Location (78.31, -33.89) for Rowdy Bass and Leprechaun and (77.63, -33.81) for Northern Snakeheads. Use hook 2/0 with either Drunken Worms, Bully Grasshoppers or Shiners as baits. You can purchase the Drunken Worms and Bully Grasshoppers from the shop with your baitcoins or get it free from the event or you can find some Bully Grasshoppers at the location opposite the aforementioned hotspots, near the overturned yellow kayak boat. Look at the floor for some silver coins and press E to interact with it to get some Bully Grasshoppers. Alternatively, you can catch them ie Northern Snakeheads and Rowdy Bass with Shiners, but it will be less effective as other fish such as Largemouth Bass or Bowfin will bite them. Pls tk note that these fish will not appear frequently due to low bite rates and it requires patience to catch some of these. I decided to republish the same video for different location as this location is much cheaper than St.Croix Lake in terms of travelling costs and license fees. You only need to pay 400 for license fees and 1200 for travelling costs.