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Today we bring an abandoned Jeep truck back to life!

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00:00Oh, I didn't notice these. It's a hot rod. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another
00:06episode of Junkyard Digs. Today you join myself and Angus up here on the
00:09abandoned farm in North Iowa one last time as we are here to try to get this
00:161950s, 60s Willys Jeep truck. This thing has been here for nobody knows how long.
00:22It's been buried in the ground as you can see for a long time and we're gonna
00:26see if we can get the sucker to run and drive.
00:35Mr. Goose. That's me. What do you know about these things? They're Jeeps and they're
00:39trucks and they're four-wheel drive and I've never seen one in person. Same,
00:43actually. It's kind of ugly but it's kind of cool. Big shoulder shrug all around.
00:47Yeah, this thing's been sitting here for about eight to ten inches. Specifically,
00:53the windshield's cracked, the windows are cracked, the seat's gone, there's no
00:59door handle. Kind of looks like you just push this thing here. Hey! I'm glad that
01:04worked. The seat's toast. There's the back glass
01:08slant there, I think. There's a, oh boy, there's a starter. There's two starters.
01:12That's probably not what we want to see. Missing a gas pedal. It's got a twin
01:16stick though. That's interesting. What do you think that is? Hi-Lo and four-wheel
01:20drive? Must be. In the back, we've got just a ton of crap. Like, it's full and, of
01:27course, it's all giant cast-iron pump housings and stuff that my back is gonna
01:31love moving all day. I'll move this. This seems light. Rear tires, equally as
01:36buried. If you saw the Wrangler episode recently, you saw us try to move this
01:40with the Wrangler and it absolutely did not move a millimeter.
01:46Nope. I'm sure all the brakes are completely locked up and it's also buried. Check.
01:52Moving up front. Want to pop the hood on that sucker, Angus? I'd love to use the same
01:58latches all the way into the 90s. Oh, that's not bolted down. Nope. Ooh, it's a repainted
02:05motor. You know what that means? It's rebuilt. Yeah. Actually, it may have been. It's not
02:12bolted in. It's just chillin' there. Interesting. Is there a starter on it
02:18over there? No. There's a distinct hole where a starter should go. Oh, cool. Well,
02:23I don't know about you, but it's kind of chilly and I think we should get to work
02:27to hopefully forget how cold it is. Yes, yes. 26 out today. What better time to try
02:31to do a revival on an old flathead for the first time on the channel? Alright,
02:34where do we start? Oh, we should probably see if it's actually rebuilt slash does
02:38it spin? Huh, good call. Yeah. I don't have a lot of leverage on this fan. Oh, it does spin.
02:43It spins real easy, actually. Well, here, you put it in gear and I'll drive it out of the
02:50hole myself. Okay. Actually, that's a good idea. We should see if the clutch works.
02:54It does feel like there's maybe actually something there. Sure enough, the brakes are
03:02frozen. You got anything now? Yeah, I'm still spinnin' it. That's not good. How about now? It's easier. The up-and-down selection
03:15function does not do anything. And the column's barely bolted in, it seems. And
03:20the horn doesn't work. Let's leave it. Let's just go home. Yeah, this isn't worth
03:23our time. Okay, so we might not have ourselves a clutch that works. Nope. But
03:30we can still see if we can get a flathead going. Yeah. All right, well, step one, we got to get
03:35powered to it and get it spinning now. Starter and battery cables? Starter and battery
03:38cables. All right, here's what we got, Goose. Oh, it does spin. It doesn't feel the best, but
03:43it's nice and repainted, so clearly that's rebuilt. Yep, it's gonna be perfect. Is
03:48that a one of the like foot pedal start ones? It must be. Oh, yeah. Manual bendix.
03:53It's missing the contacts, though. Does the other one have the contacts? It sure does. Yeah, those are contacts.
03:59All right, well, build one out of two? Yep. Oh, I did it. You did it, Angus. I wasn't surprised. I'm the best, Angus. I wasn't surprised at all.
04:08What are all the canisters? Are those oil cans? Oil filters. Oil filters. Huh. Oh, check it out. The speedometer says
04:18Willys Overland, and it's where the radio's supposed to be. And the radio is
04:21where the speedometer's supposed to be. You know, when people say, they look at a
04:2650s car and they go, back when they knew how to make a car. I don't think that's
04:30true. I don't think they knew how to make a car. They were trying a lot of things.
04:33They used a lot of metal. So, is there no oil filter on this right now? Doesn't appear to be. Oh, no,
04:38there's not. Look, he's got it linked together. So, he must have had this thing
04:41running at one point just to test it. No filter on a rebuilt motor. Cool. Also, this
04:47head bolt question mark. Not worried about that. That's just between cylinders. What do you need that for?
04:54Think O'Reilly's has gaskets for this thing? Well, I bet they do. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at the horn on this thing. Beep. Those contacts are really good. Alright, well, as cinematic and fun as it will be to
05:08working those on the fenders, it's cold. So, we're gonna come over here past the
05:11Audi into the sun and out of the wind and see if we can get some starters working. Guess what we left in the Jeep? No. We're back in Sigourney again.
05:21Gotta do everything with what we got. Let's go see what we can find. Alright. Oh, hey, that's a ratchet. Actually, that might be the ratchet that was outside.
05:30And that's a hammer, if I remember right. Ah, yes. Back in the shed. I hope to never
05:34step foot in again. There's a three-quarter inch wrench. Thanks. And here's a three-eighths
05:40inch wrench. Those are the only two wrenches I found yesterday when we did the Wrangler.
