Shawna goes back to Bunco! Things do not go as planned.... 😁
00:01Whoa, something looks different.
00:02Is it hair?
00:03Oh, I like it.
00:05What are you doing Tuesday?
00:06Ooh, anniversary do-over?
00:07Do we need to do that?
00:08I would definitely do that.
00:10But that's not what I was talking about.
00:11Tuesday night?
00:12Well, Tuesday nights...
00:13Like, plural?
00:14Like, what do we do Tuesday night?
00:16I want to paint.
00:17Oh, yeah.
00:18You haven't painted since I was pregnant with Max.
00:20You should definitely paint.
00:21Okay, but here's where I need your help.
00:22Problem to solve?
00:23Yes, please.
00:24Our kids are antisocial little weirdos.
00:25No, they're not.
00:26Don't say that.
00:27Okay, sorry.
00:28Bad joke.
00:29But doing Max's birthday made me realize I haven't done a good job of socializing them.
00:31They're great with adults.
00:33Because they're the only kids in the family.
00:35But I haven't made it a priority to make sure they have friends, so maybe I should.
00:36You keep saying, I.
00:37Well, yeah, because I've been on with them.
00:38I've been managing their social lives, so I feel guilty.
00:39It's we, baby.
00:41But that's what I'm saying.
00:42I want we to do better.
00:53And they want we to do better.
00:54So can you take Max and Piper to a dance class on Tuesdays while I take an art class?
00:58An art class?
00:59Hey, Rusty.
01:00I dout that.
01:01And I want to be around art people again.
01:03Dance class?
01:05Yup, happy feet.
01:08Max too?
01:09Ya con heard.
01:12It's not too much?
01:14It's great.
01:15Art slash dance class on Tuesday's.
01:17Now show me your boobs.
01:18Okay, and also.
01:19Oh, there's more.
01:20What are you doing Saturday?
01:21Oh, is this the anniversary do over?
01:22It's okay with me. Are you okay?
01:24Yeah, I like everyone else.
01:26I'll just apologize for body shaming her and tell her I'm not trying to fuck her husband.
01:30Don't do that!
01:31Well, you said she probably thinks that!
01:32I was talking out of my ass!
01:34But if she does, everyone is thinking that!
01:36She wouldn't believe you!
01:37So? I can still say it!
01:38And if she's not thinking it, you'll put it in her head!
01:40Damn it!
01:41Just leave it. Leave it alone.
01:43Are you gonna do it anyway?
01:44I'll try really hard not to.
01:46God, you're cute.
01:48Aww, you're cute too.
01:52So, uh, what are you doing right now?
01:54Spanko, baby, let's do this!
01:57I'm so excited! You're going down!
01:59Bitch, you stole my hair!
02:00No, I didn't!
02:01Oh my god, I did!
02:03Not on purpose! I swear I'm not weird!
02:05No, it looks good!
02:06You ready to toss some dice?
02:07I'm ready!
02:08Hey, ladies.
02:09Hey, Ty. What are you-
02:10Don't worry, I'm not saying.
02:11You know Ty?
02:12Yeah, we're neighbors. Park buddies.
02:14Sean was my favorite mom friend.
02:15I thought I was your favorite mom friend!
02:18Sean was my favorite mom friend!
02:19I met as an adult! Quit twisting my nipple!
02:21Don't give away my title!
02:23Oh my god.
02:24Sorry. He's annoying.
02:25She's just jealous because I like you more.
02:27Shut up!
02:28So you know him through Julie?
02:30No, I've known him my whole life.
02:31We're cousins.
02:32We're not cousins!
02:33But our moms are friends, so kind of.
02:35Oh, so you're like friends' friends.
02:37Now go away so we can play!
02:39Can I talk to you for a minute?
02:42Hurry up, I need to throttle some bitches.
02:43She's scary.
02:44Yeah, she's the best.
02:46So, what's up?
02:47Uh, how was dinner the other night?
02:49Good! Our anniversary.
02:51Oh, happy anniversary!
02:53How long have you been married?
02:5410 years.
02:56How long have you guys been married?
02:57Since we were 18.
02:59Yeah, high school sweethearts.
03:01Speaking of, you can't talk shit to her like that.
03:03I know, I'm sorry.
