• 4 days ago
Papardelle al Ragù:

Mango Jam: The base recipe for Dads jam is in my ebook available to purchase and download here: https://positanodiaries.com/our-positano-cookbook

Spaghetti Aglio, Olio, Peperoncino: While the spaghetti is cooking, add some chopped garlic, chilli pepper and a big glug of olive oil to a pan and heat until the garlic is bronzed. (You can also add chopped walnuts for a bit of crunch, or melt 2-3 anchovy fillets in with the garlic.) Finish with a handful of chopped parsley. Mix with the cooked spaghetti, adding a ladleful or 2 of pasta water to loosen up the sauce.

Ravioli con funghi e panna: Fry some chopped onion and cubed pancetta (optional) in a pan. When the onion is soft, add ground beef (optional) and chiodini mushrooms (any mushrooms will do) and cook for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the cream. Cook the ravioli as instructed on packet. Mix together with mushroom saice and enjoy.

POSITANO DIARIES & HELLO EVERYWHERE T SHIRTS for sale here: https://positanodiaries.teemill.com/collection/everthing/

Want more of life in Positano? Follow me on Instagram for daily Stories @NickiPositano

My novel A Boatful of Lemons is available on Amazon worldwide and currently free on Kindle Unlimited:
Amazon US here: https://a.co/d/hCGJmVv
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Amazon Australia: https://amzn.asia/d/gTBvZ4v
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My recipe and story Ebook is available to purchase here, as is my guide to Positano with info on how to get here, where to stay, what to eat and what to do: https://positanodiaries.com/our-positano-cookbook

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All music from Epidemic Sound
End screen/subscribe button and lower third graphics were designed by Video Editor Alex Ransome at vimeo.com/alexransome and on Twitter @aransomenote

