00:00I'm going to be playing the most ruthless offense deck of all time.
00:03I mean, I don't have, like, the only air defense I have is bats.
00:05Everything is just attack.
00:07And that's what I'm thinking.
00:08It's going to be hard as fuck for Luke07.
00:11If Luke is born in 07, I'm going to be very, very upset.
00:14But yeah.
00:15Okay, brilliant.
00:17That's fine, Luke, because I have Prince.
00:20I'll make sure to play bats in the back to give maximum value out of his ability here.
00:24But also, getting in his head a little bit, maybe forcing it out early, potentially.
00:29Or just not at all.
00:30Whatever the fuck you want to do, Luke.
00:31I don't even care.
00:33So yeah.
00:33No, this Luke just doesn't stand a chance.
00:35I mean, look, I like the name Luke.
00:37Shout out to Lukes in the comment section.
00:39But with a name like Luke, you never stood a chance against me.
00:42It's just the cold, hard facts.
00:44Like, Luke, what the fuck are you doing?
00:46So that's what I'm thinking.
00:47Like, if they want to...
00:50It's over, Luke.
00:52It's fucking done.
00:55Like, it's fucking solved.
00:56All I have to do is go for a Lumberjack as soon as I...
00:58Yeah, wow.
00:59I know it's hard to believe you're against the great, mighty me.
01:03But it's over.
01:04Just let it relinquish your fucking...
01:07So that's what I'm thinking.
01:08Like, I actually tried a version of this dick.
01:10I was going to play Evolve Mega Knight Cycle in this video.
01:13But then I realized Evolve Mega Knight's not really strong enough of a win condition by itself.
01:16So I was like, okay, let me put in Evolve Lumberjack.
01:19And then I was like, wait, it's still wank.
01:21And now I've come to like, wait, I just need a strong enough offense.
01:24And I was like, what makes it better?
01:25And then I realized I played Prince with Evolve Lumberjack.
01:28And that was fun and easy and free wins.
01:30So what if I just do...
01:31Okay, I'm going to spend way too much elixir here.
01:33But fuck it, why not?
01:34Why don't I just put in Mega Knight Evolution Edition?
01:38Then I have Rage, a dude with a fucking bottle on his neck, shoulder.
01:43Just sprinting in.
01:44It drops a Rage that makes everything stronger.
01:46And Prince, which just snipes like everything.
01:50So yeah, that's basically what I'm thinking.
01:52This is a free counter and a free cycle to my Evolve Mega Knight.
01:56And I haven't played Evolve Mega Knight in a while for whatever reason.
01:59It's just not...
02:00I mean, there was that one season when Evolve Pekka and Evolve Mega Knight were rampant.
02:04But yeah, I just feel like because Evolve Mega Knight is a good-ass card,
02:07Evolve Lumberjack is the best evolution in the game.
02:10Prince is a strong offensive card.
02:12You've got Splash.
02:13You've got that single targeting damage.
02:16It's just going to be, I feel like, a strong offense.
02:19And then you've got this as well.
02:21Rage to make everything quicker.
02:22And Goblin Curse so no Swarm card can even stand a chance,
02:25even if they try some goofy defense.
02:27I think this is going to be like...
02:29Once I get the push off, I'll play however I need to play.
02:32You know, playing slow.
02:34Just cycling a little Prince here or there.
02:36Cycling to my evolutions.
02:37Taking advantage of single Elixir just to cycle to evolutions.
02:41Then I just go crazy.
02:42This is a situation where I will go crazy because it's single Elixir
02:45and I can afford such an expensive push.
02:47So I may as well.
02:48And yeah, well, I don't even need to fucking do anything about that.
02:51I'll go with this here just to try and rage.
02:53Just to get some...
02:54Yep, there we go.
02:55Prince on the Tower.
02:56Ooh, that's not how you make porridge.
02:59Say goodbye to your Evolved Ice Spirit.
03:00And, you know, the Prince was getting targeted by the Dagger Darkest,
03:03but it's got nothing left.
03:04Look at...
