• anteayer
¡Prepárate para un viaje épico con las peleas de anime más salvajes, asombrosas y que rompieron las redes! Desde transformaciones divinas hasta venganzas brutales, estas peleas te dejarán atónito y con ganas de secuencias de acción más intensas que redefinieron lo que significa ser destruido por alguien más.


00:05Hey hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español, I am G and today we will show you our top 20 of the beatings in the wild anime that had everyone talking about them.
00:16Katon Goukamekyaku!
00:23Number 20, Play in Hard Mode, Overlord
00:27The unwritten rule of this anime has always been simple, Ainz never loses, his magic is so great to the point that life and death mean nothing to him
00:36and although you would think that facing an armored monster would be bread eaten, this supreme lord decides to get to the difficult using the weakest body-to-body combat structure he can think of.
00:47Well, let's go!
00:49This brings us to some of the best choreographies that the series has ever seen, and although Ainz certainly does not mind bringing a little magic to help himself, most of the time he remains firm when using a weak load to put the king on his knees.
01:12Number 19, George goes against the murderers, Spy Family
01:17George's impeccable skills as a murderer have already been exposed for everyone to see, although his strength really comes to the test when he has to face a ship full of mercenaries.
01:27Despite being cornered by an overwhelming number of people, George achieves his mission and ends them.
01:33With a little help from Anya off-screen, he can block bullets, raffle knives and put an impressive number of high-profile murderers to an end on his own.
01:47Lloyd's wife is a special girl.
01:58I will not stop fighting!
02:02Number 18, Subaru is humiliated, Re Zero, Starting Life in Another World
02:08Few have suffered as much as Subaru after he was transported to a fantasy world full of magic, monsters and a lot of people.
02:15No, I won't stop! Don't mess with me! Apologize to Emilia!
02:20Unfortunately, this was one of the occasions in which he really got into trouble.
02:25While trying to defend Emilia's honor, Subaru challenges Julius.
02:30It seems that you really have no pride.
02:34And it is at this moment that he is completely destroyed.
02:37Any idea of ​​being a hero is destroyed when they hit him until they submit him to everyone.
02:42After this, it is a miracle that he did not try to restart immediately.
02:47Number 17, the power of Lucario, Pokémon
02:59It was time for Pikachu to lose his position as the official mascot of Pokémon.
03:02When facing characters like Lucario in a simulated battle, all the parties involved underestimated the power of Lucario's mega evolution, which not only greatly increases his statistics, but also offers a great dose of madness.
03:15From that moment on, Lucario throws himself and destroys Pikachu, only with his strength before throwing him down.
03:21Ash was lucky that it was not a championship battle.
03:32Number 16, welcome to the slaughterhouse, Cyberpunk, Edge Runners
03:37There are no happy endings in Night City, especially when you have characters like Adam Smasher waiting for you.
03:43In a mission to save Lucy before she succumbs to cybernetic psychosis, David faces Karakara with the most dangerous gunk in the city, which leads to a total war between them.
03:53Unfortunately for David, his stubbornness has no comparison with Adam's variety of chrome.
04:02Adam ends up with the group one by one, and finally leaves David made a shell before ending him.
04:08The only consolation he has left is to know that Lucy will live to see another day.
04:14It was pretty funny, you might be a good construct.
04:23You'll die, you son of a bitch.
04:28Number 15, Annie Jr. is beaten, Bucky
04:33Do it until you die!
04:35Presenting Muhammad Ali's son as a rival against whom Bucky would fight was undoubtedly a surprising idea.
04:41But given this franchise and its history of including characters from the real world, it was not outrageous.
04:46But any emotion that Annie Jr. provoked vanished when she became obsessed with Kozue and convincing Bucky.
04:54I will definitely kill you!
04:59Unfortunately, as soon as he enters the ring, Bucky destroys him and strangles him instantly.
05:03If it weren't for his father's intervention, that would have been his end.
05:07Number 14, Nezuko Alpha, Demon Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba
05:12Although Nezuko is very strong, her constant concealment of the sun and her fear of giving in to her own thirst for blood had not given her much time to grow as a fighter.
05:21All that changed with the arrival of Ducky.