05:44Oh, these are the only ones we're gonna need. Oh, quick PSA to save me from getting a
05:49thousand emails and messages. This farm is sold. So, everything on it is sold. So,
05:54save yourself from emailing me asking if every little sign or fender or part that
05:59we found on the farm is available because they're not. I think I got like
06:02200 emails. 100 of them were people asking if they could buy the parts that I
06:05just bought that I needed that I've been looking for for years. Answer, no. And the
06:09other 100 were people wanting to buy random stuff. So, for those guys, no, sorry.
06:14The property is sold. Okay, back to work. I found this hammer. This is the one I
06:18thought I needed for the Jeep last time. I knew I saw it somewhere. You're telling
06:22me that's better than the glow on a stick? I'm not saying that but I am
06:26saying it's different. I think this guy was stronger than we gave him credit for.
06:29I found a full set of ratcheting and wrenches. Where the hell were those the whole time we've been
06:35working out here? They were over here. Anyway, there's those. I just need a
06:40Phillips. Phillips screwdriver. Got it. Okay, I've successfully found like 15 lawnmower blades.
06:47There's more! I broke the scissors. That has to be the biggest Phillips screwdriver I've ever seen.
07:02Does this work? No. Honestly, it probably won't. Okay, clearly haven't worked on anything in a
07:10while. It's taken me 15 minutes to find a pair of pliers out here. All right, well,
07:15here's what we've come up with. A random pile of tools. None of them have a Phillips screwdriver.
07:19Nope. We've seen like what, 20 flat blade screwdrivers while we've been here? Yeah.
07:26Not one Phillips. All right, so what do we got? We got one stripped out Phillips
07:30and one flat. Wait, we have a vice grip, right? Cool. Those are Phillips fit. All that for nothing.
07:38All right, let's swap everything over and see if we get that thing working. Off with the old,
07:42onto the new. Assuming this one works at all. Here's this big file we found. Clean that up.
07:48Got my small file. And then this is a small file to clean up the other contact. All right,
07:52screw time. I'm gonna leave you alone. Give you some space. Screwing time.
07:57The screw doesn't fit. Throw it away. Throw the truck away. Leave it. Get in the truck. Let's go.
08:02We're out of here. Okay. Let's find some wires and see if we can jump this thing and make it work.
08:06Heck yeah. Found a battery cable.
08:13There it is. Yay. And there it goes.
08:21Yeah, we might be here a while. Well, believe it or not, we ended up breaking the boat cable
08:24anyway. Weird. Well, that's okay because we forgot this terminal out here last time on that
08:29track loader. Yeah. We'll just slap that on the end of here and boom, we got a positive cable.
08:33I think you mean we purposefully left it so that we would be able to do this. We were trying to
08:37save the environment. We didn't want to haul all that extra weight all the way back to Ames. Yeah,
08:40saving gas. Give her hell. Yeah. Heck yeah. Wow, that bearing's really worn out. Do it again.
08:49I'm sure that'll be fine. All right. Into the truck. All right. Next fun little thing we got
08:59to deal with. Starter hardware. Do you see any? Not in particular. A lot of newer hardware.
09:06Yeah, some random bolts, that's for sure. I guess it's the world's smallest jack.
09:11Or is that the starter plunger? Oh, that is the starter plunger. Okay. All right. Well,
09:16there's what we can scrounge up. It should work. I don't see why it wouldn't.
09:19We'll find out. I think this is like a Willys motor or what is this thing? Oh, yeah, look at
09:22that. Jeep. And there's a bunch of loose head bolts on this thing. Okay, there we go. Starter's
09:38in. Let's wire it up and see what it does. Ready when you are, sir. I gotta find a stick. You want
09:44a wrench? I've tried a wrench. It's too big. Oh, to fit through the hole? Yeah. Well, you can use
09:50the actual thing. Oh, the pedal's pedal. Let me put this back window right here. You ready? Yep.
10:00I missed. Do you want to just install the thing properly? I don't know if we have the hardware
10:07to do it. Oh, we've got hardware out the ass in there. Oh, no, not out the ass. Full pile of brand
10:12new bolts right there. There's even wire. Oh, heck, that might even work. All right,
10:17let's install that guy right there and then see if we get the crank.
10:20Mixing the old with the new. All right, attempt two now with pedal. Hit it.
10:29That was not very quick. Keep going.
10:32Oh, okay. Was that you stopping or did it stop? No, it stopped. It stopped? Yep. Do it one more.
10:41Oh, boy. Are you saying that our front seat starter might not be very good? No, not that. No. It could
10:49be our ground. It could be. Or anything, actually. I don't know. Let's clean it all up and try again.
10:54Okay, it's been a few minutes. I've sourced a new positive wire and cleaned up some more
10:58terminals and stuff like that. Cleaned up our negative side as well. Angus has removed the plugs
11:02and put ATF down all the cylinders. So now, we should have both more amperage to the starter
11:08and less resistance. Get some oil on those rings, help that motor free up. I'm sure the
11:14rings are a bit sticky and whatnot. So I'm going to go hit the button. Let's see what happens.
11:18That is slow. Keep going.
11:26No. Okay. I don't think our starter is going to do this. It doesn't even have plugs in and it's
11:33coming to a stop. What the hell? Do we have any rope? No. No, we don't. Man. I don't know, man.