#travel #tuscany #vlog #travelvlog #italy

Thanks for watching the video The Last Brother Arrives and It's All About Food


00:00We're Nikki and Carlo and we live in Positano, Italy, except we also just bought a house
00:06in Tuscany, which we're currently renovating, so we live there too.
00:10Join us as we turn this house and olive grove into a dream home, and get to grips with living
00:15in two different parts of Italy.
00:20In the last episode, you saw us tackle the mammoth task of pruning the olive trees.
00:32Two of Carlo's brothers were here to help, so I left them to it and caught a flight to
00:36England to spend a few days with Dad.
00:44Let's see what Carlo got up to while I was away.
00:52Many of you have suggested that we buy a mulcher for mulching the olive branches rather than
00:56burning them.
00:57Thank you for the suggestions, we will look into this for next year.
01:03Luca, one of the brothers is coming.
01:09The stick is coming.
01:13He took the wrong road, he went to the property next door.
01:20Go, you can do it!
01:32Good morning, how was your trip?
01:446 hours from here to here.
01:466 hours?
01:47That's fast!
01:48You didn't stop?
01:49What's up?
01:50What's up?
01:51What's up?
01:52What's up?
01:53What's up?
01:54What's up?
01:55What's up?
01:56What's up?
01:57What's up?
01:58What's up?
02:00We'd been invited to a garden party at the weekend.
02:03I was sad to miss out, but they sent me loads of photos and Carlo had a much needed afternoon off.
02:17And it looks like he came home to enjoy another barbecue for dinner.
02:23What are you doing?
02:28Hello everywhere.
02:30We are going with my brother Luca and Stefano to show their friends how to grow tomatoes.
02:38It is really fun because Luca is good at talking in English.
02:46Maybe not better or maybe worse than my worst English, but it's funny.
02:55It is a lovely place here and give an explanation for help to growing tomatoes.
03:02Basically, Luca was going to go and give Jane, our friend, a lesson in how to grow tomatoes
03:07and Carlo was going to go and film it.
03:09He must have got distracted because this is all I got.
03:16Oh Luca, do you like this cantina?
03:21Why no?
03:22No, no.
03:23I don't like wine.
03:28Beautiful, right?
03:32What did you prepare?
03:34Today I made a stew of pork and beef.
03:40And we make pappardelle made by local people and we eat a real Tuscan pasta.
03:51Pappardelle with stew.
03:54And these are the pappardelle.
03:59Now they just have to meet the sauce there.
04:05It's ready.
04:14Buon appetito.
04:15Buon appetito.
04:16Buon appetito.
04:17I have been here for four days and it has been the most beautiful four days.
04:24I couldn't have asked for anything more.
04:26I brought my coat with me.
04:27I haven't needed it at all.
04:29Everybody always goes on about how England is so cold and wet and rainy.
04:33Well, it has certainly proved to be absolutely beautiful.
04:36Exactly the same weather as Tuscany in the last few days.
04:39So that's been really lovely.
04:41I've had a great time.
04:42I had my hair done.
04:44You might notice I've had about that much chopped off, which for me is a huge thing.
04:49I'm really scared of getting my hair cut.
04:50But I had a load chopped off.
04:52I've had some layers put in and I've had some colour done and I'm really pleased with it.
04:56And Caroline was fantastic.
04:58She always does exactly what I ask for.
05:00And we had a lovely chat while she was doing it.
05:03Because my hair is so thick, it takes a few hours.
05:05So she was here for about four hours.
05:07And she comes to me.
05:09So I followed her around three different salons and then her studio at her house.
05:13And now she comes to other people's houses.
05:15And I met up with a friend for smoothies this morning in the sunshine sitting outside a cafe, which was lovely.
05:22I spent one day shopping.
05:25So I went to Kingston on Thames where there's a load of great shops.
05:28And I did a lot of browsing.
05:30I bought a few things.
05:32I just had some walks with Dad.
05:34And just relaxed and had some afternoons, quiet afternoons, sitting at home in the sunshine with Dad, chatting, reading and just relaxing.
05:43And I feel rejuvenated, ready to go back to Tuscany and face whatever is coming next.
05:48The other afternoon, Dad decided to make some jam.
05:51He has a ridiculous amount of jam.
05:54We all know that.
05:55But he's recently started making a new flavour.
05:58And it's proved very, very popular.
06:01And I wanted to take some back with me.
06:02And there already wasn't any left.
06:04So he made some mango jam.
06:10What have you got in there?
06:11Jars. Jars for my jam.
06:2048 there.
06:21You're not going to make that many, are you?
06:23No, but it's the summer.
06:24I can't go buying as much.
06:25I've got another 72 in the garage.
06:29Yes, just in case we run out of jam.
06:31Don't bump your head.
06:33Why's it so dark in here?
06:34It's always dark in here.
06:37Oh, there.
06:38So we need some more jam, do we?
06:40I'm making some now.
06:42I made some raspberry.
06:48What else have I made?
06:54And the mango jam is lovely.
06:58White peach.
07:01Lots of plumple I've got.
07:03I've got some down here.
07:05A few of those down here.
07:11Green apple and red plum.
07:17Dad's original jam recipe can be found in my recipe and story e-book,
07:21which is linked below the video.
07:26I've never made that much mess when I've made jam before.
07:29I've never needed to do that.
07:31No, I'm doing it to flush it up.
07:33Because this is it.
07:34You put it there to keep the floor clean.
07:36If I drop this, it comes on the floor.
07:39Don't drop it.
07:40I keep the floor clean.
07:42I'm going to show you my floors.
07:44I don't have a dirty floor.
07:47Bloody hell, they're hot.
08:13What I do, I don't have to use that shiny paper anymore.
08:18Use ordinary paper.
08:19When it's hot, all I have to do is print it off.
08:23And use a print stick to stick it on.
08:25It stays on there.
08:30What I do now, stick it on there.
08:37From fruit to cooking to potting and labelling all in one hour.
08:43Well done.
08:57We've done a great job cleaning.
09:00Now everything is much more open here.
09:03You can see through the windows.
09:05Before, everything was hidden.
09:08I like it better this way.
09:19Here we are, another episode of Fratelli Rispoli.
09:22My brother Giuseppe will cook for us tonight.
09:26Giuseppe, your name is Giuseppe, but what's your name?
09:30They call me Stick.
