These were the droids I was looking for, after all! Get your very own CrunchLabs Build Box! Get 2 FREE boxes at
I started a company called CrunchLabs where we build a toy together and then I teach you all the juicy physics of how it works. So if you want to learn to think like an engineer and have a really fun time doing it, check out the current promotion where you get 2 FREE boxes at boxes at
Hack Pack for teens and adults:
boxes at
Thank you to Disney Imagineering for showcasing their new technology!
Thanks to these folks for providing some of the music in the video:
Ponder - @Pondermusic
Laura Shigihara - @supershigi
Andrew Applepie -
Blue Wednesday -
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Promotion starts on 06/1/2024 & ends on 05/31/25, subject to monthly entry deadlines. Open to legal residents of the 50 U.S. & D.C., 18+. 1 prize per month: each month is its own separate promotion. For the first 2-3 months, winner may be notified via phone call instead of winning game piece. If a monthly prize is unclaimed/forfeited, it will be awarded via 2nd chance drawing. See Official Rules at for full details on eligibility requirements, how to enter, free method of entry, prize claim procedure, prize description and limitations. Void where prohibited.
I started a company called CrunchLabs where we build a toy together and then I teach you all the juicy physics of how it works. So if you want to learn to think like an engineer and have a really fun time doing it, check out the current promotion where you get 2 FREE boxes at boxes at
Hack Pack for teens and adults:
boxes at
Thank you to Disney Imagineering for showcasing their new technology!
Thanks to these folks for providing some of the music in the video:
Ponder - @Pondermusic
Laura Shigihara - @supershigi
Andrew Applepie -
Blue Wednesday -
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Promotion starts on 06/1/2024 & ends on 05/31/25, subject to monthly entry deadlines. Open to legal residents of the 50 U.S. & D.C., 18+. 1 prize per month: each month is its own separate promotion. For the first 2-3 months, winner may be notified via phone call instead of winning game piece. If a monthly prize is unclaimed/forfeited, it will be awarded via 2nd chance drawing. See Official Rules at for full details on eligibility requirements, how to enter, free method of entry, prize claim procedure, prize description and limitations. Void where prohibited.
00:00Today, I got lost in mysterious land filled with robots, ghosts, lasers, and oh yeah,
00:05some of the coolest technology on the planet.
00:08Because today, Science Bob decided to take me on a super exclusive tour of his favorite
00:14place ever.
00:16The people that make Disneyland happen.
00:18Go ahead.
00:19The Imagineers?
00:20We're here.
00:21I learned about these guys in high school.
00:24So fun.
00:25The Imagineers are the crazy geniuses who design, test, and create all the various attractions
00:30and spectacles at all of the Disney parks.
00:33And Science Bob secretly arranged a chance for us to meet them.
00:37The word Imagineering is a combination of imagination and engineering.
00:41So what we all do here is combine storytelling and creativity and engineering together to
00:46hopefully create some of the most magical places and experiences in the world.
00:50Let's go take a walk.
00:52I'm super excited for this tour because I grew up 10 minutes from Disneyland, so I've
00:56always been a big fan.
00:58A lot of the amazing things you see in the park started out as a simple sketch or foam
01:02model that just might accidentally get stepped on by Science Bob.
01:06You alright?
01:08I am also here a lot of money.
01:09You break it, you buy it.
01:11From these models, it was clear the Imagineers were masters of forced perspective.
01:15Which is where we make things further away a little bit smaller so they seem even further
01:20Which is a trick you can find all over the Disney parks.
01:22Like on Main Street in Disneyland where the second and third floors of the buildings are
01:26built at a smaller scale in order to make the scale of the whole street feel much bigger.
01:31And forced perspective is just one of their many tricks.
01:35That just scared me so much.
01:37You see this and I was not prepared then to see this.
01:41Very effective use of a mirror here.
01:43That's genius.
01:44So welcome to the Blaine Gibson Sculpture Studio.
01:48I recognize so many of these.
01:49This is where we house a lot of the sculpts that became animatronics figures for Disney
01:54parks all around the world.
01:55I love that you have all this high tech, but it starts with clay.
01:58Arguably very low tech.
01:59The lowest tech.
02:00So what do you guys want to see next?
02:01We should do Studio C. Right this way.
02:04Studio C?
02:05What does that even mean?
02:06Turns out it means a sound mixing studio ringed with a kajillion speakers.
02:09And to get the full effect here, I recommend putting on some headphones for this next part.
02:14This is actually a system that allows us to render three dimensional objects of audio
02:18in space.
02:21So if I close my eyes, you do like a person walking four feet to my left.
02:24Or inside your head.
02:26Now that may have sounded like big words, but they quickly back them up by playing the
02:29audio of the Haunted Mansion ride.
02:32Welcome foolish mortals to the Haunted Mansion.
02:37Which truly sounded like a ghost flying in circles around my head.
02:40That's creepy.
02:41Oh no.
02:42That is in my brain.
02:44It's literally like he's flying around the room.
02:47They even let me control the software so I could finally prove to Bob that ghosts aren't
02:52Ah, it's crazy.