11:41I don't know. Sounds like something's getting hot and building a bunch of resistance and losing
11:47amperage because of it. We try to take that starter top off and clean that button? Yeah.
11:51I know those suck. All right. Let's try to get that thing out of there. Might not be in the
11:55cards today for this guy. Okay. So this is our contactor. As you can see, we cleaned up this
12:00surface. We're going to try to get that thing out of there. We're going to try to get that
12:04out of there. Might not be in the cards today for this guy. Okay. So this is our contactor.
12:09As you can see, we cleaned up this surface here, but we forgot to clean up this post on the other
12:14side. It takes power from this post with the battery and puts it into the starter. Let's try
12:20this again. Clean up both sides. See if that makes a difference. I really hope so. Okay. There we go.
12:25As you can see, I've got those contacts all filed out and cleaned up. Hopefully that works now. I
12:30don't know if it's fixed, but it's different. What did I miss? A washer? Our contacts here,
12:36we got them all cleaned up, but these have stripped out and this thing's totally junk now.
12:41I can't get it to retighten and realign square pretty much at all. So to fix that, we're going
12:45to take that off and I'm going to take the plate on which that used to hook into and take that stud
12:51and just hook it straight to a wire. And then I think we can find a solenoid on a boat or something
12:56and use that to crank this properly like a normal car. Actually, before we go through
13:01all that work, I can just plug this in and see if it's a starter issue or not.
13:16Well, that's pathetic. Actually, you know what? I grabbed that battery out of the Wrangler,
13:24which you probably saw in a recent episode. If not, go check it out. It's probably a fun one.
13:28I don't know. It's half done. Either way, I grabbed that battery out of the Wrangler after
13:31sitting all night and I never fired that truck up this morning. I don't know if it has a voltage
13:36draw or anything. It's a good chance that that's actually dead. We should grab a battery charger
13:41and check before we give up on this thing. All right. Well, that thing is dumping the
13:45amperage into this battery. So you don't think that means maybe the Jeep ran it dead overnight.
13:51Well, let's let that charge for a bit. In the meantime,
13:53we can focus on getting this thing out of the dirt.
13:59That was his weight, like, you know, an hour. One pound. One PSI. 1.2 pounds. It is technically
14:08increasing. Nine PSI. 9.3. I think it's actually taking air. I've never seen a tire take air so
14:16slow. There we go. With the power of teamwork, we're able to get that up out of the dirt.
14:23Yay. Three more to go. You getting her up? Oh, yeah. Wow. That was so frozen.
14:35Jumps out of the ground. All right. Put some two by fours under that and set her back down. I got
14:41the rest of the tires so far to take air, but not that guy. No. Joke's on you, silly boy. Are
14:49you saying we can maybe yard drive this if we get it to run? I'm not saying that, but I am saying
14:53that. Look at it. It's starting to look like a Jeep again instead of a Barry Milano in it. It's
14:57getting cooler as it gets taller. I figured there was no way in hell these drum brakes spun.
15:03This thing is right as rain. We could drive this home. I don't know. I think it might have thrown
15:07a rod. What is this for? A dump truck? Probably a train. Seeing all the train stuff. Oh, it could
15:13be. It's too small to be a train. Think so? Why is it so light? Aircraft? Maybe that's our shift
15:18lever. Wait. It's on the column. Wow. Oh, yeah. That doesn't move. We should probably be oiling
15:24that. Oh, yeah. Okay. Well, supposedly this has 30 PSI in it. I don't know about that,
15:32but we'll find out. Let me try this one one more time now that we got it up in here.
15:36Oh, I don't know. It's not worth my time. What do you think? Empty out the bed and go look for
15:40another tire? Yeah, I think we should. It's the only thing holding us back at this point.
15:45Well, that doesn't run. Oh, well. That's a Buick rim or a Ford rim. It doesn't matter.
15:54Place your bets. No bed floor left or good bed floor left or wood bed floor. I bet it's metal
16:00and I bet it's pretty rusty. This thing's heavy, whatever it is. I think that's a fuel pump pump.
16:07That's heavy. Pump, pump, pump. No, you look like you got it. Would you like an H? Oh,
16:13thought I busted out that window. I was like, no, not the back window. Oh, yeah, it's gone.
16:18I do. This is a really strong running board. I'm standing on it. I'm kidding.
16:21Oh, yeah, the metal in this Jeep. Actually, not bad. It's a lighter. It doesn't work.
16:31That's incredible. I know, right? You would really think it would have.
16:36This is just like a dumpster load of garbage. Oh, a battery cable. God damn it. Oh,
16:45the answer's totally gone on the bed. Under all these cans of old Milwaukee,
16:51there's a two-foot hole. Oh, brother. This thing is five inches of wet dirt with a bunch of trash
16:59and a big old fuel tank access rod. Nice. Jeep things. Jeep things. All right. Well,
17:05it might be time to see the engine spins. Okay. Attempt 8,000. The battery's charged for
17:11a half hour. Seems happier. Let's see what happens.
17:17You dropped that. Hey, I think I figured out what was wrong. I think our battery was dead.
17:30Okay. So the Wrangler has a battery draw. Good to know. Yeah. Let's hook up an ignition system,
17:37sand some points, and get spark going. Okay. Ignition time. I cannot believe how clean the
17:42inside of this distributor looks despite having no cap on it. Okay. Those are sanded. Get my little
17:48pinky nub in there and wipe them off the best I can and then start hot wiring the coil and whatnot
17:55and call that good. All right. Been a couple of minutes. Angus has been oiling up some stuff
18:00inside. Yep. We got our shifter linkage freed up. Hell yeah. It actually works, maybe. It's
18:08loose as a goose on the juice, but... Meanwhile, over here, I've got some hot wiring going on.
