,
02:27because they're too broken to be one card.
02:29So, basically what I'm saying is,
02:31it's like I'm getting a one-card evolution every-
02:35or, like, a one-card cycle,
02:36because I'm playing them so quickly over and over.
02:38So, that's what I'm doing, man,
02:41and, um, it is working pretty well.
02:44I'm literally just cycling this shit over and over,
02:46and I've got a Cannon on defense.
02:48That's all just gonna die.
02:50Let me go with this, because I feel like it's gonna, uh,
02:52what are they called?
02:53Oh, okay, I went Evolved Wizard.
02:55Don't like that, killing my bow,
02:57so I'm just gonna go like that.
02:58Oh, that's beautiful.
02:59Although, the, um, thing stopped it locking on for a second there.
03:02And that's fine.
03:03Oh, that's gonna kill that as well.
03:05Like, this has got to be annoying.
03:08I'm just constantly spamming bows either lane,
03:11and just whittling him down,
03:13and he can't really do much about it.
03:14Let's just go with this plus E-Spirit.
03:17No, it sniped my E-Spirit.
03:18Fuck you, Wizard.
03:19Wizard's actually really annoying there.
03:22And that's fine.
03:23And that's the thing.
03:23I'm not even committed to any of these.
03:25No, they can die.
03:26I don't care.
03:27All right, let's surround this,
03:28and then go like this to make sure that all dies,
03:31and that's just value.
03:32But this guy's playing kind of a gimmicky, weird-ass dick,
03:35so I'm not really too, like,
03:38I'm not too proud of this win.
03:40Yep, okay, there they are.
03:41Let's go with this shit.
03:43I missed somehow.
03:44Let's go for an E-Spirit,
03:46and that's just gonna die.
03:49Okay, kind of an overcommittal Cannon,
03:50but, I mean, hopefully it kills the Firecracker at least,
03:53then I'll be happy.
03:55It does not.
03:58All right, well, I've got Evolved Snowball now, so.
04:00And that's a good thing.
04:02I cycle so quickly that when I have Evolved Snowball,
04:05like, I play Expo so many different times that
04:08I feel like I don't have to, okay,
04:10hang on, hold that thought.
04:11Okay, this is just value,
04:12so I'm gonna have to take this.
04:13Like, it's just too much defensive value.
04:15That's why I love this dick.
04:16It's got good defense.
04:17It's got constant offense.
04:19And even though I'm not winning, like, dominantly,
04:22like, he doesn't have a chance of really winning,
04:25I feel like, in this game.
04:26Like, he just doesn't.
04:28Okay, just take my word for it.
04:30He just doesn't.
04:31It's fucking over.
04:32And that's gonna be chip damage.
04:33Knock that shit away.
04:35Kind of fucked that up.
04:35I'm not gonna lie, but it doesn't matter
04:37because we win the game!
04:41So it doesn't, like,
04:42I feel like it will beat some dicks convincingly,
04:45but it beats, I'm gonna say it,
04:47it beats everything, man.
04:49I think evolved snowball allows that
04:50because, you know, the expo cycle
04:54lets you beat a lot of shit
04:56that you shouldn't be able to beat.
04:57Like, the quick cycle is what's fucked about it.
05:00And then you have the snowball as well.
05:01So even if you can out-cycle their counters
05:04and then use the giant snowball
05:05to outplay them as well,
05:06and it's just constant chip,
05:08I think it's a solve game and I've won.
05:11Okay, that's, yeah,
05:12that's definitely one way to play Lumberjack.
05:14And I just want to expo again.
05:16Today, there's no jokes, no fucking around.
05:18I'm just dialed in.
05:19I just want to play some expo, man.
05:20I just want to play some good old Clash Royale today.
05:26All right.
05:27This is not the circus act that you normally...
05:30Wait, hang on.
05:31I did not realize that had that much health.
05:33Even like a sliver of HP for an expo
05:35can sometimes win me the game.
05:39Oh, look, it's Obi-Wan.
05:40I just realized.
05:40You are my brother, Anakin.