03:05She's not miserable, she's just not quick to warm up.
03:07Okay, I'll have to take your word for it.
03:10She's not. She works a lot, and she has this group, and that's kind of it.
03:13So, she's an introvert?
03:15No, she's particular.
03:18Is it because she thinks I want to fuck you?
03:21Because I don't.
03:22I don't think that's it.
03:23Has she even seen the two of us together?
03:24Yeah, a few times.
03:25No, that's...
03:27Oh my god, does she?
03:30She would have said something, no.
03:31I should probably go inside.
03:32Yeah, maybe.
03:33Good to see you.
03:34I promised I won't talk shit.
03:35Good to see you too.
03:37See you at the park.
03:39We can be friends.
03:40Your wife is mean.
03:41Alicia's mean.
03:42No, she's nice, and then she's scary.
03:44That's different.
03:46See you at the park.
03:47I have to go.
03:48People will think things.
03:49I think you care too much what people think.
03:50Quit talking.
03:51I'm trying to leave.
03:52Then leave.
03:53You're so annoying.
03:55Finally, my guy.
03:57Do you want a drink?
03:58Uh, sure.
03:59Johnny, you remember Mel?
04:00Yeah, of course.
04:01The dental hygienist who cheats.
04:02I did not cheat.
04:03Yes, you did.
04:04You know what?
04:05You can get your own drink.
04:06No, I'm sorry.
04:07Don't apologize.
04:08She knows what she did.
04:10Sam, right?
04:12And Julie's already sitting.
04:13Julie, you know Shawna.
04:14Not really, babe.
04:15We've met.
04:16A bunch of times.
04:17We know each other.
04:18She's friends with Ty.
04:19You know Ty always picks up the strays.
04:22That's just Julie.
04:23You can't take it personally.
04:24Everyone keeps saying that.
04:25I've known her since I was five, and I have a tiny Julie doll fashioned out of Julie
04:30Harris from all the times that I felt the need to jump her ass.
04:32She's lying.
04:33She could never.
04:34Be nice to my friend!
04:35She's harmless, really.
04:36She's just not nice.
04:37But once you're friends with her, she'll commit murder for you.
04:39You guys are terrifying.
04:40I know.
04:41It's fun, Ko.
04:42It brings the crazy out.
04:43But we've never come to actual blows during a game, so I promise you're safe.
04:44Just not emotionally.
04:46Sorry, so is all the trash talk for the game, or are you guys just like actually mean to
04:47each other?
04:48It's all in fun.
04:50Even Julie?
04:52Julie's always grumpy.
04:53I can hear you, babe.
04:54Good, babe.
04:55Stop being a twat.
04:56This is an intimidating dynamic.
04:58Now I feel bad for calling Mel a cheater.
04:59You should.
05:00You weren't even there.
05:01You should have been there.
05:02You should have been there.
05:03You should have been there.
05:04You should have been there.
05:05You should have been there.
05:07I'm sorry.
05:08Did she even cheat?
05:09Yes, she cheated.
05:10Wild chews is not cheating.
05:11You know what?
05:12You can't have any cheese board.
05:13No, not the cheese.
05:14I've just revoked.
05:15You're extra rowdy today.
05:16Almost like the vibe is off.
05:17Is it you in your mouth?
05:18No, babe.
05:19I think it's your girl.
05:21You're worse than usual.
05:22I have nothing to say now.
05:23Why am I wet?
05:24My water broke.
05:25Oh my god.
05:26It's early.
05:27I'll call Ty.
05:28This is inconvenient.
05:29Everything is soaked.
05:30I'll get you clothes.
05:31He's not answering.
05:32He's doing bedtime.
05:33I'll try him again.
05:34Here, babe.
05:35Wear this.
05:37Let's get these off of you.
05:38Do you need a rag?
05:39I'm going to go.
05:40He's not answering.
05:41Okay, it's fine.
05:42He'll answer eventually.
05:43Can you take me to the hospital?
05:44I can't.
05:46I had half a bottle.
05:47Me too.
05:48I've had two glasses.
05:49We've all been drinking.
05:50I'll call him again.
05:51I could drive you.
05:52If you're desperate.
05:53I haven't had a drink yet.
05:59Are you feeling okay?
06:00I'm fine.