18:16I got our points cleaned up. And if you'll note, we got a spark here. The points are working. Let's
18:23get some plug wires on this thing and see what happens. Okay. I don't know if we'll hold spark,
18:27but we'll have it for a second. I'm just going to bump it with the starter wire. Give her some
18:31fuel. You ready on the gas? Ready on the gas. We're just going to see if it pops off. Ready?
18:36Ready. Stupid. Straight to life. Feed it again. Keep her going.
18:58Hell yeah, dude. All right. Hit it.
19:13Come on, girl. Ready?
19:27All right. Starter might be a little warm. Let's throw the battery charger back on it.
19:39But damn, it can run. Yeah. Pippity pop to life. All right. Well, let's rig up a proper
19:45ignition system and a fuel system and see if we can get this thing to sit here and idle.
19:49That'd be cool. That'd be real cool. Okay. Now that we know we need a starter,
19:53let's see. We have one on this boat. It's a little crusty and junk looking though. However,
20:00I do remember there's this boat. I bet there's a good starter solenoid on this.
20:10That was the Chevy engine, so it's not there. Oh, well, there's a solenoid on the trim pump.
20:16Maybe I can steal that guy. Yeah, this will do. We'll be taking this now.
20:24All right. There we have it. Let's go wire this up on the Jeep truck and let's see if she'll drive.
20:29We've got the solenoid off the boat, wired up with my excellent terminal skills there.
20:34You got yourself a fuel tank? Yes. I stole the one that we used on the 8N in there.
20:40Oh, yep. It's still got gas in it too. All right. Fuel system's all hooked up.
20:45Solenoid is all wired in place. And as you may notice, nothing happens. It turns out that
20:51solenoid's bad. Heck. All right. Let's go see if we can find another one. Actually, you know what,
20:56Angus? What's that? Before we get too far ahead on this whole swapping the solenoid and everything
21:01and setting this thing up to drive around the yard, we should probably see if it even would
21:05drive around the yard. We've got the rear tires in the air. What do you think the chances are
21:08the clutch is probably not working? Well, it went all the way down. It felt like it was spring,
21:12but it could be stuck disengaged. It could very well be. All right. Here we go.
21:18Any movement? I didn't see it back there. Oh, boy. Try another here. Hit the clutch a few times.
21:30Yeah, the Z-bar looks like it's working.
21:35Nothing on that side. Shit. Well, there it is. First time the clutch was stuck disengaged.
21:41We could spend hours and hours on this, but it's not going to drive around the yard,
21:44unfortunately. We can, however, put some work in and attempt to get it to sit here and idle.
21:49Yes. Let's do that. Fuel tank is open? Should be. There we go.
22:01The pliers gets hot and it welds itself. That's exciting.
22:05That fell down. Yeah. That will probably fall again. And explode. And then we'll be all on fire.
22:20Mm-hmm. Come on, you bastard.
22:38Fuel, you bastard. It's perfectly good used fuel from last month. Come on.
22:43Holding this leaky can of fuel. There's sparks flying everywhere. This is fun.
22:51Come on, fuel.
22:59You bastard. All right. Let's see if I can manually fill this.
23:04Maybe it's running off this feeder bottle. All right. Well, the bubble's stopped. Ready?
23:10Ready. Oh, come on, girl.
23:31I don't think we have a working fuel pump. We have a working exhaust. Holy crap. A little bit
23:37of smoke out of that one, eh? Yeah. Well, we can always hook our fuel bucket up as a gravity feed.
23:41Yeah. I don't know if it'll keep up, but it should keep up with idling. Yeah. Let's try that. Okay.
23:46All right. Back in a second. Angus just discovered that there's conveniently an access panel to get
23:51into our clutch housing. So we're going to pop that off and see what the heck's going on in there.
23:56Oh my God. It's a clutch. I think it's partially disengaged because I see the
24:01throwout bearing coming and it touches right there. Oh, and then it really doesn't move
24:05at all after that. Okay. Well, back to trying to get it running, get a gravity tank set up.
24:11In doing so, our fuel line snapped off. And I don't know how well you can see, but after the
24:14pump right there, the hose was totally full of dirt and rust. So that's what was wrong with that.
24:19Let's see if a gravity feed is enough to get this running. All right. Positions, everyone.
24:25Disengaged. Wrench is engaged. Are you ready? Yes. Engaging other wrench.
24:30There we go. I don't think we got any fuel. Needle in seat. Massage.
24:49Did we get all the go out of it? Yeah. Ignition's still,
25:02battery charger's still going. Yeah. All right. We can turn her up to 200.
25:05Engage 200 amp start mode. Ready? Ready. Fire.
25:14Yeah. No, it doesn't seem to make a difference. It's just smoking now. Maybe we did get all the
25:18go out of it. You got smoke coming from the starter or anything? Maybe a little bit. Yeah,
25:29some. Okay. Yeah. Come on, damn it. We're running out of time for the day. I'm not
25:34satisfied enough with just one running.
25:36I thought all the starter's going to give us another six volt starter adventure with a 12
25:48volt in the jump pack. I'm not convinced this wasn't a 12 volt generator and 12 volt starter.