03:05See, like, Evolved Mega Knight, when I was playing it by itself,
03:07it was like, okay, this card just doesn't do enough damage.
03:10What the fuck's going on?
03:11Okay, so the fake one's on that side.
03:13So I was like, wait, how do I counteract the fact that it doesn't do much damage
03:17and I don't have enough offensive potential?
03:18The Evolved Lumberjack is not enough on its own,
03:20but the Prince...
03:22The Prince definitely is.
03:23And now I've made a heater of a deck.
03:26I thought this guy just gave up, which he should if he was wise,
03:29but he should have done that as soon as he matched against me, is what I say.
03:35Okay, well, this guy's not giving up that easy.
03:38Is his name pronounced...
03:44How do I even say this goofy guy's name?
03:46Dollar sign or...
03:48Fucking open brackets, Aro.
03:50Or is it Sorcerer, but spelt like in the hood, dude?
03:52Like, it's...
03:53I don't know.
03:54You tell me.
03:55Anyway, I'm gonna rage this, and hopefully that can kill that,
03:58because I reset it.
03:59Give you some time, Mega Knight.
04:00Please do your thing.
04:01Ghost is gonna let me down here, I know it.
04:04All right.
04:04And this is why we have Mega Knight.
04:06Boom, knock that shit.
04:08Fucking jump on the Princess as well.
04:09Or just let yourself get kamikaze'd by that.
04:12That's fine.
04:13And so, yeah.
04:14This is gonna work.
04:15I know this is gonna work.
04:16For some reason, every dick that I play Prince in,
04:19it just works very well.
04:20I think Prince is just a very strong...
04:23Oh, I was gonna say, why don't I do a Prince, like,
04:25Lumberjack fucking Goblin Curse rage,
04:27but then I realized I'm a fucking idiot,
04:29and I've done that before.
04:30So, yeah.
04:33Dementia O'Clock is what I'm trying to say.
04:36It's actually not, it's 441.
04:38Just for the record.
04:38I can't lie.
04:39Can't tell a lie to Cell.
04:42To Cell...
04:43I don't know.
04:44I don't really know what I meant by that.
04:45Anyway, I'm against Krix!
04:47It's not enough to be a Kris anymore.
04:49It's gotta be cool.
04:50You gotta stand out in 2025.
04:52You gotta be a Krix.
04:54A fucking Krix, man.
04:56All right.
04:56Well, I want a Mega Knight here,
04:57so I can cycle to my Evolve 1 for offense.
04:59Or defense.
05:00That's another great thing.
05:01Evolve Mega Knight is a criminally under...
05:03Probably not actually even underrated,
05:05but just a solid defensive card.
05:07Like, Evolve Mega Knight can defend an entire Golem.
05:10It's kind of nuts.
05:11Yeah, you can...
05:12It is an option, Krix, to defend a Mega Knight with Barbs.
05:16That is one way to do it.
05:17But now, I know you're low on Elixir,
05:19so you have to have a hard counter to this in your hand.
05:21Otherwise, I'm going to take your tower here.
05:26I'm just gonna go with this,
05:27and I'm gonna go for Rage.
05:28I meant to actually go Rage first,
05:30but I fucked it up,
05:31and I never claimed to be a smart person.
05:34When you subscribe to this channel,
05:35you subscribed for elite level commentary
05:40and life lessons.
05:41If you want to know...
05:42You want a fucking life lesson right now?
05:43Being in your 20s is the best and worst thing of all fucking time.
05:47This is how I feel on a daily basis.
05:50See that shit?
05:51That's how I feel on a daily basis.
05:53Because it's the best,
05:54because you have freedom,
05:55you're young,
05:55and you have time.
05:57But then it's the worst thing ever,
05:59because you don't know what the fuck you're supposed to be doing.
06:01Some people are fucking married.
06:02Some people are having kids.
06:03Some people have their life sorted out.
06:04What age is that shit meant to happen?
06:06There's no...
06:06Like, there's subliminals on what you're meant to be doing.
06:09Like, society hints at what you're supposed to be doing,
06:11but there's no actual rulebook.
