• 3 days ago
00:00All right, so let let's get to the latest in Missouri. They legalized sports betting,
00:03still not live, still waiting for this to pop. Is it possible this happens for football season?
00:09Yeah, so I mean just to catch everyone up, if you haven't been paying attention to this show
00:12when I'm on for the last, what, three years now, Missouri took forever to legalize. It went to the
00:18ballot. It was on the ballot in November. The voters said yes, barely. It was 50.05 percent
00:25in favor of sports betting. Verified in December, and now it's started getting going. And earlier
00:32this year, the rules were sent to the executive branch, the secretary of state, and the governor,
00:37and the likes. Secretary of State Denny Hoskins, a, you know, foe of sports betting in Missouri,
00:43if we've followed that storyline at all, said, hey, you can't have emergency rules. Like,
00:47this is not okay. So that put a damper on the hopes that it could launch in time for,
00:52or at least during baseball season, or the start of baseball season. And it pushes the timeline to
00:59the rules being enacted in August, August 30th, which is just a few days before the NFL season
01:05starts. And this week we got news from the Missouri Gaming Commission that posted on
01:11their website that they're going to begin taking applications next month, that they're working with
01:18the stakeholders in the industry to say, hey, let's get this done. And I mean, we've seen a
01:24lot of states go from that time frame of April or May to launching in time for the football season.
01:30Of course, those licenses aren't really doled out until the rules are in effect, which again is
01:38August 30th. So it is going to be an interesting timeline. If it's super efficient, if they get
01:44everything in order, I could see them launching in that first weekend of the NFL season, which of
01:49course would be great for bettors. It'd be great for the industry, be great for the state of
01:53Missouri for their tax purposes. You know, the Missouri Gaming Commission does want to be careful.
01:59They're saying they're going to be live by the December 1 deadline that is in the ballot
02:04question. They don't want to make any promises that they will be live for the NFL season. So
02:09they're trying to be very careful with the wording that they're putting out there. But
02:13again, from watching dozens of states launch, this seems like a familiar timeline that, you know,
02:20it would not surprise me if they're up and running, you know, if not the first week of the NFL season,
02:24a couple weeks in.
