Cassandra Truth: Simon warns the Chipettes not to take the easternly route because he heard there was a hurricane in that direction. Brittany brushes off Simon's warning as just a front for the boys to win, but it's soon revealed there indeed was one.
Chase Scene: There are a lot, but the most notable is probably the climax.
Comically Small Bribe: When Alvin needs his brothers' help to trick Miss Miller into letting them leave for the race, Simon utterly refuses. And Theodore?
Continuity Snarl: By the time the film was released, the Chipettes were adopted by Miss Miller in the show. However, in the film, Miss Miller doesn't interact with the girls at all, and vice-versa, never clarifying if this is set before or after the episode in question, "Help Wanted: Mommy". This is most likely due to production delays.
The Cover Changes the Gender: "The Girls of Rock and Roll". They changed every other recitation of the chorus to "We are the boys of rock and roll," so that the Chipmunks and Chipettes could have a Battle of the Sexes song.
Covers Always Lie: In the original poster with the Chipmunks and Chipettes in their balloons, Alvin and Simon are in normal clothing, but Theodore was shown wearing his Prince of Plenty outfit, Simon was shown wearing the sombrero that he got during the drop-off at Mexico, and the Chipettes were in their Egyptian clothes. This is also prevalent on the DVD covers. + The 1998 VHS cover. While it depicts Alvin, Simon, and Theodore about to be sacrificed to the crocodiles, on the VHS cover they're wearing their usual outfits, while they were all wearing something different during that scene in the actual film. And the same applies to the Chipettes, who are also wearing different outfits at this particular moment in the film but are depicted wearing their normal outfits on the VHS cover. Finally, on both the DVD and VHS covers, Brittany's hair is blonde. + Taken to the extreme with the 2008 re-release cover. It shows the main baddies riding another hot-air balloon. They didn't ride one in the film.
Dedication / In Memoriam: It was dedicated to both Ross Bagdasarian Jr. and Janice Karman's dog, Tiger Lilly, who was killed by a car.
Determinator: Claudia is hellbent on seeing that their latest smuggling operation goes off without a hitch, and after several failed efforts by Klaus takes command of the scheme herself. Too bad for her it leads to her and Klaus finally being caught and sent to prison for life.
Disappointed in You: She never flat out says it, but Miss Miller's reaction when she learns the truth about the Chipmunks' deception is clearly this, but towards one Chipmunk in particular.
Distressed Dude: All three of the Chipmunks, who nearly end up as croc food but are saved by the Chipettes Just in Time.
Drives Like Crazy: Miss Miller. This time though, it ends up saving the Chipmunks and the Chipettes when she inadvertently drives the Furchsteins off the road.
Chase Scene: There are a lot, but the most notable is probably the climax.
Comically Small Bribe: When Alvin needs his brothers' help to trick Miss Miller into letting them leave for the race, Simon utterly refuses. And Theodore?
Continuity Snarl: By the time the film was released, the Chipettes were adopted by Miss Miller in the show. However, in the film, Miss Miller doesn't interact with the girls at all, and vice-versa, never clarifying if this is set before or after the episode in question, "Help Wanted: Mommy". This is most likely due to production delays.
The Cover Changes the Gender: "The Girls of Rock and Roll". They changed every other recitation of the chorus to "We are the boys of rock and roll," so that the Chipmunks and Chipettes could have a Battle of the Sexes song.
Covers Always Lie: In the original poster with the Chipmunks and Chipettes in their balloons, Alvin and Simon are in normal clothing, but Theodore was shown wearing his Prince of Plenty outfit, Simon was shown wearing the sombrero that he got during the drop-off at Mexico, and the Chipettes were in their Egyptian clothes. This is also prevalent on the DVD covers. + The 1998 VHS cover. While it depicts Alvin, Simon, and Theodore about to be sacrificed to the crocodiles, on the VHS cover they're wearing their usual outfits, while they were all wearing something different during that scene in the actual film. And the same applies to the Chipettes, who are also wearing different outfits at this particular moment in the film but are depicted wearing their normal outfits on the VHS cover. Finally, on both the DVD and VHS covers, Brittany's hair is blonde. + Taken to the extreme with the 2008 re-release cover. It shows the main baddies riding another hot-air balloon. They didn't ride one in the film.
Dedication / In Memoriam: It was dedicated to both Ross Bagdasarian Jr. and Janice Karman's dog, Tiger Lilly, who was killed by a car.
Determinator: Claudia is hellbent on seeing that their latest smuggling operation goes off without a hitch, and after several failed efforts by Klaus takes command of the scheme herself. Too bad for her it leads to her and Klaus finally being caught and sent to prison for life.
Disappointed in You: She never flat out says it, but Miss Miller's reaction when she learns the truth about the Chipmunks' deception is clearly this, but towards one Chipmunk in particular.
Distressed Dude: All three of the Chipmunks, who nearly end up as croc food but are saved by the Chipettes Just in Time.
Drives Like Crazy: Miss Miller. This time though, it ends up saving the Chipmunks and the Chipettes when she inadvertently drives the Furchsteins off the road.
Short film