06:13So, it's just confusing shit,
06:17and you always feel like you're behind.
06:18And with social media,
06:20everybody's compared to everyone,
06:21and happiness is no longer an option, it seems.
06:24So, yeah, you got that to look forward to if you're not 20 years old.
06:28Or, like, in your 20s.
06:29It's real...
06:30It's real fun, man.
06:31It's real fun.
06:31But then it is fun a lot,
06:33because you have...
06:34Things can be...
06:35Definitely be worse.
06:36And so it's a weird one.
06:38You don't know if you should...
06:38Like, what you should be doing.
06:39If you should be happy just chilling out,
06:41but then it's like other people your age aren't.
06:44Maybe that's how it always is,
06:45but you also don't really know who the fuck you are.
06:48I heard somebody say, like...
06:50Well, you spend your whole life figuring that out.
06:52But I heard somebody say that, like,
06:54your 20s is when you actually start figuring...
06:56Like, you're meant to...
06:57You're meant to, like, in the fucking...
06:58In the high school, like, USA movies,
07:01figure yourself out in your teen years,
07:03and then you go into being an adult.
07:04That's not how it works, Pipsqueak.
07:06That's not how it fucking works.
07:07Trainer Ben knows that better than anyone.
07:09You know why?
07:09Because he spent some time in the party zone.
07:12Holy fucking sigma male.
07:15Yeah, so your 20s is when you figure that shit all out.
07:17And it's real fun, man.
07:19I tell you what, it's real fucking fun.
07:22So I just choose to play Clash Royale
07:23instead of living my life.
07:24It's way easier.
07:26It's way better.
07:26Let that be a lesson to you all.
07:28Find your vice.
07:30Find your vice as soon as it can.
07:32As soon as you can, I should say.
07:33What the hell even is that play?
07:35Pump and then guard to the bridge.
07:37Okay, well, I'm gonna make this an opportunity.
07:40But yeah, find your vice.
07:42Meth, heroin, any drug you can.
07:43Cling to that shit.
07:45Can't stress how important it is to do
07:48and find your drug of choice.
07:49It's like you're in the, you know,
07:50the character selection menu for drugs, right?
07:53Pick one and stick to it.
07:55Because once you've chosen your faction,
07:56it's like fucking the Maze Runner or something.
07:59No, not the Maze Runner.
08:00It's like Divergent.
08:01Once you've found a faction, you know, I pick Clash.
08:05You know, there's the big three, right?
08:06Meth, heroin, Clash.
08:07I pick Clash.
08:08Probably the wrong choice.
08:09Probably the most severe out of the trifecta.
08:12Anyway, I feel like I'm getting a bit sidetracked
08:14from today's Clash Royale-ing.
08:16I'm gonna go with an Evolve Mega Knight
08:18and that should be able to...
08:20God damn.
08:21I'm gonna play this here.
08:23That may not seem like a good play
08:24because of the Firecracker,
08:25but it would just go for the Firecracker
08:27and it would not be fun.
08:28And this fully just counters everything.
08:30And then I can take care of it anyway.
08:32See ya.
08:33Yeah, see, that was completely a defensive Mega Knight
08:36and that's ridiculous.
08:37I don't need a building.
08:40He's going for another pump.
08:41Trainer Ben does not learn a lesson.
08:43He spent too much time in the party zone
08:46and his head has gone to mush.
08:47That's one thing.
08:48Do drugs, but do them hard.
08:50You know what I mean?
08:51You want to rewire your brain.
08:52You don't want to be the same ever again.
08:54That's what I recommend.
08:55Can I get in trouble for recommending these things?
08:57I hope not because otherwise I'm going to be in prison
08:59for a long, long time for my crimes.
09:03It's good. It's good.
09:04The rules are real loose around what you can do on YouTube.
09:06You know, I've seen people saying like,
09:08Mr. Beast is doing like game shows
09:10that have regulations when they're on TV.
09:12But because he's doing them on YouTube,
09:13it's like avoiding those regulations.
09:15What about me, man?
09:16How many years am I going to be locked away
09:17once they tighten the rules?