02:53It's all around.
02:54They're glowing.
02:55Or they actually are.
02:58It's being controlled by a ghost.
03:01A ghost host.
03:02Greg explained that the studio tricks our brains by mimicking real life.
03:06Because if you hear a door slam off to your right, even with your eyes closed, the reason
03:10you still know the sound came from that direction is because the sound waves hit your right ear
03:14just milliseconds before your left ear.
03:16So your brain does the complicated math to make it just feel obvious to you.
03:20So in the studio, if you have the speaker on the right play a sound milliseconds before
03:24the speaker on your left, it hits your ear milliseconds earlier and tricks your brain
03:28into thinking the sound is only coming from that side.
03:31So even though we think the sound of this ghost is coming from just the speakers in
03:34the corner, in actuality, all the speakers in the room are playing the sound, just some
03:37are slightly delayed.
03:39And so we use all of those tricks in our sound design to fool your brain into thinking you're
03:43hearing things that you're not really hearing.
03:45I just had one more question.
03:46Can I touch one of these buttons?
03:49After promising to pay for everything I'd just broken, our tour guide informed us that.
03:54So I gotta go.
03:55I think you're fine on your own.
03:56I'll see you later.
03:57On our own?
03:58That feels like a mistake.
03:59Bob, where should we go?
04:00We're going to the model shop.
04:01Come on.
04:02The model shop?
04:03And with that, we wandered the halls of Disney Imagineering.
04:05Bob, you seem lost.
04:06I think it's this way.
04:07Luckily, we spotted a sign that told us we were definitely in the right spot.
04:12I'm saying whoa a lot today, Bob.
04:14That's what Imagineering does to you.
04:15So look, say you've got a guy in a lab coat.
04:17We kind of snuck in here.
04:18No worries.
04:19Is this okay?
04:20Uh, sure.
04:22Yeah, as long as the top brass are cool with it.
04:23This may be your last day as an Imagineer.
04:26What is this?
04:27What we do here in the model shop, we design our attractions before we actually build them.
04:31Is this little thing part of the ride?
04:32We like to have fun in the shop, so we put little Easter eggs here and there.
04:36That's a good Easter egg.
04:37Sam explained to us that when designing a ride, it's super important to put yourself
04:40at the perspective of the audience.
04:42So you can just kind of squat down and kind of go through here.
04:45I'm liking it.
04:46However, it turns out as these rides get more complex, it's harder to get a good perspective
04:50with just your eyes.
04:51What Imagineers want to be able to do was...
04:53I sent a hamster through here with a camera.
04:56The hamster cam.
04:57Completely custom.
04:58I did this over a couple of evenings.
04:59It looks like a build box to me.
05:03Oh, wow.
05:04This incredible piece of engineering not only had a 360 camera, but it's also packed with
05:08features like LED lighting, independent suspension, and an ingenious system to use the walls of
05:13the ride to turn the wheels, which allow this mini roller coaster to drive through any twist
05:18or turn.
05:19Very cool, Sam.
05:20It's not as adorable as a hamster, but it's a lot more practical.
05:24And with that, Bob and I had at last found the place we'd been looking for, the research
05:27and development wing of Imagineer.
05:28This is where all the real engineering takes place.
05:31Oh, wow.
05:32And after getting distracted just one more time...
05:35Look at that.
05:36That alone is such a good idea.
05:38Oh, my God.
05:39We're nerds.
05:40We finally found the thing us nerds love most.
05:43Oh, I know this.
05:46Roll the clip, because this is the coolest thing ever.
05:49Hey, can I help you guys?
05:53Hi, Tony.
05:54Do you know anything about these?
05:55A little bit.
05:56I feel like that was a humble little bit, Tony.
05:58They are our aerial stunt robots.
06:00Tony explained to us that this extremely complex stunt robot actually started out as just a
06:04pair of sticks they had stuck together using a pneumatic hinge and some sensor.
06:08Then it became a slightly more complex stick with two hinges.
06:11Because if we figured we can control that, we can start to see how it could be a person.
06:15So this is sort of the moment where we said, okay, let's go all in.
06:18We'll keep it pneumatic, build it fast.
06:20We called it Pneumataman.
06:21And when you launch them, they land in a net?
06:25And that's how I did it with the squirrels.
06:26Roll the clip.
06:32When we started to do things with electric servos, we were really able to capture performance.
06:37And that's the big change from these pneumatic ones.
06:39Can it do it better than a human at this point?
06:42Yes, because we needed our launches to be about 10 G's.
06:45Who can actually hold onto a rope and do a 10 G?
06:48Well, Bob, for starters.
06:49But he's not available because he works at Crunch Labs.
06:53I love that someone just throws out an idea and then you're just like, let's do one part.
06:57Then make it better.
06:58Yeah, just one step at a time.
06:59I think the biggest mistake I think engineers make is they try and make this first.
07:03Start very simple to understand the principles, right?
07:05Lots of trial and error.
07:06For instance, we probably thrown that robot over a thousand times.
07:08I can tell.