05:44I haven't seen Star Wars in a while.
05:45Probably because Disney
05:47fucked the fucking integrity of Star Wars.
05:49Like when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars,
05:52they made a bunch of spinoff series
05:54and it just, it diluted how like...
05:57Okay, he used his fireball on nothing.
05:58So fuck it, let's just do this.
05:59He's got nothing to lose.
06:01I feel like Star Wars used to be like,
06:03whoa, like Star Wars,
06:04like an OG franchise
06:06and like everybody loves it.
06:08But then, I don't know,
06:09like Disney bought it,
06:10made a bunch of goofy ass shows
06:11and now it's like Star Wars is just,
06:13it's like, it's just another franchise
06:15now that like the OGs
06:17are like obviously Hall of Fame classics.
06:18That's why they're such a cultural fucking thing.
06:21But yeah, all these other goofy ones,
06:23I don't know what's going on.
06:24I don't know what Disney with fucking smoking, man.
06:27But that's fine because I prefer
06:30Harry Potter to Star Wars anyway.
06:32So it's probably because my family's British and whatnot.
06:35But it's just the way it is, man.
06:38It's just the way it is.
06:39Anyway, I've got Evolved Canon.
06:41So hopefully I can do something funny with that.
06:44Okay, see, I would love to just cycle a Canon here,
06:47but I feel like I want to use Evolved Canon
06:49on something more devastating.
06:51So that's why we have Expo.
06:52That's the great thing.
06:53I don't have to, hang on.
06:55Okay, this is great actually.
06:58That is actually fucking so good, man.
07:00Oh my God.
07:01That was a really good Evolved Canon usage.
07:04Knocking back the E-barbs, doing damage.
07:06That was fucking great.
07:08Let's knock this back.
07:09I don't want this getting damaged on my Expo
07:10and the Expo can kill everything.
07:12That's what I'm saying.
07:13I feel like a lot of dicks when I play Canon,
07:15it's like, okay, I need to cycle my Canon early to defend
07:19because they play like a giant in the back or something.
07:21And if it's Evolved, it just wastes the whole evolution.
07:23And it's like, I cycled two card cycles to get that
07:26and I literally just, I just waste it.
07:28But with this dick, I feel like it's,
07:32I can wait till the perfect moment.
07:35I just feel like,
07:37because I can defend and attack
07:39because it's so cheap cycle.
07:40So if I'm like, okay, I need to wait for his
07:43like giant to get to the river
07:44before I get maximum Evolved Canon value
07:46against fucking everything in both lanes.
07:48I can play an Expo on one side.
07:49I can play like a couple cycle cards on the other side
07:52and then Evolved Canon with the Expo,
07:55it will damage whatever they're trying to defend the Expo with
07:58and their push will get damaged.
07:59So it's like the ultimate,
08:00it's perfect for defense in this dick.
08:02And then Giant Snowball is obviously perfect
08:04because it works with the Expo and it's good on defense.
08:08I'm loving it, man.
08:09I'm feeling this dick.
08:10I'm feeling this dick.
08:11It just, it's got a lot of options.
08:13I like options.
08:15All right, if he zaps, I don't even care.
08:16I'm just going to play Canon.
08:18Like, okay, that's fine as well.
08:20Played like a thousand Elixir there,
08:21but he also played his win condition.
08:23So what the fuck is he going to do now?
08:24And I've also cycled two Evolutions to my next Evolution,
08:27which means that that's probably better for me in the end.
08:30And now he has to make the play.
08:31And I also always have Expo for defense
08:34if I don't have a good option.
08:35Although right now I have other options.
08:37So I will just go with this.
08:38I've out-cycled his zap so I can just go back to the bridge.
08:40But you'll probably have Wizard or Single Shot Wizard,
08:45whatever the hell you want to call it.
08:47All right, well, he's probably going to cycle his Hog
08:51at some point.
08:51I'm just going to cycle a Canon
08:52because then I get to my next Evolution.
08:54That's what we live for.
08:56And that will activate King Tower.
09:00So let me just go, boom.