09:19I don't know.
09:19But I'm going to ride this shit out
09:20until that day comes along.
09:23So smash like.
09:24That's what I'm trying to say.
09:25Smash subscribe.
09:26And then you can go back to your overly edited
09:31favorite content on YouTube.
09:33Top three things you didn't know about weasels.
09:36Bet you guys love that, yeah?
09:38Love me some weasel content.
09:41Anyway, I'm going to go with this.
09:42I don't really have the best defense here.
09:46But luckily, there's an evolved lumberjack ghost thing
09:48that fucking actually does fuck all.
09:50Wait, no, it doesn't.
09:50It kills a firecracker.
09:53Oh, this is just funny.
09:54Like, because I can just sit back
09:56and he can get really close to taking the...
10:06Of course, man, of course.
10:07Yep, yep, pump up, trainer Ben.
10:09Make sure to get those elixir droplets.
10:11Elixir droplet a day keeps the doctor a day.
10:14Wait, not a day.
10:15Keeps the doctor...
10:17Wait, away, not at bay.
10:18Fuck, I don't even know, man.
10:19All right.
10:20Goblin curse.
10:23Mega Knight's going sicko mode.
10:26For real?
10:27Okay, well.
10:30He's going to do some goofy shit right about now.
10:32So I'm going to go with this at the bridge.
10:34I had a feeling he was going to go, like,
10:36golem in the base or, like, a pump.
10:38So, ooh, this is perfect timing on the fucking thing.
10:41You know what I'm trying to say, on the goblin curse.
10:43Yeah, baby!
10:44And trainer Ben gets sent back to the party zone.
10:47I actually want to read this guy's clan description.
10:49I don't know what the party zone means.
10:50And it's got me intrigued, to say the least.
10:53Fuck, I should have known.
10:55Nobody speaks my language anymore.
10:58There's no more English.
10:59No one speaks English anymore.
11:00We're a dying language.
11:02I think everybody's going to be speaking Clash.
11:05And so you go with the evolved Manganite at the bridge
11:07and follow it up by evolved Lumberjack,
11:08right up its asshole, and then...
11:11Oh, fuck, we got a hot spammer.
11:13All right.
11:15Once again, I'm going to have to teach him a lesson
11:17his parents never could.
11:21Can I double rage a mother witch and kill it?
11:23Also, how the fuck did that get to the tower?
11:25And how come he has Ram Rider and I don't have Manganite?
11:28And how is that still going?
11:29And can I get two rages to kill two sets of...
11:32Yes, I can.
11:34Oh, yeah.
11:34Oh, what the...
11:37Well, we're going to take a little bit of damage here, chat.
11:39But if I perfectly place this evolved Lumberjack,
11:41it will push back and perfectly retarget it.
11:45Oh, God damn, I'm good.
11:46And now that's tower down.
11:49I love it when they defend evolved Lumberjack
11:50and they forget there's like an invisible,
11:52invincible ghost that comes out and takes the tower anyway.
11:56Funny times.
11:57It is a Saturday.
11:58Oh my God, if you knew what was happening in my fucking life
12:01in the last two weeks,
12:02there's been crazy things happening, man.
12:05And so today I'm going to reflect after this video
12:08and do probably fuck all.
12:12And that's the story of Ken's life, basically.
12:16You know what?
12:19I swear I...
12:20Okay, maybe I was like unknowingly hovering the prince at the back
12:25without even realizing,
12:26which I don't really know how you do,
12:28but apparently I did.
12:30But this is cool because Mega Knight's going to jump back
12:32and prince is going to survive.
12:34And then I can go with this.
12:35And all of a sudden I have a new tank for the prince.
12:38How is the tower hitting the fucking prince?
12:40That makes little to no sense.
12:42Mega Knight, hit that!
12:44Oh, look at that range, man.
12:45And it's a splash the tower as well.
12:47God damn.
12:48And I thought it was going to do it again.
12:52Okay, Rico, that's not the greatest timing on the Ice Spirit.
12:56I was hoping it had crossed the river,
12:58but that is not evolved.