07:10He says he's had some hard times.
07:11Look at that face.
07:13Looks just like Tom Holland.
07:14I don't want to.
07:15Next, we swung around to the other side of the building where we just happened to find.
07:19Oh, hey, we have visitors.
07:23This is Lanny.
07:24He's an absolutely legendary Imagineer who's patented more things than I can count.
07:28One of which is this.
07:29The world's only multi-user, expandable, modular, omnidirectional treadmill floor.
07:35Also known as a holo-tile.
07:37So I can walk in any direction.
07:39A number of people can be on that floor and they will never bump into each other.
07:43What the heck is happening here?
07:45The secret to the floor is this mechanism.
07:49Which works by simply using a series of these small angular discs that are controlled by
07:53two gears.
07:54One which turns the angle of the disc and the other that separately spins the top of
07:57the disc.
07:58And when you rotate a couple hundred of these discs in unison, you can super easily move
08:02objects in any direction.
08:05So simple.
08:06Like, how did I not think of this?
08:08And by using LIDAR sensors to see where your feet are, the holo-tiles can be programmed
08:12to move your feet in the opposite direction of your steps.
08:15Which very effectively simulates the feeling of a moving floor.
08:19That is so wild.
08:20I could never walk off this floor.
08:23I could probably do a killer moonwalk on this thing.
08:26And this thing is so cool, because when combined with VR screens, it can be used for tons of
08:30different stuff like video games, filmmaking, or even the Force.
08:34Oh, that feels amazing.
08:37It's like making cookies.
08:39Stir it.
08:43Took me a second to find the camera.
08:45Unfortunately for me though, Bob had also found the Force.
08:48It's for backup.
08:51The dark side of the Force.
08:53I'm sorry, you'll get that bonus after all!
08:56You can have President's Day off!
08:57I'm sorry!
08:58And as Bob and I were getting ready to go home, thinking our tour was over, we were
09:01distracted by the most adorable robot in existence.
09:05Oh my god!
09:06Hey little guy!
09:07Oh, he's coming fast!
09:09How are you?
09:11Should we follow you?
09:13This little droid quickly introduced us to all of his friends.
09:16Oh my goodness!
09:18Hi everyone!
09:19I'm Mark.
09:21Some of whom were clearly not subscribers.
09:24Oh no, he's scanning me.
09:25What are you doing?
09:26These droids were so lifelike and endearing, I was starting to believe they were really
09:30Can I pet you?
09:31Oh, he likes it!
09:32He likes it!
09:33Until I looked around the room and saw four people holding remotes.
09:37This is Mike, the lead engineer, who explained that.
09:40We're really combining the gaming industry, animatronics, and robotics.
09:44These robots are kind of like real life video game characters and have a series of pre-programmed
09:49emotes that they can do.
09:52Which are amazingly effective at bringing these characters to life.
09:56He's clearly interested in me.
09:58Okay, maybe not.
10:00These things are bipedal.
10:01I've got to imagine there's a lot of work that needs to happen so they don't tip over.
10:04Typically when you're animating, you're not considering physics.
10:07For sure.
10:08If we took the animation and just played it on a robot, they would just fall over.
10:10So in order to keep these droids standing while also performing complex animations,
10:14the Imagineers trained the droids using a technique called reinforcement learning.
10:18So you think of a baby learning how to walk.
10:20Try something, maybe falls down.
10:22Try something slightly different, falls down again.
10:24The robot's doing something very similar.
10:26Basically, these droids get put in a virtual physics environment where they run through
10:30thousands and thousands of simulations in which they get pushed or tripped.
10:34And so with every iteration, they get better at teaching themselves how not to fall.
10:39So can I like gently push one of these and see what happens?
10:42You can.
10:43Oh, he said no.
10:44Hey, get back here.
10:45Can I have a volunteer?
10:46Okay, pal.
10:47I'm going to push you.
10:48Are you excited?
10:49Okay, that's a yes.
10:50All right.
10:51Oh, you're sturdy that way.
10:52It may seem harsh to push this cute little guy, but because of reinforcement learning,
10:55it was something he'd seen a thousand times before and therefore knew how to react to
11:00stay upright.
11:02I love that.
11:03As mechanical as they are, like all of you guys bring it to life.
11:08I know.
11:09And with that, Bob and I both knew what we had to do.
11:12All right.
11:13Time for battle bots.
11:14Let's go.
11:15And it turned out that's where they drew the line.
11:20As they finally escorted us out of the building, our guide mentioned something.
11:23I guarantee someone watching this right now is a future Imagineer.
11:27Spending a day with the Disney Imagineers really showed me that the core of everything
11:30they do is the same mission we have at Crunch Labs.
11:33Loving to create new things is what makes scientists and what makes engineers successful
11:38without a doubt.
11:39And that's the same attitude we apply to all our build boxes, where you can learn the
11:42identical engineering concepts these Imagineers use to build the future of theme parks.
11:47So whether you end up here at Crunch Labs, or as an Imagineer, or even working at NASA,
11:51your engineering journey can start today if you just pay attention to the magic all around