25:53That should have cranked way better off 12 volts. Yeah. If it was a six, I have no idea. I don't
25:59even know what year this thing is. Someone tell us in the comments. The data plate says serial
26:03number 4WD34174. Wait, try one or two more times? Yeah, one or two more times. Okay.
26:11Looks like the bowl's full. I can't put any more dang fuel in it. Come on, you son of a gun.
26:19God, where's our cranking speed?
26:26Now I'm not so sure we haven't lost spark. That's still good. Nevermind. Fire up,
26:32bastard. Give me one more.
26:40Well, the charger's on fire. You better turn that back down. Yeah, I guess. Okay. Well,
26:44I guess that's going to be that. We really should have celebrated and called it good as soon as it
26:49sat there and ran for a little bit. What do you say we drop her down on the ground, get the trailer
26:53in front of it and load her up and get her out of here? I think that's a fantastic plan. All right,
26:57let's do it. All right. For the first time since Christopher Columbus walked these planes,
27:02I think, I don't know, somewhere around there. Let's see if this thing moves.
27:05Get up there, you bastard.
27:26Oh, hey, that's me.
27:34I don't know if I'm satisfied with calling that quits right there. I don't think I am either.
27:38I think I order a starter online and we come back to this. Yeah. I kind of want to try to
27:41punch this thing around the yard. It would be kind of funny. It would be great. All right,
27:45we're not calling it quits yet. We've only heard it run for like five seconds. So I'm going to get
27:50a starter and some other parts ordered and we'll be back to finish this. We'll see you then.
27:54Real quick, a 60 second pause from the action to talk about the sponsor of today's video.
27:59Today's video is brought to you by Raycon and not their everyday earbuds, but rather
28:04their everyday headphones. That's right. The same company that makes the awesome earbuds we use all
28:09the time here in the shop also make a set of headphones which are awesome for kicking back
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28:19full of awesome technology. These have an excellent battery life of over 40 hours and
28:23offer quick charging in which 15 minutes of charging gets you two hours of playtime. Just
28:28like the earbuds, they have three different sound profiles, pure balance and bass. However,
28:32these bad boys have hybrid active noise cancellation on a windy winter night. I love to
28:37throw these on flop down on the couch and completely erase all the noise of the leaky
28:42windows in our old house and sit there under a blanket and comfort and listen to some awesome
28:47music or videos or whatever it is I'm listening to that night through my Raycon headphones.
28:52And best of all, these are very affordable so you don't have to break the bank. You know what?
28:57For this one, I have to take the hat off with my hand instead of showing you that their earbuds
29:01don't fall out because these suckers sit right on... I can't hear anything. I don't even know
29:05if I'm talking to the right volume anymore. I should probably turn that off. Nope, that's
29:09awareness mode. Now I'm louder than I actually am. There we go. Now I know what I'm saying.
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30:10All right, let's get back to the video.
30:16Kind of forgot we did this. Yeah, I forgot what we did to it, tell you that much.
30:20Do you remember where we left off? Ah, it didn't run. Correct. That starter? Oh yeah,
30:27we got a whole bunch of starter issues. Oh yeah, that's what was wrong with it. I bought a starter
30:31for this. Oh, look at you thinking ahead. All right, as promised, we're back. We're not done
30:35with this Jeep. It is here in the yard. We're going to do a little more work before we kick
30:40this thing to the curb and get it the hell out of my yard along with everything else around here,
30:45but that's the problem for later. Yeah, next month. Coming back to me now. We had a dead
30:49battery for a long time. Figured that out. Got it to run once. Didn't have a fuel system. Oh yeah,
30:55because it was full of dirt. Yes, it was plugged. The pump might still work. Yeah. And we rigged up
31:01a starter solenoid that didn't work, but we shouldn't need that now that we have a proper
31:04starter because we broke the whole top of the deal off. I don't know. For you guys,
31:08it happened 12 seconds ago. Comment below. What the hell were we doing? No radiator. That's right.
31:13Oh yeah. No engine mounts, at least not this one. That one does have a bolt I noticed when we
31:18unloaded it. So one's good enough. Yeah, good enough for what we're about to do. I forgot about
31:22the starter bolt. Couldn't find the right length, so you put a nut on one. Oh yeah. Two, both of
31:29them. Okay, well, let's see if our new starter fits. We'll start there. Okay. Ah, see what I did?
31:35Funny. I'll go get the battery. So I've learned a little in our absence of working on this.
31:40I mean, a very little. This is supposedly known as the go-devil engine. Beyond that,
31:44they sell high torque mini starters for these for like 250 bucks on Amazon, which was a lot,
31:49but it was a lot cheaper than buying a new one of those. How much is a new one of those? We're
31:52talking in the fours. Dollars? Four dollars. Yeah. This is made by Wasp Performance.
32:01I think it was made like two weeks ago. This sucker, they built this for us. That's how
32:06many they sell. They had to build one. Custom starter. Look how they spell Wasp.
32:14It says it's for a Willy's Jeep with 124 tooth flywheel. We don't know what tooth flywheel we
32:19have, but we do know it's a Willy's Jeep. Supposedly this fits. I do see that we can
32:23clock it in multiple directions. Hopefully we won't have to mess with any of that. I don't know.
32:27Let's find out together. Yay. Ready to begin. All right. Come here, Mr. Starter thing.