05:23After the attack of the sadistic geisha on his brother, Nezuko leveled up.
05:34Not only does she grow drastically, but she also shows enough strength to crush a superior moon with amazing ease.
05:41Of having been able to contain her primary hunger, Ducky would have been beaten to become a demonic being at that very moment.
06:03Number 13, Shogo the Survivor, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
06:09Now that my body is warmed up, it's time to get serious!
06:14In theory, Shogo is invincible. By activating his unique ability Survivor, he automatically regenerates from each and every wound.
06:22However, for Geralt that sounds like a challenge. How much can Shogo bear before breaking? The answer is a lot.
06:30Take this!
06:36As brutal as it is, there is something satisfactory in seeing the arrogant Shogo being hit over and over again.
06:41In fact, Shogo was punched in the face so many times that he became a viral meme for a while.
06:46Say what you want about his methods, but clearly no one distributes punishments like an orc king.
06:52I'll break your head with one blow.
06:54Number 12, Never Mess With a Ghoul
06:57Tokyo Ghoul, don't misinterpret it. This is not a standard fight, this is pure and unbridled revenge.
07:06In the time when Tokyo Ghoul was at its best, people made waves to see the sadistic Jason finally receive his due.
07:13And after enduring days of indescribable torture, Kaneki was more than happy to do the honors.
07:19It's bloody, yes, but it's a show worth contemplating. Kaneki decides it's fair to pay eye for eye.
07:27Or in this case, torture for torture. He even eats Jason's own Ghoul organ to recharge.
07:39Kaneki's revenge made him wait a long time, but to judge by the spectators' explosive reaction, it was worth the wait.
07:47Number 11, Mob Psycho 100
07:56A piece of advice? Never get in between Mob and his brother.
08:00If you're like Koyama and you think you're the exception, you'll face a version of Mob that doesn't even have control of his own power.
08:07At that point, all that's left is fury, determination and a 100% chance of getting a beating.
08:16Number 2, Mob Psycho 100
08:21Mob Psycho is a great anime, but you can see that the animators really try their best with this particular fight.
08:28Fortunately, the work paid off with a visual show that by itself put the show on the map.
08:37This isn't the first time Mob gives himself 100% and it won't be the last either.
08:42But based on the impact of this scene, it's without a doubt the most memorable.
08:46Number 10, Shanks is unleashed, One Piece
08:50For years we've heard constant stories about Shanks the red-haired and the terrible strength he has as one of the four emperors of the sea.
08:58That said, this was the first time we witnessed how powerful Captain Shanks really can be.
09:03Number 9, Ulquiorra
09:09Facing all the power of Kid's pirates and his arsenal, Shanks faces the conflict where we can see the magnitude of his haki.
09:22All you need is a hit and the dream of Justus Kid to finish off a Junko vanishes.
09:28The enemies never had the chance to even begin.
09:31Number 9, Ulquiorra is shattered, Bleach
09:38It's very significant that Ichigo almost dies in this episode, and that's not even the most iconic part.
09:44Although it's probably because he recovers immediately and is ready to kick some asses.
09:52From there, it's not really a great fight.
09:55Poor Ulquiorra didn't even have a chance, but on the bright side, it made a lot of people talk.
10:00To this day, Bleach fans are still recovering from the bloody fight of Hollow Ichigo against Ulquiorra.
10:06For an anime with hundreds of episodes, that's a lot to say.
10:18Number 8, Bill Land Saga
10:21What the hell are you doing? You little shit, break his head!
10:26If there's something that Thorfinn knows how to do, it's receiving a beating.
10:29And that's good, because to get an audience with King Kanuto, you have to hit him 100 times in a row, and he does it.
10:35He doesn't defend himself, he doesn't resist, he receives it without even complaining.
10:3968 more to go! Get rid of him!
10:43Accompanied by beautiful music, it's impossible not to be moved by Thorfinn's exhibition of courage, passion and perseverance.
10:50Especially knowing what he had to do to get there.
10:53Thorfinn should be angry, but when he finally meets the king, he chooses forgiveness with a single line that deserves to be heard by himself.
11:01I don't have any enemies.
11:04And we all cried.
