Putin critica las acciones de EE.UU. que han llevado a la desdolarización global, señalando que sus propias políticas son las responsables de este fenómeno.
#putin #presidente #rusia #eeuu #económica #dólar #tendencias #desdolarización #estadounidense #internacional #mercado
#putin #presidente #rusia #eeuu #económica #dólar #tendencias #desdolarización #estadounidense #internacional #mercado
00:00The currency of a country reflects its economic power.
00:03The financial and political authorities of the United States are driving this process
00:08with their actions, not only careless, but unprofessional and stupid.
00:13I think they already realize that they have made a mistake,
00:16but they simply cannot get out of this situation.
00:19And they should have already made some adjustments.
00:21They see that the tools they are using do not work.
00:24We change to national currencies and that's it.