32:35That doesn't really do the starter part. Yep. Looks just like I remember. It's floppier than
32:40I remember. Oh yeah. Well, this didn't work. Exit stage right. That's gone now. Anyway,
32:47time to put the new one in that'll definitely bolt right in. There you go. The Wasp. The Wasp.
32:53Wasp. These guys probably make great products. We're just shitting all over it.
32:57We don't know that yet though. We don't know that yet. Does the Wasp fit? It does. Oh my god. All
33:04right. Well, let's get that bolted down and see what it'll do. Let's see if this Wasp will make
33:10this thing buzz. Let's see if this Wasp will sting. Tom. What? Oh, sure. That's the line.
33:16Contact. Okay. Cranked. Oh yeah. That sounds so much better. It also sounds like a modern vehicle.
33:29That is so weird to hear. Oh yes. My flathead LS. Cool. Good job, Wasp. Okay. I'll figure out
33:36ignition and fuel and all that stuff we were missing. Yeah. Okay. Getting our fuel system
33:43figured out here. We got some bullshit going on to say the least.
33:50Oh, it works like a son of a gun. What do you know? You get all the rust out of it.
33:54As you can see, we've got some two-stroke gas because it's snowmobile season,
33:58believe it or not, even though I'd probably be comfortable in a t-shirt right now. So yeah,
34:01we get to accidentally do this very properly and have some extra oil in the gas for the top end.
34:07Let's get a fuel line whipped up and see if this thing runs.
34:13Let me try again. Let me give you a minute. How's the line, sonny? Don't call me that. Yeah,
34:18you look like you'd be my dad when he was about my age. Go to your room. Or any 1987 shop teacher,
34:23hard to say. This is what I get for trying to make unique styling choices in my life.
34:28This is what I get for trying new things. Anyway. Wow. This is going to need some fine tuning for
34:33sure, but it's close. All right. Fuel system hooked up. We have spark. I got the points
34:40cleaned up again. Might as well just hook this up and see what it does. There's a chance it pops,
34:44I doubt it. Look at it sucking the bottle dry. It slowed down, so that would probably be our fuel
35:04reaching up here. I'll cover it, see what it does.
35:13No way. It's just going to run? No. Come on, this thing fought us so much last time.
35:23Oh, we're so close.
35:27Oh. That could be an issue. Suddenly, nothing happens. Ran out of continuity.
35:34All right, let's fix this and try it again. This thing's just going to run.
35:37It's going to be easier to sell. Okay, here we go. Attempt two.
35:43Dude, it runs. It runs. Terrible, but it runs.
36:03It runs.
36:10At least I did it for a second.
36:19Points again. Fun. Did we never sand them? I don't really remember, but I thought we did.
36:38They don't look very sanded. Allow me to get my pocket sandpaper. Give me a little rat basher.
36:43There it is. Does it sound like four or three to you? It's hard to say. It's jerky and floppy
36:50but it's also a flathead inline four, so maybe that's just what they're like. Especially hard
36:55to tell with our exhaust being optional for all the gases. Okay, points are good again.
37:02Let's try this again. Now I've got the throttle cable that was binding up removed.
37:19Pretty hard.
37:49Oh, yeah. Did the old carburetor clean. It seemed to work. I might give her a couple more.
38:06That is ridiculous.
38:50What's the clutch doing right now? Swing it out all the way open a little bit?
38:56Yeah, pretty much.
39:07There's a chance we'll get that thing to move without taking the trans out.
39:11Look at this stuff. Just putting it out.
39:15All right, there's no cooling system. I don't want to get it too hot, but
39:18a little heat ain't gonna hurt to break it in. Sweet. Got ourselves a running motor.
39:22Yeah, for sale. $10,000.
39:25What do you say we work on that clutch? See if we can get that thing to move back and forth
39:28on the shaft? It's so exposed. We might be able to with enough persuading and lubricating.
39:34Yes, yes. Exactly what you want on your clutch.
39:36Is that a new shirt? Persuade and lubricate?
39:39I don't think it should be.
39:40All right, PB blaster and hammer time.
39:47Hit it with your purse.
39:50Doesn't look like I'm doing.
39:52What's happening right now is that the clutch has been pressed in and the levers pulled our
39:58friction plate away from the flywheel and somehow it got stuck there. Be it on rust or whatever,
40:02I don't know. What we're trying to do is lube up that shaft so we can get that
40:05spring pressure to push the pressure plate forward against the clutch and against the
40:10flywheel and then reach engagement and we might get a clutch that works at least once.
40:16All right, I'll rotate the motor a bit so you can put it on the other side.
40:18Sounds good.
40:19Wait a minute. Can you just crank that again?
40:22Oh dude, it's turning the transmission input shaft. The clutch is engaged just fine.
40:27Is the transfer case in neutral?
40:29Oh my god. I don't know. Probably. I'm sure some kids are playing in here.
40:35Yeah, it felt like it was. Try that. Oh, yep, look. Truck moves.
40:43Who would have put it in neutral, you know?
40:45Some kids probably playing in it.
40:46Or the guy when he moved it.
40:48Oh, that could be. Okay, well.
40:50Fire it up and see who drives.
40:53Read my mind.
40:54All right, rock, paper, scissors of who has to drive the Jeep.
41:01Oh. I don't like this game.
41:04All right, clutch is in?
41:05Clutch is in.
41:06Oh, you don't have a throttle. I might get to drive it too. I might just sit on the fender.
41:10All right, Angus has the starter now. I've got the throttle and choke. Give her hell.
41:34Oh, she moved.
