• 2 weeks ago
Watch the official “A Regrettable Decision” clip from FOX’s Animal Control Season 3 Episode 10, created by Rob Greenberg, Bob Fisher and Dan Sterling.

Animal Control Cast:

Joel McHale, Vella Lovell, Ravi Patel, Michael Rowland, Grace Palmer, Gerry Dee, Kelli Ogmundson, Alvina August, Amy Goodmurphy, Kevin Bigley, Krystal Smith and Lucy Punch

Watch Animal Control Season 3 now on FOX and stream on Hulu!


00:00Where is he? We need eyes on him!
00:04Wait, Frank, there! There, look!
00:08He's taunting me! He knows about my fear of heights.
00:11It's best not to grab too many human emotions on the guy. Also, I don't think penguins remember faces.
00:15Oh, he's gonna remember this one. I'm going up.
00:18Frank! Dude, that's ten meters! That's like half a mile or something. Let me go, man!
00:22No, it's gotta be me. You've been duped too many times by him.
00:25I'm gonna Greg Louganis this bitch.
00:27Mr. Louganis is most famous for hitting his head pretty bad, but good luck.
00:32Okay, Oreo, here we are. How do you want to play this?
00:37We could do it the easy way or the...
00:40He jumped.
00:42Wow. What an entry. Literally no splash. Y'all saw that?
00:48That's great.
00:51I got him! I got him, Frank!
00:56Oh, wait, no, he got out. He got out!
00:58Oh, come on!
01:01Okay, this ends now.
01:05Oh, I'm good. I got him.
01:07Why did I do this?!
01:19If anybody finds a couple of testicles, they're mine.