09:02Okay, shot the Canon anyway and it activated either way.
09:05And that is so much value for me
09:09that I'm just going to go with this.
09:10I have Evolved Canon now and I have Bats,
09:13which he zapped.
09:14He used his zap.
09:15So there's the Musketeer.
09:17We were waiting for it.
09:17We all knew it was coming.
09:19And yeah, that's going to be pretty much fucking,
09:21that's going to be it.
09:22What do you do now, my friend?
09:25Firecracker, that's actually kind of infuriating.
09:27Let me just go with this and then go for the Ice Golem.
09:31I don't think that should splash the bow.
09:33Look at that, beautiful.
09:34Because every little molecule of HP does so much damage.
09:39And this is just, this is a good use of the Evolved Canon.
09:41Look at that, kills the Firecracker, kills the Hog.
09:44Don't want that Firecracker sitting back
09:45and then I have to play another card.
09:47That's when Evolved Canon can be good
09:49in like a, not like an insane value situation.
09:52That's what I like.
09:54I think X-Bow might be my favorite thing to play in this game
09:56besides Goblin Curse,
09:57which obviously has damage amplification,
09:59which I really love.
10:00But X-Bow, man, something about it.
10:04It's just, it's just the best thing.
10:06Oh, this is, did I miss?
10:08Oh, you fuck.
10:11That would have been so good if I had not missed,
10:13especially because it would have killed
10:14the Firecracker as well.
10:15Okay, let's go with this up high.
10:17Just try to kill that Hog Rider.
10:20Easy peasy, cycle a Snowball.
10:23Light work, go with an East Spirit.
10:25That should be able to chain, beautiful.
10:28And then, yeah.
10:30Oh, okay.
10:31That was actually a good zap
10:32because it was on the Musketeer as well.
10:34And then let's just go for, oh my God.
10:36Okay, that's fine.
10:37Calculated, yep, you can get a bit of damage.
10:39And this is great.
10:40Like he thinks I'm fumbling about, I'm struggling.
10:42I'm really just getting to my evolutions for my next X-Bow.
10:45Like you haven't got me on the ropes
10:46and the more we do this defensive cycle over and over again,
10:49the stronger my defense gets.
10:51It's great, I love it.
10:53And then I can just go with bats here,
10:54kill that shit and then go with this.
10:58I don't want that getting damage on my tower.
11:01And then this is what I'm talking about.
11:03Let's go with this here.
11:04This is going to do damage to fucking everything.
11:06And then now what?
11:08Now fucking what?
11:09Go with this shit, go with this.
11:11He's probably going to zap.
11:14And then I'm just going to go with cannon
11:15or maybe use the zap, I can't even remember.
11:18There it is.
11:18And I may as well just go for a giant Snowball here.
11:23Just kill that shit.
11:25All right, fair enough.
11:26He's got a Firecracker.
11:27Look at that, he killed my bow at last.
11:29Except I can tank all that.
11:30So I'm just going to go aggressive in the other lane.
11:32He's probably going to go Hog, so I'm going to...
11:34Okay, that's funny looking Hog Rider, but that's fine.
11:38And then, yep, that's game over pretty much.
11:40I mean, what can he do?
11:42Go with goblins.
11:42Oh, he can zap.
11:43That's always an option actually, fair enough.
11:47And I'm going to...
11:49Oh, well, I was going to go for an X-Bow,
11:51but I do have to defend sometimes, occasionally.
11:54And value, woo!
11:56And that all dies.
11:57Now I can play another X-Bow and yeah, okay.
12:00Well, games are definitely over now.
12:03And go with this, knock that shit back.
12:07And kill the Firecracker and go for another X-Bow,
12:11because why not?
12:11Doesn't even matter.
12:13And game over, baby.
12:14Love that.
12:19Yeah, I don't know.
12:21Sometimes I'm just in a mood to Clash, man.
12:23Sometimes today I'm just fucking...
12:25I just want to fucking make a deck,
12:26strategize and fucking fuck Bhutan, man.
12:30Fuck him in the ass.
