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The White Lotus 3x06 "Denials" Season 3 Episode 6 Promo Trailer HD - Check out the promo for The White Lotus Season 3 Episode 6 "Denials" airing next week on HBO.


00:00First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the woman.
00:11Gotta get gangsta around here.
00:12If I need to deal with something, I'm gonna need your help.
00:19He knows about you.
00:23Why are you antagonizing her?
00:26I'm not like you, sometimes I just have to be honest.
00:32I just need ten minutes with the guy, and I need your help.
00:37Breathe in, hold it.
00:41And breathe out.
00:55What's lovely about what Mike White is doing is that he's put three actresses of the same
00:59age in a show together, and you so very rarely see that.
01:02And putting us in a world where we're actually confronting that stuff now in our lives.
01:06There are a lot of complicated friendship dynamics that become unraveled.
01:13Mike said he saw these three friends, and he couldn't really differentiate them.
01:17And every time one would get up to leave, the other two would start talking about the
01:20other one that had left.
01:21And it was sort of what got him thinking about this trio of women.
01:25Love her so much.
01:26I do too.
01:27I just...
01:28Worry about her.
01:29She did drink, like, a whole bottle tonight.
01:32More than that.
01:37Women are always pitted against each other in this way.
01:39The world compels us to engage in competition, even when we love each other.
01:44She's so funny.
01:45And the fanatic narcissist.
01:47They're really nimble at causing distractions.
01:50They don't have to focus on themselves.
01:52Lori, you should have a fling with him.
01:54Why do you keep saying that?
01:56It's the perfect week for a fling.
02:00I think she really did want this for her friend, to just have a really good time.
02:05But I also think that Jacqueline is feeling insecure about her relationship with her husband.
02:10That is a real catalyst for her going, let's go have some fun.
02:14Like, fuck it.
02:15What does that mean?
02:16That means we're not dead yet.
02:20We end up having this wild night.
02:24It's about reclaiming something.
02:26It's like this moment that when we go in and we get on that dance floor, you're like, eat
02:31It feels territorial at that point.
02:32Yeah, and it also felt so fun and free.
02:35We recapture some youth.
02:38Lori was tiptoeing into the possibility of somebody giving her some positive attention,
02:43and then, like always, Jacqueline gets the attention.
02:46She does.
02:47She gets the attention of the whole world.
02:57I think we should go.
02:58Let's drink at the villa.
02:59It's a great idea.
03:00It's a terrible idea.
03:03It really goes to hell in a handbasket.
03:09It's like we're in high school all over again.
03:11Do we ever change from those people?
03:13Aren't adults all just pretending?
03:15We don't get practice.
03:16It's just arrested development.
03:17There's no moment where you're an adult.
03:26Kate being like, get them out, is because nothing good's going to happen.
03:33Jacqueline is bored, and she's feeling insecure, and she goes looking for validation in all
03:40the wrong places.
03:42Wherever you go, there you are.
03:43That's what the White Lotus means to me.
03:46All your stuff comes with you, even when you're on vacation.
03:49And the question of whether or not their relationship and their egos can survive that is a really
03:53interesting one.