• 3 days ago
Closer Than Close 😳


00:00OGP section, so let's see what the winner of round one can do here then.
00:04In Valparaiso, he has raced on this track in the past, but Slavik will have to make the time where
00:11he can on that short travel enduro bike this afternoon. Yeah, I know he's focusing on these
00:15first couple of turns, he said that most people might overlook them. And look hard on the pedals
00:20there as well, accelerating down now, look at this formidable. And look at that, this perfect
00:25down there, can he do the gap? Rolls the gap, but he did it with pace. Oh, massive gap out,
00:31so Slavik, that looked fast to me, they're hard on the brakes now, he's up by 0.43 of split number
00:37one, into the key section he comes. And that is going to carry his speed all the way into this
00:42dirt, this is where he's going to have to take the risk in this run. He is just so precise, so good,
00:49gets a kick in the back down there, and he's fastest in the key section, Slavik doing the
00:54impossible here. Wow, 14.2 now, half a second up on the downhill bikes. And you saw, look how low
01:02he goes, low off the wall ride, low over the trunks. Yeah, it's so good. The lockout is on now,
01:08three-point drift there for Tomas Slavik. Well, I didn't see this coming.
01:15He goes so low over the trunks. Makes time everywhere he can, three times,
01:21UCI four-cross world champion. Pulling on all that experience, 37 years old now.
01:28You said he clicks, actually, the lockout in that wall ride. That is incredible, he just is so precise
01:34taking these wide lines that nobody else is doing, shaving off all the distance he can,
01:39going inside of that burned-in line there, nobody else is doing that. And this, Elliot, is now where,
01:44you know, he should gain time on that enduro bike. Hold it tight out there, some big powerful
01:50pedal strokes though. You can just see him just moving the bike. Losing 0.16 in there,
01:5853 though, breaking the 50 kilometer an hour mark. Slavik there, definitely letting the riders left
02:05to the top know that he is in business here today. It's been a great run. I think faster than perhaps
02:10we expected, Elliot, on the staircases. That was where he needed to take the risk. Let's see what
02:14he can do around here. Last turn then for Tom of Slavik, here he comes, goes past him.