41:40That was all slip. I was off the clutch.
41:41I know, I know. Well, we got a flat tire in the front.
41:46Maybe we need to deal with that.
41:48How the hell do we deal with that?
41:49Oh, we'll make it round.
41:51Maybe I can just set you up a string.
41:54A string? Oh, for the throttle. I was like, that doesn't help our tire situation, but.
41:58Okay, solution time. That is a goofy 16-inch rim, but it has a five and a half inch lug pattern,
42:04just like an F100, of which I have a spare tire.
42:08I don't think our center is going to be big enough at all, so it's got to go in the rear.
42:11In the meantime, I'm going to be taking this piece of high tensile fence wire
42:15and running it through this hole I found conveniently in the firewall.
42:21I'm trying to hook it right here so that Angus can push
42:24on the throttle and have himself a throttle.
42:26Let's see what we can do.
42:28You won't believe it.
42:31Righty loosey, lefty tighty.
42:33This is long before it was even a Chrysler product.
42:37Maybe that was the merger, like way later down the line.
42:40Jeep's like, we'll sell it to you, Chrysler, under one condition.
42:44You keep our left-hand lug nut threads on the driver's side.
42:49All right, let's see if a Ford tire fits this.
42:51It'll be much more like an AMC now.
42:53I mean, that's just any manufacturer's component.
42:55What year do you think this thing even is?
42:59No, I think it's 40s.
43:01Jeep Willys truck manufacturer years.
43:0547 to 65, so it could be literally anything.
43:08Oh, they have a flow chart.
43:10Follow along, kids.
43:11This will be fun.
43:12Do you have a split or single piece windshield?
43:16If split, go to number two.
43:17Number two says, are you a four or six cylinder motor?
43:21If a four, go to number three.
43:23Number three says, are your spark plugs straight on top of the head
43:26or at the side at a 45 degree angle?
43:28If they're straight, go to step four.
43:30You have between a 46 and 49.
43:33Oh my god.
43:34I think this is the oldest proper vehicle revival the channel's ever done, accidentally.
43:4046 to 49.
43:41Wow, they've just invented the end of the war.
43:47Yes, look at that.
43:48Oh, the white wall looks pretty good on there.
43:50Let's swap that airdrop one onto the front and see if this thing moves.
43:54All right, give your throttle a test.
43:56Yeah, and pull for emergency stop.
43:59We got one tire, two tire.
44:02You have the ability to get out if need be, right?
44:05Not in a hurry, but yeah.
44:08You can't burn up in a hurry.
44:09First attempt at driving since the war.
44:12I don't know.
44:21Go full throttle, try that.
44:24I'm going to give you a little choke.
44:32Let me check to make sure you still got spark.
44:35Yep, you still got good contact.
44:39No spark.
44:40That's weird because the coil, yeah, the coil still acts hot.
44:46Oh, I left the wire on while we did the tires.
44:49I think I burned the coil up.
44:51Points work just fine.
44:56I think I burned the coil by leaving it plugged in for 20 minutes.
45:00Damn it.
45:02All right, the proper test is to have full-time power and to interrupt the ground,
45:05which I can do since the points are closed.
45:10Yeah, that coil's dead.
45:13Well, shit, guess what we don't have?
45:14A coil.
45:15Okay, well, we need to go get a coil tomorrow.
45:18And as you can tell, we got about eight minutes of light left till it's too dark.
45:21It's supposed to rain all night and for the next, like, three days.
45:24So our only chance of working on this is if we can get it to the hard pack
45:28and not destroy the yard.
45:29So we got to pull it up there.
45:31I think I know just the thing.
45:47It didn't do it last time, but it gets a second try.
45:50I don't think these headlights are pointing very well.
46:00All right, all good back there.
46:04Here we go.
46:08I got her down in four low.
46:09Success, success!
46:13The Wrangler is pulling the Jeep.
46:18Come along, Mr. Jeep.
46:21It is time to do Jeep things.
46:23I mean, yes, you are probably way too old to even understand Jeep things.
46:28You were just merely a capable vehicle for the time.
46:31Okay, here's the hard pack.
46:33All right, that'll do it.
46:36See you guys tomorrow.
46:38Oh, good morning.
46:39Good morning.
46:40Today you join us right where we left off.
46:43I'm removing the coil because we have a new one.
46:47There we go.
46:47Let's get these swapped out and see if she runs today.
46:49Whoop, right in next to the brand new starter.
46:53We're really getting invested into this thing.
46:55We hope to get rid of it.
46:56We're going to get rid of it.
46:57We're going to get rid of it.
46:58We're going to get rid of it.
46:59We're going to get rid of it.
47:00We're going to get rid of it.
47:01We're going to get rid of it.
47:02This thing we hope to get rid of for no investment.
47:05Truth be told, I don't think I've ever had a coil go bad.
47:07I very, very rarely have ever had a coil go bad, which is why I collect them when we find
47:12And then I don't know where I put them.
47:13But miraculously, you found one today.
47:14A brand new one at that.
47:16Okay, let's hook this sucker up and see what she does.
47:32Oh yeah, I don't think he hit it first.
47:46That's much better.
47:55That's pretty damn good.
48:03There we go.
48:17Oh, you got room for another?
48:18Oh, you can try it.
48:20This thing runs great.
48:24Welcome to Angst and Chillop.
48:32This might be the oldest car I've ever ridden in.
48:35I'm sure it is uncomfortable.
48:36You're right.