12:59So I'm just going to go for Rage.
13:01And yeah, we don't take too much damage.
13:03Okay, I might go for a three crown
13:04if this guy does literally anything
13:06that's over five elixir right here,
13:08which he absolutely will.
13:09So here we go.
13:11Or just nothing, Rico.
13:12Just prove me wrong.
13:14Okay, this is the one situation
13:16where you can actually prove me wrong
13:17when I'm taking all your towers.
13:20Okay, this guy's clan name is Adult France Only.
13:23So I'm going to put $20 on the fact
13:25that his clan description will be in Francais.
13:30I just made 20 bucks.
13:32Leave your donations in the comments.
13:33I actually feel bad when I say that
13:35and people actually do because...
13:38No, I don't.
13:39Leave your money for my pockets.
13:42Anyway, I'm against Love Wave.
13:43So let's ruin this guy's day.
13:45Let's go with this shit.
13:46Yep, yep, yep.
13:47Good to know you've got Evolve Barrel, mate.
13:50And now my next Mega Knight is going to be Evolved.
13:53And you played your princess way too far over there.
13:56So I'm going to go with Ice Spirit.
13:58I mean, no, I'm not.
13:58I'm going to go with bats
14:00and your Ice Spirit's going to fail to kill them.
14:02And I'm going to get a bunch of chip damage
14:03and I'm going to rage at a shit time
14:05because then he played Dark Goblin.
14:07And I think he might even be back to Goblin Barrel.
14:09And I have to counter both lanes here.
14:11So watch this fucking thousand IQ player.
14:17Yeah, whatever, whatever.
14:19Just whatever, really.
14:21We didn't take that much damage,
14:22but that was not as cool as I thought it was going to be.
14:23Like I am up there with like coolest people alive.
14:26And that was not reflection of what I can do and who I am.
14:31Anyway, I have both Evolutions, Prince, Rage.
14:34I literally have the perfect hand right now.
14:36So I might just do fucking nothing.
14:37Like if he goes with anything besides Prince,
14:43you're just a fucking,
14:44you're just a fucking stain on humanity, aren't you, mate?
14:47Aren't you?
14:49Anyway, now that we've got the Rage literally out of our system.
14:56I love actually Evo Lumberjack versus Knight.
14:59Because it's just dead.
15:02It's just dead.
15:03And now I can go with a Prince.
15:04Oh, you don't even have an Inferno Tower.
15:06Oh, love wave, love wave, love wave.
15:09Let's go for this shit.
15:13Oh, that is just beautiful.
15:16Oh, see you, tower.
15:18See you later.
15:20Oh, I jumped.
15:21Oh, I charged.
15:23Love that.
15:23Love wave that.
15:25Love wave that.
15:26All right.
15:27Well, he's going to go Sicko Mode.
15:28He's going to go Dark Goblin at the Bridge,
15:29Evolve Goblin Barrel, and Goblin Gang.
15:35Okay, so that's the real one.
15:39It's just too easy, love wave.
15:41It's just, you're making it too easy.
15:42You got to put a bit of a challenge up for someone like me.
15:45A titan in the space.
15:48Mega Knight counter.
15:52Oh, shit.
15:55All right, yeah.
15:56Now, what's he going to do here?
15:58Oh, I mistimed it.
16:01A couple more Gobblerinos.
16:03Forcing out a log, that's fine.
16:04And watch this prediction.
16:05You ready?
16:06Three, two, one.
16:09Yep, knew it.
16:10Nailed that shit.
16:13Yeah, easy peasy.
16:14Easy fucking peasy, mate.
16:16Love wave, what kind of parallel universe are you living in?
16:20Because there was nothing you did that was even a threat.
16:24And I...
16:25Oh, I can't say that word because it loses all my ad revenue.
16:28Age restricts my videos, as happened the other day.
16:32I hope you...
16:35Saying I'm alive is cringe.
16:36I hope you tragically hurt yourself and there is a slow recovery.
16:43Anyway, just leave the video on that happy note.
16:45Smash subscribe and I'll be back.
16:47Unless I die before tomorrow's video.