12:30That's what I want to do.
12:32And it's working.
12:33It's working so well.
12:34I'm just dialed in.
12:35Whatever they play, it doesn't matter.
12:39It doesn't matter.
12:40And I can play this to cycle in the other lane.
12:42And then I can play a cannon to activate my King Tower
12:44and cycle to my evolution.
12:45It's really just bliss.
12:46It's just beautiful stuff.
12:49And it's going to count on the night,
12:50which not really that it needs to be counted.
12:52Actually, it kind of does
12:53because the bats would have done damage.
12:55And now I go for a test bow.
12:58What have you got, Bhutan?
13:01Is he going to zap or giant?
13:02Or what the fuck's going on?
13:04Like, what is this?
13:06Let's go with this.
13:09Oh, he was waiting for lightning value.
13:10He thought I was going to play a...
13:12It's not going to give you lightning value, did it?
13:14Did you...
13:16All right, I'm just going to snowball
13:17because I'll cycle to my evolution.
13:18This is it, man.
13:19It just gets stronger and stronger.
13:21You can catch them with their pants down
13:22in single elixir with a test bow.
13:25Figure out what they're playing.
13:27And then you can also cycle your evolutions as well.
13:29You have two options in single elixir.
13:30It's great.
13:31You can cycle your evolutions,
13:32figure out what they've got.
13:34Maybe get some chip damage if you're lucky.
13:36Then when it's double elixir,
13:37you can start spamming the fuck out of them.
13:39They have no chance to attack
13:40and you have your evolutions locked and loaded.
13:43It's poetry.
13:44That's what it is.
13:45It's poetry.
13:46All right, I'm going to go with bats here.
13:48That should be great.
13:51Yep, go with this.
13:51And look at this evolved cannon value.
13:53Oh my...
13:56That's just what I live for, man.
13:58That shit right there.
13:59And I still have my evolved snowball,
14:02which I'm going to play this
14:03in case he goes for something goofy.
14:08That I will go with a spirit to defend.
14:12And then I'll go with this.
14:15Now I'll go for my evolved snowball
14:17because that will allow that
14:19to get a lot of chip damage.
14:20Even though I'm not countering it.
14:22I'm just going to let that go, actually.
14:24I mean, I'm happy with that.
14:25Got a ton of chip damage.
14:27The game's...
14:28Here's the thing, I could just...
14:29Realistically, also,
14:30if I wanted to be a sweaty tryhard,
14:31I could just defend for the whole game now.
14:34Okay, he's under the impression
14:35that I don't have expo again.
14:36That's not how this works.
14:37You play by my rules.
14:39Expo out of the lane.
14:40And you're not going to get
14:41an easy counter to this either.
14:42Yep, you spend all your elixir over there, bud.
14:45That's what we live for.
14:47Go for a kite here as well.
14:49And then just go for this to try and kill this.
14:51That evolved firecracker's a menace.
14:53So I'm going to kill it.
14:54And then just go for an e-spirit
14:56to chain all that.
14:57I've got another cannon.
14:58It's just...
14:59It's just easy.
15:00It's just light work.
15:02Spirit value.
15:03Go for a snowball.
15:05Go for this.
15:06And then bang, bang.
15:08I can really just play shit anywhere, I feel like.
15:11Just go for another evolved cannon.
15:12That's infinite value once again.
15:16That's what I like.
15:17This is one of the...
15:17See, people keep saying the evolved cannon's good.
15:20But this, I think it's really dick dependent.
15:23And okay.
15:24Well, there's literally no...
15:26I'm happy.
15:26I'm very, very happy to change lanes.
15:28Like, I'm not tied down to any lane, my friend.
15:31Go with this.
15:33Go with this.
15:35That's all going to die.
15:36So I'm going to do this so the expo can lock on.
15:39Oh my god, I mistimed that.
15:41Fuck me.
15:42That was so close.
15:43That would have been orgasmic gameplay, to put it.
15:48Politically correct.
15:50And then I'm just going to expo on the lane.
15:51I actually want to get that.