09:32Because I was very thin when I was young.
09:35In fact, you were thin, but not anymore.
09:38Anyway, Stick is a nickname.
09:43Anyway, Stick is a nickname.
09:48So, what are you going to cook for us?
09:51We're going to make spaghetti with garlic, oil, and chili.
09:56Smoked provola, made on the arm.
10:02And we also have parmigiana with aubergines.
10:08But did you make the parmigiana?
10:11We already bought the parmigiana.
10:13We don't have much time to cook it.
10:15We bought it at the market, right?
10:18As I was saying, it's very simple.
10:20When you cut the spaghetti,
10:22you light this, you brown the garlic a little, and it's ready.
10:26You put the spaghetti in, a little parsley on top,
10:30and the dish is ready.
10:32Wow, really simple.
10:41Good morning.
10:56Good morning.
11:00Good morning.
11:02Hello to you.
11:07How are you?
11:12Good morning.
11:21Do you want coffee?
11:31Good morning, Carlo.
11:41Today, two of my brothers are leaving.
11:43One is staying.
11:45See you next time.
11:48What kind of fire is that?
11:50It's a tree branch.
11:52I have an assistant here, Mr. Roberto,
11:54who is giving me a hand.
11:58Here, we all give each other a hand, right, Roberto?
12:03We are all for one, one for all.
12:07I don't know how I've been here.
12:09I've filmed absolutely nothing,
12:11but I think my brother Martin is coming over.
12:16A couple of years ago, Martin became almost paralysed
12:19from an infection in his spinal cord.
12:22He's now been in rehabilitation
12:24at exactly the same time as Carlo's mum has,
12:27and Martin has just returned home.
12:32This was Martin three weeks ago,
12:34the day he started rehab.
12:36He's just on his way there,
12:38and he's very wobbly.
12:42All right, Martin's just arrived.
12:45How are you?
12:46Good, how are you?
12:47You're looking way more mobile.
12:49You're fast.
12:50Thanks to the wonderful help of the Royal National Group.
12:56It's so dangerous,
12:57these pillars in the middle of the rooms.
12:59More fluidity.
13:00Look at that.
13:03And that is...
13:05Yeah, bum in, shoulders down.
13:07Straight up.
13:08Straight up.
13:09Can you do it without the frame?
13:11Yes, with somebody behind.
13:13I can stand...
13:16Well, I saw you boxing.
13:18Yeah, between two plinths.
13:20So I can stand.
13:24I can crouch.
13:27Yeah, don't fly.
13:29So it's there.
13:34Hold the ball.
13:38Twist that way.
13:39Twist that way.
13:41Throw a jab.
13:46A huge improvement.
13:48And it's just to keep the impetus going.
13:52I've got to say a huge thank you
13:54to everybody that's so kind,
13:56fantastic, inspiring comments
13:59over the last year.
14:01I could have had my body back.
14:05And a massive thank you
14:07to the Ron Lash Orthopaedic
14:09London Spinal Cord Injury Centre,
14:11to all the nurses, doctors,
14:14physiotherapists, occupational therapists.
14:17You're absolutely amazing.
14:19Yeah, I love you all.
14:21They say you're a patient for life.
14:23I know it could be challenging.
14:26But, you know, we're all individuals.
14:28So, thank you so much.
14:30And thank you to Dad, Nicky, Sky.
14:34It's like the Oscars.
14:38But, yeah, it's massively improved.
14:41Yeah, it is.
14:43You can see with the posture.
14:46How long were you in for?
14:47Two weeks?
14:4818 days.
14:50It was a three-week admission.
14:52They call it a ring-intensive admission.
14:54I've had time to strengthen one leg.
14:57So, that leg's the weaker one.
15:00But it's just getting the fluidity in the feet.
15:04And controlling the balance in the core strength.
15:08But you're much faster than you were.
15:09And you're much straighter than you were.
15:12And you're much less wobbly.
15:14And you've definitely won the competition
15:15between you and Carlo's mum.
15:16Because you're way ahead of her now.
15:18Yeah, I mean, different reasons.
15:20And, yeah, my love to...
15:25Right, so, trips today.
15:28And this is...
15:29Anyhow, tomorrow I am back to Tuscany.
15:32I've got my suitcase ready and packed, mostly.
15:35I've got to fit a couple more things in it.
15:37And I'll be back this time tomorrow.
15:45I've just got back from England.
15:47The flight went very well.
15:48And I've only been here for about half an hour.
15:51And it's getting dark,
15:53which means it's dinner time.
15:54But I'm very, very lucky
15:55because Carlo's big brother is here, Giuseppe.
15:58And he's taking care of the cooking.
16:00So he's already started.
16:07Okay, he's going to cook.
16:08So what are we cooking?
16:3610 minutes.
16:37It's 10 to 6.
16:52I like it, yeah.
16:58Yeah, it's come out much redder than usual.
17:00But this is what it used to be like in the olden days.
17:38If they've got bits of dirt on them,
17:40you use a dry cloth.
17:52What are you doing, love?
18:11She already had a bit of belly.
18:16Are you sure it's me?
18:46Where are we going to put it?
18:51On top of the piano?
19:02You can probably go...
19:08And then the chocolates can go.
19:22Okay, so there's cream in there as well now.
19:34And these are with spinach and ricotta.
19:52My favourite dish is spaghetti with tomatoes.
19:57Simple and good.
19:58I don't get it.
20:19Why did you call him Giuseppe?
20:21Could you film it?
20:22We don't call him Giuseppe.
20:24We call him Steve.
20:26Which was my nickname in school.
20:30I was Stick.
20:31My nickname is Stick.
20:36This looks like it's going to be good.
20:38The smell is really delicious.
20:45I haven't eaten yet!
20:48Hurry up!
20:49I wanted to see how they were.
20:51How are they?
21:02Collecting olive branches which have recently been pruned
21:06and taking them up the driveway to where they're going to do big bonfires.
21:10So I thought I'd better quickly get dressed and come and help.
21:13There's all of this to clear.
21:32I'm going to do this.
21:54Carlos' brother's just given me a really good tip for moving all this
21:57up to where you're doing a bonfire.
21:59Get the biggest branch, lay it on the bottom
22:01with all the others on top
22:03and then you can just pick up the bottom one
22:06and drag it and it acts like a cart
22:09and pulls all the other ones along with it
22:11and it's much easier than moving them one by one.
22:32And this is the bonfire station here.
22:35As you can see, we already had a few
22:37and everything gets sorted into things to burn
22:41and piles of stuff to keep the actual fireplace in the house.
22:49Back to work.
22:53After a hard morning pruning olive trees
22:56we've all stopped for lunch
22:58and we're using the dining room for the very first time.
