• il y a 12 heures
Le jour, Lloyd est un lycéen comme les autres. La nuit, il se transforme en ninja, prêt à défendre Ninjago City avec ses amis. Entraînés par le maître de kung-fu Wu, aussi sage que blagueur, ils doivent mettre hors d'état de nuire l'infâme Garmadon. Lors d'une bataille homérique, Lloyd découvre que celui-ci est son père. Après cette révélation, il est rejeté par ses camarades de lycée. Il cherche à en apprendre plus sur Garmadon et veut savoir pourquoi sa mère a eu une romance avec cet homme dangereux. Entretemps, un grand danger menace la ville...
00:00Baby now we got bad blood
00:02So take a look what you've done
00:05Cause baby now we got bad blood
00:08Hey !
00:11Hey mom, hum...
00:13Can we talk about...
00:14Dad ?
00:15What's my name ?
00:18Garmadon !
00:18Garmadon !
00:19Garmadon !
00:22When you guys got together...
00:24Was dad...
00:25Always an evil warlord ?
00:27Ok, well, here it is.
00:29I got swept up !
00:31He had so many plans, he was so ambitious !
00:33He said he wanted to conquer the world.
00:36It must have been love !
00:38I thought it was a figure of speech.
00:41But, if I had never met Garmadon...
00:43I would have never had you !
00:47Hey !
00:51His dad ruins everything !
00:55Oh oh !
00:56It's Garmadon !
00:58Can I have a bathroom pass ?
01:00Costas, gear !
01:01Students, a true ninja knows when to fight...
01:04And when to blend in the shadows.
01:06Caw caw !
01:07Caw caw !
01:08Unbelievable !
01:10Alright guys !
01:11Let's get Garmadon !
01:16You can't catch me, green ninja !
01:18Watch this !
01:20Where did that come from ?
01:22Dad !
01:24Le Lloyd ?
01:25That's right, and it's Lloyd, dad !
01:27Because baby now we got bad blood !
01:30You know it used to be bad love !
01:32It's okay Lloyd, nobody's parents are perfect.
01:35Yeah, but I feel like there's more to Garmadon that I need to know.
01:38To understand your future...
01:40You must go back to your ninja roots.
01:42Your dad...
01:43Was a ninja too.
01:49Le Lloyd ?
01:50You hear that ?
01:51We've awakened the unstoppable beast !
01:55Meowthra !
01:58Caw caw !
02:03Are you ready to risk your life for Ninjago ?
02:05Ninjago !
02:21I haven't felt this good in a long time !
02:24Le Lloyd, are you okay ?
02:25Where does my arm go ? Is it bad ? Is it bad ? I don't wanna look !
02:27Scale of 1 to 10, how bad is it ?
02:29Oh, I'd say it's about a 7 point arm ripped off.