48:40Just driving around.
48:41It doesn't give me pain.
48:43No hands too.
48:46The alignment's great.
48:47The horn works.
48:49Marketplace for sale.
48:52Just punching right along.
48:55This is awesome.
48:56This is dumb.
48:57Yeah, oh yeah, no, I mean it's dumb.
48:59But holy crap, I can't believe we're doing it.
49:03Let it cool off a little bit before we do a little circle around the yard.
49:08Good way to break the motor in though, you know?
49:10Oh yeah, those rings probably gonna seal fine.
49:12Dude, check it out.
49:141946 to 49 Willys Jeep that's probably sat since the 80s, 70s, 60s, who knows?
49:22And it's out here driving around with nothing more than a starter and a coil.
49:26That is awesome.
49:32That runs so good.
50:02Oh, yeah, too fast for our ignition wire.
50:28Oh, you're kidding.
50:29Who would have thought our haphazard ignition system would fail?
50:32Go for a second again.
50:33Hold it wide.
50:44Try it again.
50:52The suspension actually suspends.
51:02It's doing it.
51:21That's awesome.
51:25Dude, that is hilarious.
51:41What a happy little motor.
51:43A little warm.
51:43Let's let her cool off again.
51:47It's just a video of Angus beating the shit out of Hobbes because he likes butt smacks.
51:51He still wants more.
51:52While we wait for the motor to cool.
51:58I don't know.
51:59He's so robust.
52:00I could just like throw him.
52:01He'd be fine.
52:02Well, should we see if the four-wheel drive works?
52:04How about you, Hobbes?
52:05You want to see if the four-wheel drive works?
52:06Yeah, I didn't think he'd care.
52:08All right.
52:09For shits and giggles and because, you know, it's a Jeep.
52:12Obviously, we got to do Jeep things.
52:13We want to see if the four-wheel drive works.
52:15And just so happens, I have just the thing.
52:22The battery is so dead.
52:24I can't believe that started.
52:43You know, in hindsight, that actually makes a ton of sense.
52:46Of course, it would just stall out.
52:48What were we expecting?
52:49I was expecting to go over it.
52:52It's a sweet jump, you know.
52:54You would think it maybe would have done it.
52:55Well, let's see if we can get it in four low.
52:58I'll lock your hubs.
52:59You go for four low.
53:00And then we'll save what battery we have left.
53:02These turn?
53:04Holy shit, they turn.
53:06Supposedly, that's maybe locked, maybe.
53:10This thing goes over the hill.
53:11We give it a full restoration.
53:12Mostly in your honor, because you'll probably perish.
53:15I don't like this anymore.
53:16You able to get four low?
53:17Yes, I was.
53:18Holy crap.
53:19Down is in instead of out, which means something.
53:23And then all the way up is low.
53:25The Wrangler made it to specifically right in the center of the screen at the base of
53:31that stick before Angus said,
53:33No, no, no, go backwards.
53:34I'm scared.
53:34I did say that.
53:35I was scared.
53:37Wrangler's about this long.
53:38This way, we're going to go.
53:40This is a good bit longer.
53:42Put your seatbelt on.
53:43Sorry, mom.
53:44All right, on the wood.
53:45She floods out real bad.
53:50Come on.
53:55Superstar battery for the win.
54:05I don't think you got four wheel drive.
54:27Let's see.
54:28That should be should be a lot.
54:32Oh, hang on.
54:35There this one was backwards.
54:37All right, one more go.
54:47Oh, yeah.
54:48Oh, yeah, that's four wheel drive.
54:55It's working backwards.
54:58This thing would have gone over the hill.
54:59I was like, oh, it's over there.
55:01I'm not doing it.
55:02That is nuts.
55:03That went further than the Wrangler for a little.
55:05This thing's awesome.
55:08Now I know why they call him the go devil.
55:10That was impressive.
55:11Look, it's a smoke machine, too.
55:15Must have been some coolant in it after all.
55:17Raises the question of was it rebuilt or just repainted?
55:19Or maybe this came with no motor.
55:21I don't know.
55:21Who cares?
55:22Yeah, not me.
55:23It runs and drives up a hill, up a very steep hill.
55:28It's hard to get an appreciation for how steep this is.
55:32That pile is so much bigger than it looks.
55:41Yeah, I don't know about you.
55:43I'm glad we didn't call it in the backyard of that guy's place.
55:46Yeah, same.
55:46Then I wouldn't have known how tall this dirt pile was.
55:51Well, I hate to derail our plans, but this thing needs to go.
55:54It's cool.
55:55It's unique.
55:56And it does run and drive, but it is for sale.
55:58I don't know.
55:59What do you think?
55:59No title.
56:00So there's no title.
56:01Good motor.
56:02Four-wheel drive works.
56:03Brand new starter and coil.
56:05First and second gear work.
56:062,500 bucks.
56:07That sounds right.
56:08I think that's very fair.
56:10I mean, this thing's 80 years old.
56:12It's one of the oldest one of these you can get.
56:14So yeah, someone bring me 2,500 bucks.
56:16Get it out of the yard.
56:17With that, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode.
56:19Thank you very much for watching.
56:20The best way to support the channel is to check out the merch on JunkyardDigs.com.
56:24We'll see you guys right here next week for another one.
56:26Peace of the hilariously decent square-shaped tin.
56:31This is the best Jeep they ever made.
56:32Back when Jeeps were Jeeps.
56:34Back when you didn't actually need the wiring.
