• 3 days ago
During the holy fasting month of Ramadan, tables across the Maghreb region are adorned with "essential" traditional sweets. In Morocco, a table isn't complete without shebakia. In Algeria, zlabia takes the spotlight, and in Tunisia, people travel for kilometres to buy makroud.


00:30As you know, the Moroccan network is one of the main components in the Moroccan table of breakfasts and it is an old and well-known beauty since a long time ago.
00:45I am a person who could not do without it and any Moroccan family would find this main component in the table of breakfasts.
01:00This is a 40-kilometer walk from the bakery to the Boufariq, which is a holy place in the month of Ramadan.
01:17We are on our way, God willing.
01:21The door is here.
01:23This is the door.
01:26The door is here.
01:29This is the door.
01:32This is the door.
01:35This is the door.
01:38This is the door.
01:41In Ramadan, it is more.
01:44It is more than the light.
01:47We are going to the village of Qairawan.
01:49We are going to the village of Qairawan.
01:53We are going to the village of Qairawan.