11:06Number 7, Steely's Defeat, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders
11:11Jotaro! What are you laughing at? What's so funny?
11:18There aren't many animes that have as many memes as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and with Jotaro in the lead, Stardust was no different.
11:26You see, not only did he take revenge on Steely-chan, he did it with style.
11:30In this case, it looked like a punchline from Star Platinum.
11:40It may not seem so extreme, but for God's sake, the blows continue and continue until it's almost funny.
11:46It left such an impression that Steely-chan would be hit again by the whole internet in the form of GIFs, editions and remixes.
11:53Although we are talking about JoJo, what else could be expected?
12:03Number 6, Army of a Single Man, Naruto Shippuden
12:06Madara Uchiha had long been considered one of the strongest shinobi that has ever existed.
12:13Therefore, after his resurrection, he gave himself a wide opportunity to show his title, and he did not disappoint.
12:19Without anyone's help, Madara faces the worst part of the allied army, where he completely dominates everyone who stands in front of him.
12:27Whether with his fists, his breath of fire or invoking a couple of meteorites as if nothing, it is an incomparable display of superiority in ninjutsu.
12:35That puts Madara at the top of the greatest threats of the modern ninja world.
12:55Number 5, Omunculo Asado, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
13:05To say that this beating made me wait a long time would be to say it lightly.
13:13Since the original anime of Full Metal Alchemist changed the ending of the series, the readers of the manga spent years waiting for this moment to be included in the anime.
13:22Considering that Envy murdered the best friend of Mustang, the revenge of the colonel is gratifying to contemplate.
13:35Each wave of flames is like the 5 stages of pain condensed in a single snap of Mustang's fingers.
13:45You should not be surprised that this is still one of the most famous scenes being Full Metal Alchemist.
13:50Both the original and the Brotherhood is that good.
13:58Number 4, Levi goes into beast mode, Attack on Titan
14:06Throughout his journey, Attack on Titan had a gift to captivate social networks, streaming services and actually anything that came close.
14:14Moments like this are precisely the reason. Led by Erwin, the march of the death of the novices of Serbicorp is easily one of the most moving scenes of the series.
14:24However, in some way Levi appears and immediately surpasses him with a dizzying attack to the beast titan.
14:30There is no other word to describe it, it is epic, that simple.
14:38Since the beast titan literally just finished massacring his comrades, this carnage also feels particularly deserved.
14:46Attack on Titan fans are very active on the internet, but at least it is for a good reason.
14:52Number 3, Ultra Instinct Dominated, Dragon Ball Super
14:56You can not talk about an anime that breaks records without including Dragon Ball, and no moment in the franchise caused more hysteria in the public than Goku entering the kingdom of divinity.
15:06As the power tournament comes to an end, Goku is seen in a difficult situation when he faces the apparently overwhelming power of Jiren the Gray.
15:14That is, until he finally leaves his blue hair for the silver one, reaching the form known as Ultra Instinct.
15:28The results speak for themselves, since he became Super Saiyan for the first time, no Dragon Ball fight had lit the fandom.
15:44Number 2, Gon Sebaa, Hunter x Hunter
15:58Everything has a limit, even someone as worried as Gon, and so he used his limit to break Neferpito's face.
16:05Although thanks to a dangerous power of Nen, there is not much left of this chimera ant when Gon ends.
16:15It is true that Pitou was not the only one who was surprised by this twist of events, it seemed that the new and sinister aspect of Gon left everyone with their mouths open.
16:27Not only because this was the beating that would end all the beatings, but because Gon was barely recognizable.
16:33Number 1, Nanami is irresistible, Jujutsu Kaisen
17:04Look, there is no way to predict what scenes or moments will have the attention of the internet.
17:10Anime fans like what they like, and apparently they like it a lot, a lot Nanami.
17:16More specifically, they like when he holds Haruta's hair and gets very close to his face.
17:22To be fair, it is still a ruthless beating at the end of the day, but that did not prevent Nanami's fans from getting excited all over the world.
17:36This shows how much power can have a single frame in the anime, a scene like this only improves the whole series.
17:44Which of these battles moved you the most?
17:56Tell us in the comments and don't forget to watch these other videos of WatchMojo en Español.