15:53Misplaced it.
15:57Well, I was going to say he doesn't know that.
15:59But he does now, for sure.
16:01Oh, there's the night witch.
16:04That's what we love.
16:05Just wasted four elixir.
16:06Thank you, Butun.
16:08Now I'm going to play another one.
16:09Fuck it.
16:10And I wish I had evolved snowball.
16:12You know what?
16:12Let's try and kill this at the bridge.
16:14Actually, let's go for an ice golem and try and push it back so the bomb doesn't kill the expo.
16:18Look at that thing getting deleted.
16:20And even in the time that it survives before the bomb-
16:22That's not even going to die to the bomb either.
16:24Ho ho ho ho ho.
16:26I just love this.
16:27This, this is Clash Royale, man.
16:30Just annihilating people with this dick is what I live for.
16:32Because I was thinking, like, what if somebody just plays, like, Evolve Pekka, Evolve Goblin Giant.
16:38Like, I know these goofy guys.
16:39Goblinstein, Evolve Pekka, Evolve Goblin Giant.
16:41Goblinstein, Evolve Pekka, Evolve Goblin Giant.
16:43I still think I can win because I have the building.
16:46I have the, I have the evolve snowball, which is great for defense.
16:49Evolve cannon, great for defense.
16:51Cycle cards, I can distract long enough.
16:53Like, I think it's just fine.
16:55I can defend.
16:55And I think I can get through with the evolve snowball as well.
16:58And constant chip damage.
16:59They can't always afford their tanks.
17:00There's going to be a point in the game when I catch them with their pants down.
17:03That's what I'm trying to say.
17:05All right, let's go with this.
17:07That cannon got one too many hits for my liking.
17:10And yet the X-Bow still has that much HP.
17:12So that's fantastic.
17:15Okay, that's going to go back.
17:18Let's go with this.
17:19Let's go with this.
17:20Trying to keep that thing.
17:22Okay, kind of fucked that up, but that's great.
17:25And now that E-Giant is pretty much dead.
17:29And Amid is dead mid.
17:36Dead and mid, right?
17:38See what I did there?
17:40I am a mastermind.
17:46Anywho, I'm just going to play this.
17:48Amid's really just doing fuck all.
17:50He's trying to get to his evolve bomber, but he doesn't know.
17:52He's just feeding me evolve snowballs.
17:54Oh, wait a second.
17:56That actually might respawn.
17:57That's going to fucking respawn.
17:59God damn it, man.
18:01Okay, let's go.
18:02How has that got damage?
18:04It's not, it doesn't even, it just annoys me.
18:07It doesn't even matter.
18:08Just fucking triggers my ass.
18:10All right, I'm ready to go bow again.
18:13I'm just, I mean, I got two evolutions.
18:15What can he do?
18:18Get out of the rage, you whore.
18:19All right, let's, I just, the vibes are telling me this lane.
18:22Go E-Giant.
18:24Yeah, so he thinks that's going to reflect and kill my whole expo.
18:27But now, unfortunately for him.
18:30Oh, that actually splashes my tower, you fucking.
18:34Damn it, Amid.
18:36My videos are still getting demonetized.
18:38I gotta stop swearing.
18:40That's actually crazy.
18:41E-Giant actually becomes a terrible counter to the expo when it's,
18:47when it's not deflecting.
18:49Okay, now I just go for another cannon.
18:51I feel like you can recover, even if something's on your tower.
18:54Like, it's not the end of the world.
18:55You can recover pretty quickly.
18:58Go with this and then just kite.
19:01And that's going to kite the respawn one as well, so.
19:05That's actually kind of annoying.
19:07Let's go with this.
19:08Let's go with this.
19:10How is that respawned?
19:12Okay, I'm actually fumbling.
19:15I fumbled!
19:17I was having so much fun and then I played like a nonsense.
19:20He's fucking BMing my ass.
19:22Fuck you, Amid!
19:24Whatever, dude.
19:25Wait, the game's not over.
19:27I've still got time.
19:30All right, that was fun while it lasted.