06:02Why did Ty drop you off anyway?
06:03I asked him to.
06:04Not that you could drive right now.
06:05But were you going to stay the night?
06:07Are you having contractions?
06:08I am.
06:10You're making no noise.
06:11When I was in labor, everybody knew.
06:12I was loud.
06:13You're kidding.
06:14No, I was screaming.
06:16I'll stop talking.
06:18It's good breathing.
06:20You make me really nervous.
06:21I kind of like just can't stop talking.
06:22I'm like blah, blah, blah, blah.
06:23Like this.
06:25Oh, I'm sorry.
06:26I'm sorry.
06:27I'm sorry.
06:28I'm sorry.
06:29I'm sorry.
06:30I'm sorry.
06:31I'm sorry.
06:32I'm sorry.
06:33I'm sorry.
06:34I'm sorry.
06:35I'm sorry.
06:36I'm sorry.
06:37I'm sorry.
06:38I'm sorry.
06:39I'm sorry.
06:40I'm sorry.
06:41I'm sorry.
06:42I'm sorry.
06:44I'm sorry.
06:47Oh, come on.
06:48Is he still not answering?
06:49Sometimes Cooper needs to lay with us.
06:50Piper does that.
06:51I put my t-shirt on the giant teddy bear, and it helps.
06:52But at least half the time, she wants us to lay with her.
06:53I just figure at some point she'll be a teenager.
06:54Like she'll go off to college, and she's like, hey, Dr. Baby Doctor, this is Julie
06:57My water broke approximately 30 minutes ago, and I'm headed to the hospital.
06:58thank you that was my ob too fabulous no wow i'm doing you a favor listen i know we're not
07:04friends but i need you to stop talking please oh
07:13we're here thank you i'll get a wheelchair thank you shauna hey finally cooper was asleep i had
07:21to take him to alicia's is she okay she's in 1202 okay she was okay in the car on the way over but
07:25i don't know now okay hey thank you sure i know she's not nice hey it's okay i i'm not the center
07:32of the universe here yeah i'm gonna go hey if it's a girl maybe we'll name her shauna oh my god
07:36please do not i can't even imagine that conversation what's your middle name and a little boring it's
07:42a middle name i will see i'm gonna head up me too hopefully they didn't tow my car oh shit did you
07:46park an emergency yep do you want me to move your car could you yeah and to the rescue twice that
07:52namesake thing's looking a little more likely i mean i wouldn't say no let's just look good luck
07:57i'll give these to the nurse thanks again i'm back hey how was it did you win the big bucks
08:03nope i drove a bitch to the hospital whoa julie went into labor oh and i was the only sober driver
08:09damn ty wasn't answering his phone jesus so i drove a terrified prematurely laboring hater to
08:15the er while chattering word vomit all over it's like the perfect storm yeah you're okay yeah
08:20do you know julie from work no but she works for marriott that'd be a hell of a client to land
08:27i'm an asshole why no you're not yeah i think i am i've been shoving friendliness down her throat
08:33i mean you try to make friends no i tried to make her be my friend that's the same thing
08:38no i wanted her to be my friend i was in no way trying to be her friend okay if i was trying to
08:43be a friend to her i would have respected one of the very obvious social cues she was giving me
08:47and backed off she's mean i don't think you're at fault here she is but i mean like alicia's not
08:52mean but like intense i think their whole friend group is just kind of like that not ty he's a
08:56complete goofball i know it's like a bait and switch and i think it embarrasses ty that she's
09:01like that and i think that's why i took it personally she said hi to me i think maybe
09:05she was networking you know like she's corporate oh you can't be rude to the wife if you're
09:10networking yeah maybe she likes male attention i don't know it doesn't matter the point is
09:14i don't think there are people sorry babe me too i want to just all be friends so we can like go
09:20to the fair and barbecue on sundays yeah where are the people who want to make family friends
09:25as they raise their kids do those people exist anymore i don't know i wanted to be friends so
09:30bad that i made myself the center of the world and then got mad at her for not giving me attention
09:35well you put it that way how embarrassing a little bit ah oh well back to the drawing board yes so
09:42i love you i know i love you too you can put your friendliness in my face all you want
09:47is that a euphemism oh yeah i'm not joking i'm not joking okay come here